RES-H Policy WP4: Assessment of National RES-H/C Policy Options 1. Project Meeting Freiburg, 21 October 2008 Veit Bürger


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Presentation transcript:

RES-H Policy WP4: Assessment of National RES-H/C Policy Options 1. Project Meeting Freiburg, 21 October 2008 Veit Bürger

2 Tasks Task 4.1: Description of selected support options Task 4.2: Qualitative assessment of selected support options Task 4.3: Stakeholder Dialogue I Task 4.4: Assessment of the effectiveness and economic efficiency of selected support options Task 4.5: Stakeholder Dialogue II Task 4.6: Policy recommendations and implementation strategies Task 6.2: National Dissemination Conferences

3 Task 4.1: Description of selected support options for each of the 7 target countries/regions 3-5 RES-H/C support instrument options will be selected and described in detail selection based on the provisional indication of the effectiveness of different policy options subject to task 2.2 architecture of the selected instruments will be designed as to fit to the national context in which the instruments will be embedded description of instruments will include all processes underlying the support system as well as the detailed institutional set-up description will be part of D9

4 Task 4.2: Qualitative assessment of selected support options for each target country/region each of the selected instrument options from task 4.1 will be qualitatively assessed against a variety of different criteria, including –stakeholder views –aupport of long-term perspectives (-> technology split) –level of investment security –administrative/organisational synergies with other policy instruments analysis of the interaction with related policies (e.g. buildings standards, CHP) qualitative criteria will be documented (D10) main findings will be added to D9

5 Task 4.3: Stakeholder Dialogue I main findings of task 4.2 will be subject to a stakeholder dialogue elements of stakeholder dialogue: –stakeholder consultation based on a web based questionnaire  documentation in form of concise synthesis reports (D11) –consultation workshop in each target country/region (documentation D12) selection of 3-5 support instrument options from tasks 4.1/4.2 will be narrowed down to 2 instruments these instruments will then undergo a profound quantitative analysis (task 4.4)

6 Task 4.4: Assessment of the effectiveness and economic efficiency of selected support options carrying out a detailed assessment of the effectiveness and economical efficiency for each target country/region and each of the 2 instruments (identified in task 4.3) –development of the technology split –costs and benefits:  quantification of the direct impact on the state budgets  quantification of benefits in terms of reduced GHG emissions, growth in RES-H/C capacities and avoided fuel costs –transaction costs (in particular those resulting on the authorities' side) –direct impact on employment (no full macroeconomic assessment!) methodologies: amongst others INVERT (building sector), detailed methodology discussion at PM3 summary of results in D13

7 Task 4.5: Stakeholder Dialogue II organisation of consultation workshops in each target country/region on the effectiveness and economic efficiency of the 2 selected support options (documentation D14)

8 Task 4.6: Policy recommendations and implementation strategies based on findings in tasks selection of one support instrument for each target country/region development of policy recommendations and implementation strategies specifically designed for the target countries/regions (target group: policy sector) recommendations include –the specific design of the proposed instrument (institutional set-up, governance structure) –recommendations as to how to best adapt the new instrument to the existing policies which already address the RES-H/C sector development of implementation guidelines documentation: policy reports summarising policy recommendations and the corresponding implementation guidelines (D15)

9 Deliverables of WP4 D9: 7 working documents (one per target country/region) describing 3-5 RES-H/C support instrument options (task 4.1) and their qualitative assessment (task 4.2) D10: Working paper on qualitative assessment criteria for RES-H/C support options (task 4.2) D11: Synthesis reports of 7 stakeholder consultations on qualitative assessment of selected support options (task 4.3) D12: Documentation of 7 consultation workshops on the qualitative assessment of selected support options (documentation including agenda, list of participants, presentations, summary of discussion + conclusions) (task 4.3) D13: 7 working documents (one per target country/region) summarising the results of the quantitative assessment of selected policy options (task 4.4) D14: Documentation of 7 consultation workshops on the effectiveness and economic efficiency of selected support options (documentation including agenda, list of participants, presentations, summary of discussion + conclusions) (task 4.5) D15: 7 national/regional policy reports summarising policy recommendations and the corresponding implementation guidelines (task 4.6)

10 Role and contribution of partners (1) Oeko –WP Coordinator –responsible for the working paper on qualitative assessment criteria for RES-H/C support options (D 10) –presenting at first consultation workshop per target country/region on RES-H/C policy implementation experience in DE. EEG, ESV, CRES, LEI, ECN, KAPE, UNEXE –responsible for policy processes in target countries/regions (tasks ) –responsible for organising the stakeholder consultation + consultation workshops in the target countries/regions –responsible for data collection for Invert modelling (task 4.4) –jointly with EEG and Fraunhofer ISI responsible for cost benefit analysis (task 4.4)

11 Role and contribution of partners (2) EEG –adaptation and application of the simulation model INVERT (task 4.4) ECN –responsible for the task 4.4 assessment for the non-building sector Fraunhofer ISI –contributing to working paper on qualitative assessment criteria for RES-H/C support options, adaptation and application of the simulation model INVERT (task 4.4) ULUND –presenting at first consultation workshop per target country/region on the experience with the implementation of DH systems in SE –contributing to working paper on qualitative assessment criteria for RES-H/C support options

12 WP4 Schedule

13 Allocation of hours