Out of It: LGBT people, substance use and treatment Dr. Alastair Roy Reader in Social Research Psychosocial Research Unit University of Central Lancashire Preston UK
35% of the sample had used a drug other than alcohol in the last four weeks. 34% of males and 29% of females reporting binge drinking at least once or twice a week. 22% showed met the threshold for dependent use (ICD- 10/DSMIV)
Significant proportions using drugs others than alcohol; high levels of dependence extending into 40s and 50s; and perceptual barriers to accessing support and services.
Drug use in the past year amongst gay and bisexual men is three times higher (33%) than use amongst heterosexual men (11.1%). For lesbian and bisexual women use is more than four times as high (22.9%) than for heterosexual women (5.1%).
“Robert’s story”
“before the internet, there were very few ways of meeting other gay men...you either went cottaging, or you went cruising, or you went to a bar”
What might we learn from Robert’s story?
One recent response
Thanks for listening Twitter: aliroy01