M ALARIA Aleisha Robinson
W HAT IS THE DISEASE ? Malaria is an infection of the liver and red blood cells caused by microscopic parasites. There are five types of parasites that cause Malaria: Plasmodium ovale, P. malariae, P. knowlesi, P. vivax and P. falciparum. Malaria spread through the bite of an infected mosquito.
W HAT IS THE CAUSE OF THE DISEASE ? Malaria is caused when a mosquito bites a person infected with malaria. The mosquito then transmits the disease and when it goes and bites someone else the mosquito passes the disease on to another person.
W HAT TYPE OF DISEASE IS IT ? Malaria is an infectious disease. It is an indirect disease. It’s indirect because you don’t come directly in contact with the person infected. The mosquito transmits the disease.
W HO COMMONLY SUFFERS ? Anyone can suffer from Malaria. People most at risk though is Pregnant woman, Young children and people visiting friends overseas.
W HAT ARE THE SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ? Sudden fever Chills Headaches Sweating Nausea Vomiting Pain in joints and muscles In severe cases Seizures Confusion Kidney failure Breathing difficulty Coma
W HAT IS THE TREATMENT ? If you become ill with the symptoms of the disease while overseas or after travelling you must see a doctor or a hospital emergency department ASAP. Tell a doctor where you travelled so they can make a correct diagnosis. If travelling in a remote area where you know it will be difficult to access medical care, you may need to be prepared to treat yourself. Speak to your doctor about this before you travel.
C AN IT BE CURED ? There is a medicine that may be used to cure malaria if the disease is treated early enough. Examples of these medicines are chloroquine, mefloquine, and quinine. These medicines work by killing the parasite that causes the disease. Of course, it’s better to prevent the disease from developing in the first place.
O THER I NFORMATION Mainland Australia is free of Malaria, but is occasionally present in the Torres Strait Islands. Australians can contract malaria while travelling in tropical and subtropical areas of Asia, Africa, Central and South America, the Pacific Islands and parts of the Middle East. Currently, approximately 500 cases of malaria are diagnosed in Australia each year - almost all are in people who have travelled to malaria- affected countries and didn't take anti-malarial medications.
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