UGANDA COOPERATIVE COLLEGE KIGUMBA Presentation to participants on the agricultural cooperatives transport At City Royale Hotel 22 nd -24 th Nov 2011
BACKGROUND Uganda Cooperative College – Kigumba is the only Cooperative College in the country. It started at Nsamizi in 1954, transferred to Bukalasa in 1963 and to the present campus in It is a tertiary institution of higher learning. The college vision is “A Centre for Excellence in Cooperative and Private Sector Development”
CONT The mission of the college is “To contribute to the efficient management, sustainable development of cooperative movement and the private sector by providing skilled manpower, enlightened membership through research, education and training”.
CONT. The College’s objectives are to:- carry out practically oriented training in middle cadre personnel for the cooperative movement. Conduct tailor made courses for both cooperative movement and other private sector Enterprises.
CONT Develop and implement demand-driven training programmes. Mainstream gender in cooperative training and management. The college therefore in the last 57 years of its existence has been conducting training and research in cooperatives.
SERVICES PROVIDED BY ORGANIZATION Training Education Research and Consultancy Project Writing, monitoring and Evaluation Baseline Surveys
DOES YOUR ORGANIZATION PROVIDE TRANSPORT The College does not provide transport services The College Mandate is to provide Training, Education and Research to the Cooperative movement
OUR TRANSPORT NEEDS In order to undertake wide research for the cooperative movement we need some vehicle probably four wheel drive which can manage the poor roads or facilitation to hire transport services.
WHAT ARE OUR AIMS FOR TRANSPORT PROVISION The college will carry out in-depth research and evaluation on how cooperatives can provide solutions to getting Africa’s harvest to markets in collaboration with University of Leeds, UK transport NGO Transaid and Coop College UK. The research will bring out experiences of those cooperatives who are already providing transport, their solutions, as well as challenges
CONT. Highlight significant discoveries and achievements that build new knowledge. Provide a platform for solving emerging problems Expand creative thinking among our cooperatives.
HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO IMPROVE YOUR TRANSPORT SERVICES Providing well researched information based on member needs and distilled lessons that can be shared more widely along with some basic technical knowledge amongst all cooperatives a cross the region