Quality Systems for Quality Teachers: Ministry of Education and Higher Education Quality Systems for Quality Teachers: Towards Better Learning Outcomes By Basri Saleh “Providing Teachers for EFA Policy Forum” Amman , 6-7 July 2010
Palestine: A Significant Progress in Achieving EFA… !!! The high level of annual growth is still amongst the challenges, (Students number doubled in 13 years). Equity across the country, beyond gender ?. Demand on public schools increasing Vs increasing challenges facing private sector. Enrollment in TVET is still very low( at 5% of the secondary students).
Quality is the Major Challenge
TIMSS 2003………TIMSS 2007 ….One Step Back
Interaction, Experience Public ,UNRWA School type Teacher Interaction, Experience Gender ,qualification Job satisfaction ICT Internet connection Using calculator ICT assistant School organization Parental involvement Recruitment School size Supervision Headmaster role Monitoring Evaluation Student Gender Age Family Mother education Computer at home Book at home WB,Gaza Region
Domains to Improve Quality Special focus on teachers’ education and capacity building programs (Teacher Education Strategy). Comprehensive review of the curricula Planning process, evaluation schemes and monitoring tools Additional efforts to utilize ICT in support of learning and better management of the system. Further development in the planning process, evaluation schemes and monitoring tools. Comprehensive approach in school development.
Why Prioritizing Teacher Education? The need to improve the quality of education in Palestine. The need for clear and explicit polices for teacher education and for teacher continuous development. The large differences in the ways teachers are qualified and professionally supported by different institutions. The need to develop the teaching profession. The need to build the capacity of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MOEHE) to manage the teacher education system.
Situational Analysis of teacher education Pre-service Diversity of training programs. Lack of consensus in minimum qualifications required at different educational levels/subject areas. Needs for faculty development at HEI’s. Theoretical nature of teacher training. Insufficient opportunities for practical school experience. Limited knowledge of Teacher Trainers of the classroom realities
Situational analysis-findings In-service: Uncoordinated in-service training: Not based on needs analysis Not enough differentiation of programme design/delivery mechanisms to reflect teachers’ needs/capacities. Record keeping system not sufficiently developed. Roles and responsibilities of MOEHE institutions to be clarified.
National Teacher Education Strategy Technically supported by UNESCO with funding from Norway– partnership between different stakeholders, a model to be reflected in implementation Overall aim is to develop a sufficient number of qualified, capable teachers, and to improve learning opportunities for students at Palestinian schools. It highlights the importance of: Improving status of teachers. Improve management of the system. Evaluate, reform and harmonize of pre-service and in-service teacher education program.
The Strategy. Identifies a “Vision of Teachers”. (Committed to their students, Possess general knowledge, Bare the responsibility, Think systematically, and Work with their colleagues). Proposes revision of the “Teacher Education Programs” (Pre-service and In- service). Calls for the development of a framework for “Continuous Professional Development Programs”. Introduces a scheme for “Teaching Profession”. Highlights the need to develop “Management of the Teacher Education System”
Development Schemes Assess the current learning outcomes as a baseline for monitoring Evaluate and review of the current programs at HEI’s Development scheme for the new programs (National Standards). Capacity Building for better management of the system. Development of teaching profession. Coordinated efforts to achieve objectives.
In Specific Results of TIMSS and National achievement studies as a baselines. HEI’s self evaluation, External evaluators based on the strategy and international experiences. CDTP’s efforts to develop national standards for teachers. Active discussion on the pre-service and in-service teacher education programs ( national framework). Faculty development programs. Development of MIS. Institutional development (CDTP, NEIT,AQAQ,…) National Advisory Board, and Task Force . Coordination structure for the international partners. Licensing and grading system for teachers….
Quality Systems for Quality Teachers Will support realising the goals articulated in EDSP and PRDP Is implementation of the Teacher Education Strategy Will be implemented over three years Will focus on enhancing national capacities needed for managing teaching progression towards effective learning in schools Will achieve this through the development of operational frameworks, partnership and collaboration and technical skill development
Quality Systems for Quality Teachers Three interrelated, parallel, components: Improved management and institutional capacity of teacher education (pre-service, in-service and career development) Improved status and motivation of teachers Enhanced relevance and coherence of teacher training and professional development
Future Challenges: Commitment and awareness from all partners and stakeholders including teachers and their bodies. Ministry’s capacity to coordinate efforts. Attracting the Best (Smart Admission and Recruitment Policies) Learning from pilot schemes. Adoption of a coordination scheme for all partners. Adoption of a significant M&E system for sufficient reporting. Upgrading of databases, for policy and decision making. Enough capacity at HEI’s. Progress in adopting licensing and grading system for teachers amongst other efforts to professionalize teaching.