By Kevin and Ismael
Name of Species Asian Tiger Mosquito Scientific Name: Aedes Albopictus
Where is it from? Where can it be found today? Where, when, and why it was introduced? It is from Asia It can be found today at Southeast U.S. It was introduced on accident from Japan in tires Introduced to Hawaii in the late 1800’s TO
What affect do they have on the environment? They carry a disease called West Nile Virus that causes you to have: abdominal pain, back pain, diarrhea, fever, headache, lack of appetite, muscle aches, nausea, sore throat, and vomiting These symptoms usually last for 3-6 days
Reasons for Success The tiger mosquito is successful because it can adapt to most climates and it doesn't matter if it is hot and humid outside either It is also successful because it reproduces rapidly In new environments, predators are less likely to appear
Issues for the Future The asian tiger mosquito have been named with the title of the insect that gives the most mosquito bites People have attempted to prevent the mosquito by wearing long clothes and spray repellent but in my research it says that the spray is only effective for a short amount of time and that the mosquito’s will come back as soon as the spray dissipates, or disappears
Resources ek/index.htm ek/index.htm g g ervices/Level_3_-_Evironmental_Health/Transmission-Cycle-of- WNV.jpg ervices/Level_3_-_Evironmental_Health/Transmission-Cycle-of- WNV.jpg 7.jpg 7.jpg