Dynamic Bandwidth Scheduling for QoS Enhancement over IEEE WLAN Sangwook Kang, Sungkwan Kim, Mingan Wang, Sunshin An Korea University European Wireless Conference 2004 Yi-Chi Cheng(JOE)
2/25 Outline Introduction Dynamic Bandwidth Scheduling MAC (DBSM) Protocol Update Procedure Nrt-data transmission Procedure Rt-data transmission Procedure Simulation Conclusion
3/25 Introduction (1/2) Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) CSMA / CA Point Coordination Function (PCF) Polling-based protocol in CFP 免競爭訊框 (CFP) 超級訊框 Super Frame 需競爭訊框 (CP)
4/25 Introduction (2/2) Schedule Table Need more redundant data to compute Distributed Fair Scheduling (DFS) The flow with larger weight obtains a higher throughput
5/25 Interframe spaces of Four types of Interframe spaces (IFS) SIFS (Short IFS) PIFS (PCF IFS) DIFS (DCF IFS) EIFS (Extended IFS)
6/25 Interframe spaces of SIFS (Short IFS) Is used as interframe between continue frame. Ex: RTS/CTS, ACK. PIFS (PCF IFS) Is used in the PCF to gain priority access at the start of the CFP. DIFS (DCF IFS) Stations under the DCF to transmit data frames and management frames.
7/25 Interframe spaces of EIFS (Extended IFS) Only used when the result of frame transition is error. ex: collisions DIFS Busy Medium PIFS SIFS DIFS Contention Window Back-off Window Next Frame Defer Access Slot time
8/25 Scheduled Table Format STA ID: Station ID Link Type: 0 for real-time data; 1 for non-real time data Last Success time: the time record in ms when received ACK last time Extension Flag: has more data to transfer Idle Counter: If a station has no data to transfer then counter + 1, if (counter == 3) this note is deleted from table STA ID LINK Type Last Success Time Extension Flag Idle Counter Reserved Bits
9/25 Beacon Frame Format Frame Control Duration/ ID 資料 MAC Header Other fields FCS Protocol Version TYPESUBTYPE Other fields Timestamp Beacon interval Information Type: 00 Management Subtype: 1000 Beacon
10/25 Establish Schedule Table When a new station want to transmit data, it sense the medium first. While Medium isn ’ t idle, station sends a management frame to register itself in the CP. If it never senses any message after a DIFS, it generates a schedule table and broadcasts to others though a beacon.
11/25 Update Schedule Table The first named station in the table broadcast a beacon contain “ Timestamp ”. Others in the area will synchronize by the “ Timestamp ” Each active station listens to the medium and update the “ last success time ” when it received ACK frame.
12/25 Delete Schedule Table The first station will be deleted after received a “ Link terminated ” frame If a station has no data to transfer at continued 3 times, this note is deleted from table If the first station failed, it will be deleted and the second station acts as the first station to send the beacon frame
13/25 Establish and Update table
14/25 NRT-Data Transmission (1/3) When CYCLE is used for only nrt-data, it permits one station to transmit data at one time. The station having the smaller “ last success time ” value is earlier to transmit. When CFP is over, station would stop to transmit frame whether it has more data or not.
15/25 NRT-Data Transmission (2/3) If a station finished its transmission in the CFP, the note will remove from table and next station start transmission after an ACK frame with “ Link terminated ”. There is no problem of “ monopolization ” and “ starvation ”.
16/25 NRT-Data Transmission (3/3)
17/25 RT-Data Transmission (1/3) The rt-data of the each station is sorted by the “ link type / last success time ” in schedule table. If a data transmitted successfully, an ACK would be received after a SIFS. IF the station didn ’ t receive an ACK, the “ Idle counter ” increase by 1.If it reaches 3, the station would be deleted.
18/25 RT-Data Transmission (2/3) IF “ Last success time ” + “ Duration of current frame ” ≧ the smallest “ Last success time ” in table, current station sets “ Extension Flag ” and stops to transmit.
19/25 RT-Data Transmission (3/3)
20/25 Simulation (1/5) Simulated both standard protocol and DBSM protocol Used Network simulator 2.26
21/25 Simulation (2/5)
22/25 Simulation (3/5)
23/25 Simulation (4/5)
24/25 Simulation (5/5)
25/25 Conclusion Advantage of DBSM Reduces the collision and improves the throughput It ’ s robust, even if any station had failed Provides the fairness for nrt-data services Provides effective bandwidth reservation for rt-data services