Culture and the Big Crunch Alternatively resourced Val Millington Plymouth, 6 April 2011
Alternatively resourced Some ideas: Crowdfunding Exploiting your assets Join the pop-up movement Alternative trading systems New delivery models Outsourcing / sharing services
Crowdfunding Private individuals buy ‘shares’ or ‘units’ in new art work, commissions or projects Donors/investors gain rewards in return for seeing the work or project completed
As a Sound Investor you will: be invited to rehearsals and a special reception at the premiere have the chance to meet the composer and performers have the opportunity to receive a full score of the piece signed for you by the composer be kept up to date with the progress of your chosen work before and after its premiere have access to a special section of the BCMG website be thanked for your support in the score of the piece, concert programme and on the BCMG website
Exploiting your assets Turner Contemporary – Apple Regional Training Centre – enhancing teaching and learning Proboscis - a non profit artist-led studio focused on creative innovation and research, socially engaged art practices and cross-sector collaboration – merchandising Smeaton’s Tower and Plymouth Museum and Art Gallery – hosting civil ceremonies, civil partnership registrations and naming ceremonies
Join the pop up movement Temporary community and learning projects, museums, art galleries and studios, markets, cafes and tea-rooms Empty Shops Network Meanwhile Space
Our place, Your place: Taunton Museum closed for renovation New heritage centre in development Temporary museum in empty shop Professional displays Wide range of events, talks, drop-in sessions exploring archives and heritage Legacy of booklet of photos and DVD
Alternative trading systems The Stroud Pound – 60 participating traders and businesses who accept the Stroud Pound - strengthening the local economy, building new relationships Plymouth LETS (local exchange trading scheme) – based on use of local currency only used by members
New delivery models For example social enterprises: Real Food – Exeter social enterprise shop and cafe, set up with £150K capital investment from local community Museum of East Anglian Life - runs a social enterprise retail operation specialising in the production and sale of hanging baskets, plants, fruit and vegetables Bow Arts Trust – East London affordable work/live space for artists in short-life 1, 2 & 3 bedroom flats, plus arts events and projects in the community
Shared services / collaborations For example: HR, payroll and bookkeeping functions Catering operations Facilities management Training IT support Marketing and audience development
Thank you Val Millington