N5 Selective Question Adapted from Int2
Tips You need to evaluate a range of sources, detecting and explaining instances of exaggeration and/or selective use of facts, giving developed arguments. In order to achieve full marks candidates must show evidence that has been selected as it supports the view and evidence that has been selected as it opposes the view. An answer which deals with only one side of the explanation should be awarded a maximum of 6 marks. If a response simply provides source evidence without some indication of which side it supports or opposes then no marks should be given. If you think one of your paragraphs is weak then write an extra one. But you really only need 3.
EVIDENCE WHICH SUPPORTS THE POINT OF VIEW: Ronnie Betson is not selective in his point of view, “President Obama’s popularity has changed significantly among supporters of both main parties since early 2009.” Source 1 shows that Obama’s support has fallen amongst Republican supporters from 40% to 10%. And also source 3 shows, “when it came to the president’s health reforms the percentage of whites in favour was 40%.” This suggests that less than half of whites support him on this issue, which means his support has changed since Ronnie is not selective, source 2 shows that 44.6% of people think that Obama is doing a good job. And source 3 shows that “nine out of ten Black Americans felt that President Obama cared about them while just over half of white Americans shared this view”. This evidence shows Obama is less popular than when he first came to power. Create the second paragraph yourself…
EVIDENCE WHICH DOES NOT SUPPORT THE POINT OF VIEW: Ronnie Betson is selective, this evidence does not support him. According to Source 2, 56.8% of Democrat voters in Massachusetts will still vote for Obama in And Source 1 shows the popularity rating of Obama for democrats what at 90% in 2009 and still at 90% in August This shows that support among democrats remained the same. Try and create another paragraph yourself (though remember you only need 3.) Ronnie Betson is selective, this evidence does not support him. According to Source % of Democrats in Massachusetts would vote Obama again and only 27.9% of Republicans would. And source 3 showed “On the economy, 55% of Whites said they approved of the presidents performance. Among Blacks the figure was 91%.” This evidence demonstrates that amongst Democrats and Blacks Obama is still more popular.