Environmental Health
What is Environmental Health? “Quality of life determined by physical, chemical, biological, social and psychosocial factors in the environment.” “Assessing, correcting, controlling and preventing harmful factors in the environment.”
“To improve, protect and promote the environmental health of Champaign County.”
What We Do: Educate Regulate Inspect
Foodborne Illness in the U.S. 76,000,000 ill people per year 5,000 needless deaths per year Billions of dollars in lost productivity, medical bills, etc.
Types of Food Services Restaurants Taverns Convenience Stores Churches Hospitals Day Care Centers Bakeries Confectioneries Grocery Stores Dairies Mobile Units Schools Temporary Food Booths
Review plans for newly constructed or remodeled facilities Issue health permits Follow guidelines of Illinois Food Service (or Retail Food Store) Sanitation Rules and Regulations
Conduct unannounced inspections at all food service establishments Investigate complaints Provide educational classes & information to food service workers Legal proceedings for non-compliance
Approximately 7,000 new water wells are constructed each year in Illinois 2,000 abandoned wells are sealed Major consideration in constructing wells is to prevent contamination from ground surface or shallow ground water, sewage disposal systems or other hazardous sources
Permits issued for new private water well installations New well inspections & testing
Abandoned well sealing approval & inspections Non-community water supply inspections & testing Test kits for existing water wells
Malfunctioning or improperly constructed and maintained private sewage disposal systems can pose serious health hazards
New or Renovated Private Sewage Systems Require: Application to be reviewed before approval Permit to be issued prior to construction
Inspections are Performed for the Following Purposes: New Systems Renovation or Repair Work Complaints
Ensure that all tanning establishments in Champaign County follow the guidelines of the Illinois Department of Public Health
All public tanning facilities are inspected for: General cleanliness Beds & eyewear must be sanitized Facility & all items given to customers must be clean & safe
Tanning facilities must: Keep accurate client records Have safety information available regarding exposure to ultraviolet light Employees must provide proof of training with equipment to help ensure safe use of tanning beds
In the U.S., about 900,000 children ages 1-5 have elevated blood-lead levels Even children who appear healthy can have dangerous levels of lead in their bodies Damage to brain & nervous system Behavior & learning problems Slowed growth Hearing problems Headaches
E. H. investigates the source of exposure for lead-poisoned children Draft compliance letters & inspection reports for homes with lead & when necessary, prepare legal prosecutions Review contractor plans to ensure lead-safe practices are being used, with follow-up visits in the field
Provide educational materials & instruction to homeowners, renters & parents pertaining to lead risks & lead- safe practices Investigate complaints involving lead contractors & misuse of lead-based paints
Radon is a naturally occurring, invisible, odorless gas that comes from deposits of uranium in soil, rock & water Harmlessly dispersed in outdoor air, but when trapped in buildings, can be harmful, especially at elevated levels Estimated to contribute to 7,000-10,000 lung cancer deaths each year
E. H. promotes radon awareness throughout Champaign County Encourages radon testing in homes
Identifies key roles that Public Health can play in facilitating radon initiatives Provides listings of licensed radon measurement & mitigation professionals Addresses community questions & concerns about radon
Primary focus is to prevent mosquito- related illness through education, treatment & breeding source reduction
Likely & known breeding sites are mapped out yearly These areas sampled regularly throughout mosquito breeding season Areas of reported standing water in C-U are inspected for the presence of mosquito larvae, samples are taken & tested, then water is treated
Outside C-U, standing water complaints are considered using local nuisance ordinances & township supervisors Mosquito populations are monitored for the presence of Asian tiger mosquito, a major vector of several life-threatening illness worldwide Educational materials are provided instructing on good source reduction measures
To help ensure that tattoo artists operate as safely as possible in Champaign-Urbana (no ordinance in Champaign County)
Review plans & specifications for tattoo studios Inspect tattoo studios for sanitary conditions & proper construction practices Assure compliance with Illinois age requirements Test the artists knowledge of sanitation & blood-borne pathogens
License the artists in a facility on a yearly basis Investigate complaints regarding the artists or the physical facility Initiate legal action Provide education to the artists, their clients & the community
Thank you for your interest in the services that the Environmental Health Division offers!