1 st Semester Exam Review
I. Geography & Government Comparing Health Life Expectancy- How old does one live. Higher=Better Infant Mortality- # of infants who die before the age of 1. Lower=Better Hospital Beds & Physicians Types of Government
II. Enlightenment Ideas From Scientific Revolution- Apply Reason Natural Rights/Laws- All people free, Life, Liberty & Pursuit of Happiness People control Government, Change Bad Governments Enlightenment Documents: Common Sense, Declaration of Independence, & Declaration of the Rights of Man Thinkers
III. Revolutions Part I General Info Why have revolutions? Civil Disobedience- non- violence- break unjust laws Be able to compare & contrast revolutions Political Revolution= Revolution with major change in government- American, French & Latin American American Revolution
Revolutions Part 2 French Revolution 1. Causes: Taxes on 3 rd Estate- 98% of Population & Inequality amongst Estates American Revolution Start: Storming of Bastille 2. Effects: Middle Class Gain Power Nationalism Spread of Revolutionary Ideas 3. Napoleon- military leader who brought stability to post-revolutionary France 4. Congress of Vienna- After Napoleon's defeat in restored monarchies to power, stabilized Europe. Latin American Revolution
IV. Industrial Revolution Go from handmade, highly skilled workers, to machine made- low skill workers Agrarian Revolution- more food, fewer farmers needed- more workers for factories Needs of Industrialism 1. Big Population (Workers) 2. Natural Resources 3. Transportation Textile Industry is first Industrialized Why does it start in England? 1. Geography- Resources 2. Capital- Money 3. Population Growth 4. Technology Importance of Coal: 1. Ran Steam Engines 2. Used in Factories & Transportation 3. Factories located near mines 13 /C & 3 SA
Industrial Revolution part 2 Labor Unions- formed to address working conditions- gave a united front to factory owners Railroads- move goods & people faster, farther & cheaper
Effects of the Industrial Revolution Positive More & Cheaper Goods Rise of Middle Class Class Movement Importance of Education Urbanization Negative
V. Imperialism The take over or control of another nation or territory New Imperialism- take over for raw materials & markets for industrialism. Also as a symbol of power & prestige Imperialism in China 1. China wants isolationism 2. Divided into Spheres of Influences- economics 3. Boxer Rebellion attempt by Chinese to remove foreigners and their influences Imperialism in Africa 1. The Great Game- Africa divided amongst European Powers in 1800s. 2. “White Man’s Burden” “Civilize Primitives”
Test Strategies Be On Time Bring Pencil Answer correct question Short & Extended Response: 1. Complete sentences 2. Answer all parts of question 3. Answer what is asked 15% of grade- no floor Study Session- may stop in morning of exam- let me know day before.