Progress Report on Green Technology Initiative: Establishing Green Technology Innovation Network to Support SME Development 37 th APEC SMEWG Meeting September 5, 2013, Westin Hotel and Resort, Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia
1.Title 2.The Proposed Work 3.Framework Thinking 4.Agenda and Workplan 5.Project Execution 6.Key Outcomes 7.Recommendations 8.Future Agenda CONTENTS
The Development of Green Technology Network for SMEs in APEC Member Economies: Toward a Collaborative Effort 35 th Meeting of Small and Medium Enterprises Working Group (SMEWG) in Saint Petersburg, Rusia, August 2, Title
2. THE PROPOSED WORK Expected start date:May 2012 Expected completion date: May 2012 to April 2013 Project summary: Purpose: to implement APEC’s strategic plan , which is among others to disseminate emerging green technology, and to carry out recommendations of 2011 APEC International Training and Workshop on Green Technology Business Incubation in Indonesia: to develop green technology network that would benefit SMEs in the region. Objectives: 1)to create green technology innovation network to support SMEs around APEC member economies to further enhance their competitiveness, 2)to develop technology network between green technology-based SMES and the technology innovation providers, and 3)to share best practices on the promotion and development of green technology-based SMES in APEC member economies. Total cost of proposal: USD 170,105 Total amount being sought from APEC (USD): 120,105
Efficient use of APEC funds Strengthening knowledge + information for Green Initiatives by SMEs Fostering green tech Initiatives and innovation Capturing new markets for Green Products and internationalisation of SMEs Improving governance of APEC Green Tech Initiative Strengthening of knowledge and people exchanges and the formation of green tech-based start-ups 3. Framework Thinking
4. Agenda and Workplan NoObjectivesWork planDurationTentative Schedule 1 Access to Green Technology Sources Concept development of GT & GT based products database APEC consultative meeting to discuss the design; content; mechanisms of data validation, entry, and updating, and endorsement of beta version of APEC Green Technology Network Launching of APEC GT Network 4 months 15 Apr – 14 Aug Develop technology and business network amongst green technology-based SMES Study of APEC Green Technology Network Program 4 months15 Apr– 14 Aug 2012 Conduct workshop on Development of APEC Green Technology Network 3 daysSept 30-2 Nov 2012 Conduct APEC GTN Forum in Indonesia (attended by selected Green Tech-based SMEs from member economies) to exchange green tech-based potentials 3 daysSept 30-2 Nov Sharing best practices on green technology-based SMEs development in APEC member economies APEC International Conference on Green Technology-based SMEs Development 2 days11-13 March 2013
5. Project Execution NoObjectivesWork planDurationTentative Schedule 1 Access to Green Technology Sources Concept development of GT & GT based products database APEC consultative meeting to discuss the design of APEC Green Technology Network 4 months Cancelled out due to poor response and participation from member Economies 2 Develop technology and business network amongst green technology-based SMES Conduct workshop on Development of APEC Green Technology Network 2 days 5-6 Mar Reported in the 36 th APEC SMEWG Meeting in Makati, the Philippines Conduct APEC GTN Forum in Indonesia (attended by selected Green Tech-based SMEs from member economies) to exchange green tech- based potentials 2 days May Sharing best practices on green technology- based SMEs development APEC International Conference on Green Technology-based SMEs Development 2 daysCancelled
Activity 2The APEC Green Technology SMEs Business Partnership Forum was held in Sanur, Bali, May ParticipantsAround 30 participants from 8 (eight) APEC member economies: China, Chinese Taipei, Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines, Peru, PNG, and Thailand. Forum Management The forum was conducted in two days. Day 1: 1 st session: B2B Meeting in which each participating economy was given an opportunity to deliver 15 minutes of presentation to explain its business/product offers, including function, key features, brief technical and economic advantages, and the type of business partnership it sought, for instance joint venture, investor, distributor, importer, or others. 2 nd session: One-on-One Business Discussion in which each SME attended a table with products or product information/promotional material assisted by a facilitator to explore possible business partnership. 22 business contacts taken place during this session 5. Project Execution (…Cont’d)
Forum Management The second day comprised of two sessions of seminar on green technology business network: Theme for 1 st session, “Good Practices on Management of International SMEs Business Network” consisted of presentation by : Mr. Manaek Simamora (Indonesia) on The Key Success Factors of Developing and Managing International Business Networking and Mr. Steve Hsu (Chinese Taipei) on The Do and Dont’s of International Business Networking. Theme for 2 nd session of the seminar on “How SMEs Can Benefit from International Business Network” comprising of a presentation by: Dr. Nobutaka Odake (Japan) on SMEs strategy to optimally gain benefit from international business network and Dr. Totok Hari Wibowo (Indonesia) on How SMEs Can Participate in International Business Networking at Minimum Costs. 5. Project Execution (…Cont’d)
Participants agreed that economic growth and job creation in the APEC member economies can be bolstered by enhancing the global competitiveness of SMEs through the promotion of the use of new and green technologies. The importance of sharing best practices and technology among APEC member economies was emphasized as a means to promote green technology and sustainability in the region. Participants discussed the need for understanding the market which should be supported by research and development, including engagement of academia, to ensure the quality and competitiveness of SMEs products. 6. Key Outcomes (…Cont’d)
Participants acknowledged the need to develop infrastructure for information exchange system and guideline for SMEs networking and strategic partnership as an effective mean to compete in the global market. There is a common understanding that SMEs green initiatives is a cross-cutting issue so that actions and measure must involve other related Working Groups or Policy Dialog Groups. 6. Key Outcomes (…Cont’d)
7. Recommendations Design a collaborative action plan to promote Green Technology Develop APEC incubation network to speed up the formation of green technology based businesses Indonesia will develop a concept paper highlighting the importance of green technology for SMEs and distribute it intersessionally to include inputs or feedback from member economies to be endorsed by SME Ministerial Meeting (SMEMM) to be held in Chinese Taipei in early APEC SME Business forums to be conducted more regularly in conjunction with national/international events.
8. FUTURE AGENDA NoObjectivesWork planDuration Tentative Schedule 1 To develop strategy and action plan in strengthening technology-based business network amongst SMEs in the APEC regions Conduct a study on strategy development on strengthening technology-based business network amongst SMEs in the APEC regions 6 months 1 st Q and 2 nd Q 2014 Conduct APEC GTN Fora in Indonesia (attended by selected Green Tech-based SMEs from member economies) to exchange green tech-based potentials (host for 2015 and beyond to be decided during this forum) 3 days3 rd Q Sharing best practices on green technology- based SMEs development in APEC member economies APEC International Conference on Green Technology-based SMEs Development 2 days2 nd Q th Q 2014
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