European Transport Workers´ Federation ETF WOMEN’S COMMITTEE Report of activities European Transport Workers Federation WOMEN’S CONFERECE Mariehamn, 24 May 2005
European Transport Workers´ Federation ETF WOMEN’S COMMITTEE Women’s representation in the ETF the ETF Women’s Conference and ETF Women’s Committee
European Transport Workers´ Federation ETF WOMEN’S COMMITTEE The ETF Women’s Conference and ETF Women’s Committee Founding: 2001 / ETF 1 st Ordinary Congress decides on: creating the ETF Women’s Committee / an ETF Women’s Conference will precede the works of each ETF Congress a number of amendments to the ETF Constitution to ensure women’s representation in ETF policy making bodies The ETF Women’s Conference meets every 4 years and elects 12 women’s representatives to the ETF Women’s Committee The ETF Women’s Committee meets 2 times / year and is made up of the 12 women’s representatives elected by the Conference 8 women nominated by the 8 ETF sections
European Transport Workers´ Federation ETF WOMEN’S COMMITTEE Level of women’s representation in the ETF leading bodies: ETF Executive Committee – 6 elected Women’s Committee members ETF Management Committee – 1 elected Women’s Committee member Role of the ETF gender equality bodies Identify issues related to gender in transport Promote and include the gender dimension in the ETF work Put forward proposals and resolutions to the Executive Committee, the Sections and the Congress Make proposals for women’s representatives in the ETF Executive and Management Committees
European Transport Workers´ Federation ETF WOMEN’S COMMITTEE The ETF place amongst other European Industrial Federations From a total number of 11 European Industrial Federations (EIF-s), the ETF is proud to be one of the 8 EIF-s having women’s structures (Committees etc.) one of the 8 EIF-s having adopted an Equality Policy one of the 5 EIF-s having a women’s strategy one of the 3 EIF-s having gender balanced representation in their decision making bodies (data provided by a 2002 ETUC analytical survey on the gender in EIF-s)
European Transport Workers´ Federation ETF WOMEN’S COMMITTEE ETF Women’s Committee work programme and strategy for , Zagreb – Conclusions of the Women’s Conference 2003 – the ETF Women’s Committee sets up strategic priorities: To mainstream the gender dimension into the ETF policies / the section level is one of the main targets To improve representation and participation of women transport workers in the ETF and amongst the ETF affiliates To identify areas of research on gender in transport to guide and stimulate the policy making process within and outside the ETF To promote Europe-wide cooperation amongst women transport workers To build capacity amongst women transport workers / access to information To build cooperation with organisations active in gender equality
European Transport Workers´ Federation ETF WOMEN’S COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES – progress towards strategic aims
European Transport Workers´ Federation ETF WOMEN’S COMMITTEE AIM: Mainstreaming the gender dimensions into the ETF work 2004 / initiative of the European social partners in the RAILWAY SECTOR – project on women’s integration in railway professions: ETF – CER country visits; meetings with social partners from SNCF (France), MAV (Hungary), PKP (Poland); questionnaire; final report published in May 2005, to analyse the employment structure and status of women workers in railway enterprises Future challenges: identify transport specific gender issues raising gender awareness at the level of other ETF sections include gender dimension on the European social dialogue agenda
European Transport Workers´ Federation ETF WOMEN’S COMMITTEE AIM – Improving participation and representation of women transport workers in the ETF and amongst the ETF affiliates 2003 / Women’s Committee resolution on improving participation of women trade unionists in the ETF activities 2004 – 8 th of March bilateral visits: outcome - VDSzSz Hungary setting up a women’s committee; Trade Union of Railway Workers of Croatia – women’s representation in the trade union leading board 2003 / 2004 – two ETF Women’s network meetings 2003 – study visit to Brussels for women transport workers Future challenges achieve gender balanced representation in the ETF affiliates, following the example of the ETF participation of women in the ETF work: European Social dialogue, section meetings, other activities
European Transport Workers´ Federation ETF WOMEN’S COMMITTEE AIM – identify areas of research to guide and stimulate the policy making process within and outside the ETF the ETF Women’s Committee is working on a database of existing studies on women in transport industry possible areas of research have been identified – example: women’s participation in the labour market in transport / newly emerging sector (logistics) and the Committee will discuss on priorities Future challenges resources feed back from affiliates with regards to the SPECIFIC situation and problems faced by women transport workers
