Pathogen Life Cycles Pathogens/Parasites Alternate Between Animal Hosts Schistosomiasis: Macroparasite Zoonotic Disease: Human Infection, “Accident” Lyme.


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Presentation transcript:

Pathogen Life Cycles Pathogens/Parasites Alternate Between Animal Hosts Schistosomiasis: Macroparasite Zoonotic Disease: Human Infection, “Accident” Lyme DiseaseWest Nile Fever

Lyme Disease Most Common Vector-Borne Infection in Northern Hemisphere Northeast: 4+ Species: Enzootic Cycle Borrelia (pathogen) Black-legged Tick (vector) Small, Large Mammal Hosts

Ixodid Tick Year 1 Egg Larva Blood Meal White-footed Mouse, Other Small Mammal Infection? Molt/Quiescent Year 2 Nymph Blood Meal Small Mammal Zoonotic Infection Adult Blood Meal (♀), Deer Reproduce

Enzootic Cycle, Lyme (Penn State Univ.)

Ixodid Ticks (CDC)

NYS: Lyme Disease; Glavanakov et al 2001

Lyme Disease: NYS, Cases & Rates

Schistosomiasis  200 x 10 6 Infections Worldwide  Tropical, Freshwater Snails  5 Macroparasites  Complex Lifecycle: 2 Hosts, 2 Reproductive Modes

Schistosomiasis  (Originally) Disease of Herbivores  Infects Cattle, Jumped to Humans?  Human Parasitic Disease: Chronic Infection/Cognition Impact Second to Malaria/Economic

Schistosome Life Cycle

Snail: Mother Sporocyst, Asexual Reproduction, Daughter Sporocysts, Daily Release of Cercariae Human: Schistosomules Mature as Male or Female, Sexual Reproduction

West Nile Virus WNV: Arbovirus, Arboviral Encephalitis N America: First Noted 1999 Across Continent, Central America Reservoir: Birds Vectors: Mosquito Spp. Secondary Infection – Mammals Humans: Zoonosis

WNV: Geographic Distribution (CDC)

WNV Birds (USGS)

WNV : Human cases, 2012

WNV Life Cycle (Stanford)

WNV Life Cycle RNA Virus: High Mutation Rate Mosquito: Innate Immunity Viral Master Sequence Mutant Cloud: Quasispecies, High Diversity Bird: Vertebrate Immunity Master Sequence, Low Diversity

WNV Life Cycle Viral R 0 : Must Reproduce Sequentially in Two Different Environments Trade-offs?

WNV Vectors Mosquito Spp and Zoonosis Risk Enzoootic Cycle: Culex pipiens Ornithophilic; Fewer Mammal Meals “Bridge Vectors” Prefer Mammals; Risk to Humans? Aedes Spp.

WNV Vectors 1.Abundance 2.Fraction Blood Meals from Mammals 3.WNV Prevalence Pr[Fed Infected Bird & Acquired WNV] Fraction of Mosquito Sp. Carrying WNV 4.Vector Competence Given Infection, Pr Will Transmit to New Host

WNV Vectors (Kilpatrick et al. 2005) Bridge (Aedes)Ornithophilic Abundance 21%37% Mammal Meals 86%19% WNV Prevalence 5%95% Competence 17%38% Risk 4.5%80.2%

WNV Vectors/Zoonosis Risk Control Ornithophilic Spp. Small Set of Breeding Sites Tires, Gutters, Open Pools Around Human Habitations Wetland Intervention Unnecessary