Monitoring and evaluation – nets John Miller Monitoring and Evaluation RBM/WHO Malaria 18 May 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Monitoring and evaluation – nets John Miller Monitoring and Evaluation RBM/WHO Malaria 18 May 2015

M&E and MERG Global malaria database established – May 2002 Africa Malaria Report 2003 – or Global Malaria Report 2004 M&E Reference Group (MERG) –Washington, DC (May 2003) –4 task forces (mortality, morbidity, anemia, surveys/tools) –Kampala/Nairobi (November 2003)

Available net data Net coverage Taxes and Tariffs ITN Project database Net procurement Other ? –GFATM requested proposasls/ITNs

Sources of net coverage data WHO Africa Regional Office (AFRO) MICS2 ( (23) World Health Surveys ( (18*) RBM Baseline surveys (17) DHS ( (13) - malaria modulewww.measuredhs.commalaria module NETMARK ( (5) AFRO IDS exit interviews (3-4?) Market surveys (2) Misc. (literature, MOH reports, PVO/NGO reports, market surveys) EM RO MICS2 (Somalia, northern Sudan) World Health Surveys (Pakistan)* National malaria survey (Afghanistan) With net data available not available until November 2003 DHS = Demographic and Health Survey, IDS = Integrated Disease Surveillance, MICS = Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, WHS = World Health Survey PAHO (Americas) MICS2 (Suriname) DHS (Colombia, Nicaragua) World Health Surveys (Chile, Ecuador, Guat., Mex., Paraguay, Uruguay )* WPRO/SEARO MICS2 (PDR Laos, Viet Nam, Indonesia) World Health Surveys (Bangladesh, India, PDR Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Viet Nam, )* DHS (Cambodia) Routine reporting - ‘Nets treated in last round’ – Kunming indicatorsKunming indicators EURO MICS2 (Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan)

Net coverage surveys in Zambia MICS 1999 NETMARK 2000 RBM baseline survey 2001 DHS Measles campaign survey 2002 or 03 (?) IDS exit interviews from HF (?)

Limitations and next steps Understanding available information –Accessing more studies/surveys –Timing, malaria seasonality, malaria distribution –Equity gap Next (continued) steps –Standardization of coverage questions (DHS malaria module)DHS malaria module –Working with exiting or new surveys mechanisms to integrate coverage assessment National, stand-alone malaria surveys EPI cluster surveys AIS (AIDS surveys, MacroDHS)

Household Survey Status in Africa south of the Sahara (as of 1 September 2003) partial DHS,last full DHS 1997 AIS = AIDS survey (MacroDHS) DHS = Demographic and Health Survey HBS = Household Budget Survey MICS = Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey RBM = RBM baseline survey WHS = World Health Survey

Source: Roll Back Malaria, 2003

Target populations = children under age 5 and pregnant women

Source: Roll Back Malaria, 2003

Source: Korenromp, Miller et al, 2003 Correlation between reported household possession and use for children under 5 years of mosquito nets in Africa. Not all households that possess at least one mosquito net have children under age 5 or pregnant women that use mosquito nets

Source: Korenromp, Miller et al, 2003 Correlation between reported household possession and use for children under 5 years of ITNs in Africa. Not all households that possess at least one ITN have children under age 5 that use ITNs More ITNs than the total number of children and pregnant women will be needed to achieve 60% ‘use’ targets Targeting of ITN distribution and monitoring is important!!

Source: Roll Back Malaria, 2003

PSI World Relief Plan International Canadian Physicians for Aid and Relief Synod of Livingstonia ITN Projects in Malawi Data source: ITN Project database 2002