Sequence of tenses Present and Present Perfect Subjunctive TB p
The rules regarding the use of the subjunctive apply for all tenses: -the present subjunctive (yo corra) -the present perfect subjunctive (yo haya corrido) -the imperfect subjunctive (yo corriera – corriese) -the pluperfect subjunctive (yo hubiera – hubiese corrido)
Main Clause (indicative) Present Future Present perfect Command } Dependent Clause (subjunctive) Present [for a simultaneous or future state or future action] or Present Perfect Subjunctive [for a prior state or action {or the imperfect subjunctive where the imperfect indicative would otherwise be used]
1.The Present subjunctive is used to express what is happening or will happen: Antonio quiere que yo vaya Antonio wants me to go Será importante que todos asistan It will be very important for everyone to attend Los dueños han pedido que nosotros traigamos los comestibles The owners have asked us to bring food (that we bring food) Julián, dile a Paco que llame mañana Julián, tell Paco to call tomorrow
2. The Present perfect subjunctive is used to express what has happened or will have happened Yo espero que ellos hayan dicho la verdad I hope they have told the truth Dudo que hayan venido I doubt that they have come