Bacteria and Virus
Bacteria Smallest and simplest organisms on the planet. They are called a PROKARYOTE CELL because they have NO nucleus. They also have an ENDOSPORE which is a hard coating that surrounds their cell. They are also the most abundant. A single gram of soil can hold 2.5 billion bacteria. If bacteria cannot be seen, how do people know they exist? Bacteria cause sores to be infected and food to spoil.
Parts of a Bacteria Cell *Turn to pg. A11 in your book – what is missing in this bacteria cell that an animal cell has?
Bacteria Most bacteria reproduce through binary fission every thirty (30) minutes. How many bacteria would there be in an hour? Two hours? Three hours? Four hours? Five hours? 1 hour = 4 2 hours = 16 3 hours = 64 4 hours = 256 5 hours = 1024
3. Cocci – spherical (round) shaped Bacteria Three basic shapes: Bacilli – rod shaped 2. Spirilla – spiral shaped 3. Cocci – spherical (round) shaped
Bacteria No matter how long we clean or what cleaners we choose to use (bleach, pasteurization), bacteria continue to live and reproduce and are found everywhere…. Check this out…
Despite making us sick, bacteria play a vital role in our world today. Bacteria as a Tool Role Despite making us sick, bacteria play a vital role in our world today. Consume nitrogen in the air and give the material to plants to grow. Decompose dead matter (leaves, plants, animals) and create nutrients for living organisms. Used to clean up pollution – bioremediation. Used in medicine to kill other bacteria and microorganisms – antibiotic Used to create insulin to help fight diabetes Used to make food: bread, pickles, yogurt, etc. Bacteria in our large intestine creates Vitamin K Some animals use bacteria to hunt prey or other food items and scientists believe the bacteria helps to begin the process of digestion.
Bacteria in the saliva – causes infection Bacteria as a Tool Komodo Dragon Bacteria in the saliva – causes infection
Bacteria/venom in the saliva – causes infection Bacteria as a Tool Gila Monster Bacteria/venom in the saliva – causes infection
Bacteria as a Tool Monitor Lizard
Bacteria as a Tool Iguana
Bacteria as a Tool Bioremediation
Antibiotic – a bacteria that kills other bacteria Bacteria as a Tool Antibiotic – a bacteria that kills other bacteria
Penicillin A mold that fights/kills bacteria
Bacteria Some Diseases/Conditions Caused by Bacteria Include: *Cavities *Food poisoning *Strep Throat *Botulism *Pneumonia *Leaf Spot
Bacteria Leaf Spot
Bacteria Botulism (contaminated food)
Which has MORE bacteria cooked rare (dark red and cold in the middle)? Hamburger – because the bacteria gets ground inside the burger, but the steak has bacteria ONLY on the surface…
Bacteria Diseases Lyme Disease - tick Bubonic Plague - flea
Virus Discovery Works pgs A50-A57
Virus Pathogen – disease causing agent *5, 000, 000, 000 (billion) can fit in a single drop of blood. *Because of their size and ability to mutate, scientists do not know how many viruses exist – this number could be in the billions or higher. *Unlike bacteria, there is no cure for a virus. *For a virus to “live” it needs a host cell. *If you enlarged a virus 600, 000 times, it would be as large as a small pea. If we enlarged a 6’ person 600, 000 times how tall would that person be? 3, 600, 000 feet
Viruses Take MANY Shapes
genetic material enclosed by protein Virus Basic Shapes No matter the shape, the virus is basically genetic material enclosed by protein Spacecraft Sphere Cylinder Crystal
Virus Common Viral Diseases Influenza (flu) Aids Cold Hepatitis
What does a virus look like?
Virus Reproduction - A virus reproduces only when a healthy host cell is present (act like a parasite)…the procedure is grizzly because the cell bursts and dies. C The cell copies the virus over and over A Virus attaches to a healthy host cell DNA D Virus injects its own DNA into a cell’s DNA B The copied Virus explodes from the host cell and spreads to other cells
How PATHOGENS (what causes disease) can be spread Bacteria and Virus How PATHOGENS (what causes disease) can be spread *Touch *Air *Food/water *Unclean areas *Blood to blood contact *You CANNOT catch a cold by simply being cold…there needs to be contact. *Antibiotics are used to ward off bacteria or viruses
Bacteria and Virus How to stay healthy… Cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough 2. Wash your food before cooking 3. Wash your hands thoroughly 4. Prepare your food carefully 5. See the doctor regularly
Plasmodium ~ A form of parasitic protozoa that reproduces in a host cell; typically transmitted by the female mosquito. Malaria – spread by the female mosquito, it attacks the red blood cells in the liver and spreads quickly thanks to a plasmodium (single-celled protozoa); a disease typically found in tropical areas. ~ when people dug up Egyptian tombs (pyramids), death would fall upon the archaeologists – often believed to be a curse set by the Pharaoh him or herself, but closer examination found death to be caused by malaria. ~ will be treated with drugs, but prevention starts with protection (mosquito nets) and careful removal of areas where mosquitoes reproduce (standing puddles of water).
Where does Malaria begin? Plasmodium Where does Malaria begin?
Plasmodium Plasmodiums found in red blood cells
Plasmodium Life cycle of the plasmodium from infection to transmission
Plasmodium Prevention Mosquito net:
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome *A disease that is spread through blood to blood contact – you have to go out and get it…it is not spread through casual contact (kissing, holding hands, being sneezed or coughed on UNLESS blood to blood contact is involved) *Caused by the HIV virus which destroys the white blood cells that control the cells that destroy pathogens. ~ Thus, someone with AIDS will pass away by contracting pneumonia or influenza because the white blood cells designed to kill the pathogen are not being told to do so…
The End