Settlement of Pennsylvania
William Penn King Charles owed William Penn’s father a debt. He granted the elder Penn a piece of land in America. Since his father was dead, the land was given to William Penn in William wanted to name the land “Sylvania” meaning land of woods. The king wanted to acknowledge Penn’s father and convinced him to name it “Pennsylvania”. William Penn settled in Pennsylvania due to Quaker persecution in England. Despite being given the land by the king, Penn bought the land from the Natives.
Settlement of Pennsylvania Quakers Common name for the “Religious Society of Friends” Beliefs: -People can experience God individually (do not need clergy) -Followed Christ, not the Bible -Since holiness exists in everyday life, no need for ceremonies. -Plainness in dress and speech -Men and women are equal -Fair treatment of others (including African and Native Americans -Communal and Hardworking -Pacifism
Settlement of Pennsylvania William Penn Penn established the city of Philadelphia. He wanted it to be a place of friendship and community, so he called it the City of Brotherly Love. (philos "love" and adelphos "brother"). He set up a representative democracy and gave all citizens the right to vote.