The Big6: Information & Technology Skills Rob Darrow for Student Success ** Part 2 ** Part 2
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 A Little About Me Clovis, CA – Central California 20 year old daughter – in college Educator, 32 years (Grades K-8) Big6 user and trainer - 15 years Principal, Clovis Online School
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 A Little About You Big6 Slip of paper – Your Name – What you do Big6 Stage you have Review of consensograms
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 Goals for Today Increase your knowledge of the Big6 Plan some Big6 activities to use in the next several months Design the plan to integrate the Big6 into your daily teaching and learning and into the fabric of your school
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 My Thoughts In an information rich society, you need more trained professionals Students NEED trained teachers and professionals to guide them in how to use information – both print and digital More critical to have trained teachers and teacher-librarians guiding students in the use of information than ever before!
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 Implementation: CONTEXT!! WARNING! Teaching information & technology skills out of context is hazardous to your students’ health.
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 The Big 6 - It’s all about… The use of information Organizing information Sifting/Evaluating reliability of information Producing quality information Teaching kids how to do this so they better achieve! (More challenging in digital age)
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 Big6 Pre-Workshop Survey Results – Jan 2009 Want a consistent research method Looking for innovative ideas It will be beneficial for all to be using the same terminology in reference to researching Projects listed: California Research Project, Faraway places, American colonization and Powhatan tribe
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 Big6 Pre-Workshop Survey Results – Jan 2010 What I want to gain from this workshop Better understanding of how to incorporate it in second grade Continuity across grade levels for teaching study skills Learn more about integration into my computer class Gain new insights To better coordinate the 5th and 6th grade writing programs. User friendly tools for KIDS/focus on KIDS and THEIR desire for the research What else?
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 1. Task Definition 2. Info Seeking Strategies 3. Location & Access 4. Use of Information 5. Synthesis 6. Evaluation Information & Technology Literacy Quick Review: The Big6 ™
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 What makes the Big6 work or not work? (evaluation/reflection) Big6 Post-it activity One post-it for each idea Ways the Big6 is being used Reasons why the Big6 is not being used
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 Survey Results: How I have used the Big6 California Research Project/ Four Regions of California group projects/ Independent Study projects Collaborative poetry lesson with library Miss Rumphius Research Project Research project Others?
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 Survey Results: Spring Teaching Units A lesson in the library California research projects Archaeology Unit Family Tree American Indian tribe research project Native American research project in 3rd grade Others?
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 What I want to gain from this workshop How to incorporate it in second grade Continuity across grade levels for teaching study skills Learn more about integration into my computer class To better coordinate the 5th and 6th grade writing programs. User friendly tools for KIDS/focus on KIDS and THEIR desire for the research What else?
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 Reviewing the Big6
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 Big6 Translates Information Literacy Skills into Systematic Stages “Simple yet complex.”
Big6 Trainer. 03/10
The Little 12 Skills The Super 3 The Big6 Skills Info Lit Handbook p. 33
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 The Big6 Card Activity Acronym: TILUSE T T ask Definition I I nformation Seeking Strategies L L ocation and Access U U se of Information S S ynthesis E E valuation
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 The Super 3 p Beginning - Plan You are the main character in a story… Middle - Do End - Review
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 The Super 3
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 1. