Sex Jeopardy! By team YEAH
Contraception Love Bugs Culture LGBTQI Mixture
Question: What contraceptive method is the only method that prevents from both pregnancy and STIs ANSWER
Condoms Home
Question: What is the minimum legal age to buy condoms in Australia ANSWER
No Minimum Age Home
Question: Name the two types of hormones in a hormonal contraceptives ANSWER
Progesterone and Estrogen Home
Question: Name as many hormonal contraceptives as you can. You need to name them all to get the full amount of points ANSWER
IUD, Pill, Injection, Implant, Patch, Ring Home
Question: Up to how many days after the unprotected sexual activity is it possible to take emergency contraception and have it work? ANSWER
It works up to 5 days Home
Question: Which STI is the leading cause of preventable infertility amongst women in Australia? ANSWER
Chlamydia Home
Question: What is the colloquial name for Gonorrhea? ANSWER
The Clap Home
Question: What STIs can be transmitted through skin-to- skin contact ANSWER
Scabies, Public Lice (Crabs), HPV, Mollucosum Contagiosum, Syphilis and Herpes Home
Question: What are the 4 places that bacterium gonorrhea can grow outside of the male/female reproductive organs? ANSWER
Throat, Eyes, Mouth and Anus Home
Question: What is the name of the famous experiment that went down in the U.S. between 1932 and 1972 where a rural African American community thought they were receiving free health care but it was actually a clinical study to see the natural progression of untreated syphilis? ANSWER
Tuskegee (Also a great Lionel Richie Album name!) Home
Question: In the 1987 Grim Reaper Campaign, what sport did they use to visualize HIV? ANSWER
Bowling Home
Question: What is the room that they have sex in called in Jersey Shore? ANSWER
The Smush Room Home
Question: Which Hollywood Movie does Meg Ryan fake an orgasm in a NYC Café? ANSWER
When Harry Met Sally. (Extra points for an imitation) Home
Question: In what movie did Sharon Stone famously uncross and cross her legs? ANSWER
Basic Instinct Home
Question: Who is the artist of the song “STD Fury”? ANSWER
Javelin Home
Question: What does LGBQTI stand for? ANSWER
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender,Questi oning/Queer, Intersex Home
Question: What does SSAGD stand for? ANSWER
Same-sex attracted gender diverse Home
Question: Where is the Rapid HIV Test Clinic specifically targeted at the MSM community in Melbourne? ANSWER
Fitzroy Home
Question: What is the difference between transgendered and transsexual? ANSWER
Transgender: does not conform to conventional notions of male or female gender Transsexual: a person who emotionally and psychologically feels that they belong to the opposite sex Home
Question: What is the % of new HIV cases in Australia amongst MSM? ANSWER
80% Home
Question: Which human sexual organ has the most nerve endings? ANSWER
Clitoris Home
Question: Does alcohol increase or decrease the likeliness of orgasm? ANSWER
Decrease Home
Question: What is the most sensitive part of the penis? ANSWER
The Frenulum Home
Question: What is the reason that the depo-provera shot should not be given to adolescents for more than two years? ANSWER
It stunts bone density which is increasing at it’s height during adolescent years Home
Question: How many strains of HPV does the vaccine prevent in Australia? (Tell us their numbers)! ANSWER
4 Strains #6,11,16,18 Home