Baby Bloodsuckers in Outer Space Principal Investigators: Julia Ellis, Kasia Kaputska, Gia LaSalle, Bianca Urbina, Lilyana Walsh 6/15/ SSEP National Conference, Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, Washington, DC, July 2-3, 2014
Question and Answer (?) Will microgravity prevent Aedes albopictus mosquitoes from developing into pupae? Probably. Mosquito larvae float to the surface to breathe and mature into pupae. Without gravity, they lack a mechanism to float and so cannot breathe. 2
Mosquito Life Cycle Hatching = 1 to 3 days Turning into pupae = 5 to 10 days Turning into an adult = 2 days 3 Mosquitoes larvae breathing
Experimental Overview Volume 1 includes: dry mosquito eggs and nutrients (brewer’s yeast and lab chow). Volume 2 includes: water and air. Volume 3 includes: fixative (10% neutral buffered formalin). Preliminary experiments will be done to determine the proper amounts for all substances. 4
Experimental Overview At launch, eggs will be dry. When Clamp A is released, water will activate development. Experiment will continue 9 days. Then astronauts will release Clamp B to stop development and fix mosquitoes when they should have matured into pupae. Compare results to ground truth experiment. 5
Who Cares? Mosquitoes can serve as food stock for crayfish and tilapia. In turn we can eat crayfish and tilapia. In a journey to the stars, the astronauts might enjoy a break from dehydrated food. (Besides, it’s cool. Mosquitoes in outer space seem rad.) 6
What’s it going to look like? It’s hard to envision a test tube of half water and half air in outer space No up, down or sideways. We think surface tension with the test tube will draw the water to the outside with the air stuck in the middle. Kind of like a water straw. But unless the astronauts tell us, we won’t know for sure 7 Cooke, Rosa-lee. "Lesson 10: Properties of Water." Lesson 10: Properties of Water. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 June 2014.
Potential Confounders Post Offices radiate packages. May kill all mosquitoes. Potential solution: ship via Fed Ex. Baker’s yeast consumes oxygen when exposed to water. That could deplete from the volume 2, suffocating all mosquitoes. Potential solution: use brewer’s yeast and keep it dry with the eggs Volume 1. Number of mosquitoes limited by amount of air. Potential solution: increase Volume 2 by limiting amount of formalin in Volume 3. Unknown unknowns. 8
9 The following Parent Teacher Organizations: Governor Livingston Columbia Middle School Thomas P. Hughes Elementary School Mountain Park School William Woodruff Mary Kay McMillin Special thanks to Professor of Biology, Livdahl of Clark University,Worcester, MA for eggs, nutrients and special guidance. Program coordinators: Jim Flakker Susan Rembetsy Teacher Facilitator: Pamela Wilczynski
Any Questions? 10