Go Green Choices - working with businesses to make walking & cycling an easier option to get to work
Go Green Choices Providing Services to Employers in Vancouver BEST 1st offered in 1991 (1997 full program) modeled on California program funded by transit authority, TransLink
Go Green Choices OnBoard & Go Green Choices Executive meeting Professional survey Executive Interviews & site assessment Recommendations Ongoing support Training course On-line survey Site assessment Recommendations on policy, facility, service, financial & recognition incentives Ongoing support
Go Green Choices Challenges Participating Organisations Measurement Up-take on recommendations Budget Industrial parks Abundant free parking Non-Participating Organisations Why should I care? Business climate Access to the right person Industrial parks Abundant free parking
Go Green Choices Opportunities Corporate commitment to environment, community, wellness (public institutions) Relocation Parking crunch High skilled labour (attraction & retention) & low paid shift workers Keen & aware individual
Go Green Choices Case Study - Business Objects Employee attraction & retention in high tech market –Bike room with capacity for 60 bikes –Showers & lockers –Location close to pedestrian & bike facilities in dense urban community (Yaletown)
Go Green Choices Case Study - VanCity Credit Union Corporate commitment to environment & community –Management involvement at CEO level –Bike racks for clients & staff –Guaranteed Ride Home Program –Staff can choose to work at neighbourhood branch –Fund sustainable transportation projects
Go Green Choices Case Study - Federal Mobility Green Team Transport Canada, Environment Canada, Western Economic Diversification & the Departments of Public Works & Fisheries and Oceans –Part of a larger environmental initiative to meet Kyoto Accord –reimbursement for business- related bike travel –Hybrid fleet cars available to active commuters –Pedometer Relay event for Environment Week
Go Green Choices Case Study - Canada Post Interest in employee wellness & parking crunch –Secure bike locks IN the building –A new fitness facility will increase the quality and quantity of showers and lockers –New lockers specifically for in-line skaters –Provide bike as prize for Commuter Challenge
Go Green Choices Companies get involved to access benefits environmental benefits reputation for corporate social responsibility economic/morale benefits earned media!
Go Green Choices Information on End Use Facilities Bike Lockers
Go Green Choices Promotion Transportation Fairs Brochure Racks & Brochures Social Marketing Prompts
Go Green Choices Events Lunch n learn: lunch hour presentations Bicycle Workshops Quarterly seminars Bike Month & Commuter Challenge