Tuesday and Wednesday, October 7 and 8 I can use semicolons correctly. I can score 80% or higher on my book test. I can create a totem pole. I can write a first draft using four square graphic organizer.
Grammar Semicolon rule #3 – Use a semicolon with items in a series that require many, many commas. EXAMPLE: I’ve been to London, England; St. Andrews, Scotland; and Paris, France.
Practice 1.At Halloween we gave out Reese's, Snickers, and Crunch bars, gumballs, caramels, and taffy, and apples and candy corn. 2.We have lived in Athens, Ohio Paris, Idaho and Rome, Georgia. 3.Morning T.V. shows are hosted by Maria Shriver, CBS Bryant Gumbel, NBC and David Hartman, ABC.
Answers 1.At Hallowe'en we gave out Reese's, Snickers, and Crunch bars; gumballs, caramels, and taffy; and apples and candy corn. 2.We have lived in Athens, Ohio; Paris, Idaho; and Rome, Georgia. 3.Morning T.V. shows are hosted by Maria Shriver, CBS; Bryant Gumbel, NBC; and David Hartman, ABC.
Touching Spirit Bear Test Write the answers on your own paper. Choose two of the essay questions to answer. You should have at least a paragraph per question. Make sure to restate the question in your answer. Click your answers into the clicker.
Totem Have at least four drawings that represent you as a person. Favorite Animal An animal that symbolizes your feelings when angry. An animal that symbolizes your feelings when happy. An animal that you have learned a lesson from. An animal that you respect.
Letter: Choose One Pretend you are Cole. Write a thank you letter to Edwin or Garvey thanking them for helping in his rehabilitation. Give specific examples from the book. Pretend you are Peter. Write a letter to your parents discussing your time on the island. Pretend you are Cole’s father. Write a letter to Cole’s apologizing for the abuse. Pretend you are Cole. Write a letter to yourself about the experiences you have encountered and lessons you have learned.
Four Square