European Transport Workers´ Federation ETF WOMEN’S COMMITTEE AIM – Promoting cooperation amongst women transport workers The ETF Women’s network: set up in 2002; currently 51 members / 45 ETF affiliates; primary target group for ETF gender activities; role: facilitate contacts and exchanges; feed-back and dissemination of ETF gender work; help coordinate European projects and campaigns; build up solidarity between women transport workers the ETF annual network meetings: Budapest 2003; Brussels 2004 Budapest 2003: 22 network members / 15 countries set up the network priorities; Brussels 2004: 16 members / 13 countries discussed the main document to be presented at the ETF Women’s Conference; guest speakers - European Commission and ETUC Future challenges attract more affiliates to nominate members in the network facilitate input in the work of the ETF Women’s Committee work: 1 st day of each Committee meeting will be open to network members
European Transport Workers´ Federation ETF WOMEN’S COMMITTEE AIM – Empowering women transport workers The ETF study visit for women transport workers – December 2003: it facilitated better understanding of the ETF, its role and activities; a better understanding on the functioning of the EU and of the EU gender policies and law programme: meetings with the ETF staff, the ETUC, the European Commission, visit to the European Parliament and meeting with the Chairperson of the EP Women’s Rights Committee; meeting with CER and ETF / presentation of the European sectoral dialogue in the railway sector target group: multi-country – 9 women transport workers from 9 countries the ETF intends to organise annual study visits for women transport workers
European Transport Workers´ Federation ETF WOMEN’S COMMITTEE AIM – Empowering women transport workers (continuation) The ETF 8 th of March country visits – March 2004, 2005: concept: ETF Women’s Committee members visited trade unions in 4 countries: Croatia (Trade Union of Railway Workers), Lithuania (Lithuanian Transport Workers Federation), Romania (USL Metro) – 2004; Turkey (Hava Is) – 2005 purpose: talk with grass root women trade unionists; give visibility to women transport workers; promote representation and participation of women in trade union life programme: meeting women workers at workplace; meeting trade union leaders to discuss trade union role in promoting gender equality
European Transport Workers´ Federation ETF WOMEN’S COMMITTEE AIM – Empowering women transport workers (continuation) The ETF – European Commission seminar on Community acquis – December 2004: purpose: a better knowledge of the EU gender legislation and policies; on the role of social partners and of the EU institutions (including the European Court of Justice); report on the level of implementation of Community gender acquis in the new Member States and the candidate countries target group: 40 participants from new Member States and 2 candidate countries; ETF, UNI Europa, the European Women’s Lobby, national government authorities programme: meeting women workers at workplace; meeting trade union leaders to discuss trade union role in promoting gender equality
European Transport Workers´ Federation ETF WOMEN’S COMMITTEE AIM – Empowering women transport workers (continuation) Future challenges transfer of knowledge and capacity building to the grass root members in the context where the ETF will continue to work with the members of the ETF women’s network who will have to ensure the above mention
European Transport Workers´ Federation ETF WOMEN’S COMMITTEE AIM – Strengthening cooperation with outside organisation Participation of the ETF in the negotiations on the frame of action on gender equality (ETUC – UNICE / UEAPME / CEEP) – helped strengthen links with the ETUC and other European Industrial Federations Future challenges for the ETF to become part of the formal and informal network of organisations and institutions active in the field of gender equality for the ETF to cooperate with other European Industrial Federations in cross-sectoral activities
European Transport Workers´ Federation ETF WOMEN’S COMMITTEE ETF Women’s Committee Representation the annual German speaking women’s network / rail – Nice, 2002 – 2004 the 8 th of March FGTE-CFDT Women’s Conference – Paris, 2003 the 8 th of March FILT CGIL Conference on women and peace – Milan, 2003 European Social Forum – London, 2003 European seminar on the gender dimension in health and safety at work – Madrid, 2004 the 10 th Anniversary T&G Women’s Conference “A Voice for Equality at Work” – Eastbourne, 2005