An Introduction to Particle Physics at the Rutherford Laboratory Prof. Dave Wark, FRS STFC Director of Particle Physics RAL/Imperial College London.


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Presentation transcript:

An Introduction to Particle Physics at the Rutherford Laboratory Prof. Dave Wark, FRS STFC Director of Particle Physics RAL/Imperial College London


Graduate Lecture. NMcC Oct ~65 people in Particle Physics Department (PPD), ~45 have PhDs, plus engineering, instrumentation, accelerator, and computing in other parts of the laboratories. We are like a very large university HEP group, except that we concentrate on supporting the rest of the UK community through major equipment build (ATLAS SCT, CMS ECAL Endcaps, T2K electronics) and on support activities that require 24/7/365 availability. We provide an ‘interface’ for the whole PP UK community to specialist skills in other RAL/STFC departments: –Technology: electronics, mechanical engineering; –Computing: the UK Tier-1 is here, and we are part of the South Grid Tier-2 consortium; –Accelerator R&D: ASTEC, which works closely with the Cockcroft and Adams Institutes; –Project management and administration: e.g financial tendering RAL site and PPD have been, and are, undergoing massive change: much more building over last 5 years than in previous 25…. : Diamond, ISIS Target Station 2, new hostel, new main gate, new computer building, new research building, meanwhile PPD is being restructured.... Particle Physics Department Particle Physics Department

Graduate Lecture. NMcC Oct Current projects in PPD ProjectApprox. FTE FundingLocated atProgramme ATLAS18STFCCERNM&O, analysis, tracker upgrade CMS11STFCCERNM&O, analysis, upgrade LHCb5STFCCERNM&O, analysis, upgrade Computing8STFC, EURALGrid software, Tier (1,2,3) support Neutron EDM4STFCILLDeploy cryo-detector, M&O, analysus Dark Matter4STFCBoulby Laboratory Zeplin III M&O, analysis; plus management of Boulby facility. Detector R&D5STFCRAL, university collaborators Developments for future PP experiments, and non-PP applications Neutrino experiments 6STFCFermilab J-PARC MINOS; T2K Neutrino accelerator R&D 2 + …STFC(+ EU)RALMICE ; Neutrino Factory design studies; FFAG/EMMA NExT3 (joint) STFC/HEFCE RAL + So’ton + RHUL+Sussex (Virtual) Institute for Phenomenology. Support8STFCRAL, UKLOProgramme support for UK community

Two-score and ten years ago the RHEL was founded to build this: Nimrod

Last of the weak focussing machines…

The Origin of RHEL Sir John Cockcroft, Director of Harwell, felt strongly that new discoveries in nuclear physics were leading to experiments at a scope beyond individual university programmes. However he thought it critical that the university groups be major players in the field. He therefore opened up the accelerators at Harwell to university involvement, however he wanted to move beyond that to a new organization which would explicitly include the universities. Many of the large university groups were deeply suspicious of this effort, believing it an attempt by a national laboratory to infiltrate university physics and take over the field. Thanks goodness nobody thinks like that anymore… Thanks to the efforts of Cockcroft, and to Gerry Pickavance (first director of RHEL) and later Godfrey Stafford, this suspicion was overcome and the close working relationship which has come to be called the “Rutherford Model” was developed.

Nimrod was very much the incubator of UK HEP Nimrod theses by (amongst others): CJS Damerell, RM Brown, AA Carter, PJ Litchfield, VJ Smith, JA Strong, DH Saxon, CJ Batty, JC Hart, TA Broome, FJ Wickens, G Hall, J Carr,…(125 total) Reading through the lists of UK publications from the old reports is a Who’s Who of HEP. Let us not forget Daresbury, where NINA played a similar role on the electron side, leading to the SRS and hence to Diamond…

Nimrod was very much the incubator of UK HEP Nimrod theses by (amongst others): CJS Damerell, RM Brown, AA Carter, PJ Litchfield, VJ Smith, JA Strong, DH Saxon, CJ Batty, JC Hart, TA Broome, FJ Wickens, G Hall, J Carr,…(125 total) Reading through the lists of UK publications from the old reports is a Who’s Who of HEP. Let us not forget Daresbury, where NINA played a similar role on the electron side, leading to the SRS and hence to Diamond…

NIMROD was operated successfully until Since then RAL particle physicists have moved from strength to strength, becoming important contributors in almost every field of particle physics at almost every major facility in the world. SPIRES lists 8031 papers with a Rutherford Lab affiliation have been cited 50+ times 503 have been cited 100+ times 33 have been cited 500+ times 12 have been cited times I’ve only got 40 minutes, so I will only go through the 503 papers… …just kidding

The Evolution of the PDB...

This is simple?!?



The 1 st Neutrino Horn Gargamelle




Still Many Questions… What is there besides the Standard Model? –Why is there only matter in the Universe?

Still Many Questions… What is there besides the Standard Model? –Why is there only matter in the Universe?

Still Many Questions… What is there besides the Standard Model? –Why is there only matter in the Universe? –What is the Dark Matter?

Still Many Questions… What is there besides the Standard Model? –Why is there only matter in the Universe? –What is the Dark Matter? –What is the Dark Energy? What is there beyond the Standard Model? –Is SUSY the way forward? –Superstrings? –Something we haven’t even thought of yet?

Are there new areas we should be involved in?… New experiments? –0  decay? –LFV? –Cosmic neutrinos? –Lorentz violation experiments? –Dark energy experiments?

Who knows....but this is a particle physics problem!

New Facilities? What is needed in neutrino physics? –New Superbeam? –Beta Beam? –Neutrino Factory? Will there be new machines at the energy frontier? –What LHC upgrades? –Linear Collider, or CLIC? –Maybe even a Muon Collider? The CERN Council Strategy Group is now running…

Freeman Dyson said it best: "New directions in science are launched by new tools more often than by new concepts. The effect of a concept-driven revolution is to explain old things in new ways. The effect of a tool-driven revolution is to discover new things that have to be explained!"

Conclusions? The Rutherford Lab has been part of most of the great advances in particle physics over the last 50 years – the most productive time in the history of the subject. We are well positioned to repeat that in the next 50 years! Anyone who says our field is facing stagnation is not paying attention – we may have to change methods, but methods are not core to what we do, the questions are. You are young, and have more to lose than we do – learn as fast as you can, and GET INVOLVED!