2 My experience in Solar PV 11 years in BP also as CEO of BP Solar Italy (230M€ turnover, 200 MW installed). Chairman for 6 years of Assosolare, the Italian Solar Industry Association (from 34MW to 18GW), and founder of the Global Network of National PV Associations. today Director Vice President GSPVA Steering Committee
3 The Green Consunting Group represents a Team of senior consultants and leading companies, with consolidated experience in the green economy. The GC Group acts as a single interlocutor to support with the most qualified professional competences institutions and companies of the sector. The Partners, specialized in the different technologies as well as in the different areas of business, are involved from time to time by The GC Group on the basis of needs and objectives.
4 Global Hybrid Power (GHP) is a financer, developer and operator of integrated power projects that integrate conventional and renewable fuel solutions with storage and optimisation software to provide reliable cost competitive power to on-grid and off-grid customers
6 Feed in Tariff results ( ) PV plants connected 17,6 GW power installed July 6th, 2013 End of Feed in Tariff (DM 5/07/2012) (to January 31st 2014) Market Overview
7 EU market 7 Ground mounted plants(28%) Residential plants(21%) Industrial plants(19%) Commercial plants(32%) Cumulative power installed [MW] (source EPIA) Market segmentation 2012 (source EPIA) Market Overview IIFREE, November , 2014
8 8 EU market Potential cumulative 2020 [MW] Market Overview (source EPIA) IIFREE, November , 2014
9 Extension fiscal incentives 50% (max euro). 40% in % from January 1st, 2016 (max euro per housing unit) Net metering < 20kWp Sistemi Efficienti di Utenza – SEU (Efficient User Systems) Main opportunities Producer B may sell the electricity produced by its system (RES <20 MW) to the final customer A, the owner of the connection point; The relationship between the end user and the producer will be subject to private negotiations; There are several possible contractual profiles; Transmission and distribution fees, as well as those of dispatching and those to cover the general expenses of the system, will be applied only to the electricity withdrawn from the connection point. IIFREE, November , 2014
11 The solar photovoltaic (PV) sector grew from a niche market towards a mature technology over the past decade. Solar PV is already able to provide electricity at competitive prices in several regions of the world. As a result, the solar PV market diversified both in terms of technology applications and business models, as well as geographically. The successful future development of the solar industry might benefit significantly from an institution, which represents the industry at an international or global level. In response to this scenario… Over 30 national and regional photovoltaic associations are joining forces to set up the Global Solar Photovoltaic Association – GSPVA. Background
12 “The GSPVA will represents the photovoltaic sector on a global scale, working in partnership with photovoltaic associations and companies at the national, regional, and international political level to advocate and promote photovoltaics throughout the world.” Objective
13 Represent, on an institutional basis, the PV sector towards key international organizations and decision makers, such as IRENA, IEA, UNFCCC, World Bank, IMF, Regional Development Banks, IPCC, UNEP, amongst others. Clarify and communicate the benefits and potential of PV to international organizations and decision makers. Produce and promote throughout the world transparent, reliable and authoritative data and studies on the PV technology, sector and market. Assist PV associations to develop PV policy recommendations. Promote the development of new and existing PV markets throughout the world. Mission Statements
14 Facilitate market cooperation amongst national associations and their member companies subject to legal restraints of compliance regulations. Provide a global platform for networking and communication opportunities and joint projects within the solar photovoltaic sector and potential user sector. Propose new approaches to help the global PV market grow. Share best-practice information and market trends among national associations and stakeholders Assist new / infant Solar PV associations in new markets. Mission Statements
15 Work with global institutions to give them transparent (international best practice) information about the benefits and potential of photovoltaics, enabling them to make informed decisions about energy policies. Enable and support collaboration between policy makers in different countries to help them share best practices and experiences in adding photovoltaics to their energy mix. Establish strategic partnerships with other relevant players to enable positive synergies for further growth. Facilitate cooperation amongst all members at large and affiliated members. Provide authoritative research and analysis about established and emerging PV markets throughout the world. Target
16 Thank you! IIFREE, November , 2014