1 Taking the What is the NSS and why should I take part?
2 What is the NSS? Commissioned by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) on behalf of all the funding bodies** Fully supported by your Students’ Union and NUS Quick and easy to complete * Some exceptions apply * * Including: Higher Education Funding Council for Wales, Department for Education Northern Ireland, Scottish Higher Education Institutions, Health Education England, National College for Teaching and Leadership and participating private higher education providers. Annual survey of final year* undergraduates across the UK Conducted by Ipsos MORI What is the NSS?
3 What will the NSS ask me? A key benchmark of satisfaction, the survey looks at a range of measures about course experience: What will the NSS ask me? The teaching on my course Assessment & feedback Academic support Organisation & management Learning resources Personal development Overall satisfaction The NSS also asks students about satisfaction with your Students’ Union And at the University of Bath you can also opt to answer some additional questions on: Feedback from Students Workload Work Placements Careers Course Content & Structure Course Delivery
4 How are the results used? The NSS results are made publicly available to help prospective students make informed decisions of where and what to study. How are the results used? Institutions (& their Students’ Unions) are provided with the anonymised data to help them identify areas where they are doing well, as well as areas for development, for the purpose of improving the student learning experience for future generations of students.
5 How are the NSS results used by the University & SU? As a result of what previous students have said, and through working together, we are How are NSS results used by my institution? Increased video lecture capture by 122% in the number of hours recorded, allowing more students to re-view their lectures online Launched the Bath Connection Scheme, enabling graduates to network and engage with successful Bath alumniBath Connection Launched the Academic Skills Centre and developed a new Writing Centre on the parade that students can access for skills supportAcademic Skills Centre Improved representation & support for international students within the Students’ Union through new policies & increased staff support Enabled 93% of graduates to find work and/or further student up to six months after graduating. Reasons why you have continued to vote your University and the Students’ Union to be amongst the best in the country include:
6 How are the NSS results used by the University & SU? As a result of what previous students have said, and through working together, we are How are NSS results used by my institution? Established the Students' Union's Student Learning Associates scheme, enabling students to lead projects that enhance the student experienceStudent Learning Associates Started to introduce anonymous marking Formative feedback is now available to students on all units that they study Enabled students to nominate staff in the University Teaching Awards, which empowers students to recognise those who have made a positive impact on their studiesTeaching Awards Ensured that Unit Evaluations and SAMIS are now accessible through students' smart phones Reasons why you have continued to vote your University and the Students’ Union to be amongst the best in the country include:
7 How are the NSS results used by the University & SU? As a result of what previous students have said, and through working together, we are How are NSS results used by my institution? Delivered brand new, state of the art teaching spaces such as the Chancellors' Building and the refurbished University Hall Established the Lime Tree restaurant, providing students with more places to eat and socialise on campusLime Tree Developed the Placement Handbook to ensure that students are supported during their time away from campusPlacement Handbook Launched the Students' Union's Peer Assisted Learning scheme to facilitate group study sessions led by students, for the benefit of studentsPeer Assisted Learning Reasons why you have continued to vote your University and the Students’ Union to be amongst the best in the country include:
8 How do I take part? Ipsos MORI will send you an inviting you to take part in the survey during w/c Monday 2 February 2015 You can also complete the survey at To take part… Your responses to the survey are anonymised Contact details used only for the NSS Take part online for the opportunity to win various prizes
9 Complete the NSS online You can now complete the NSS online or via your smartphone or tablet, by: Online and via your smartphone or tablet Going to Following the link in your invitation Scanning the NSS Quick Response code with your smartphone/mobile device (you may need to download a free QR reader app).
10 Will my response remain private? The NSS respects student privacy and your responses will remain confidential: Will my response remain private? The survey is undertaken independently by Ipsos MORI At no point will students be identified to their institution - your responses to the survey are anonymised Contact details are used only for the NSS
11 To find out more....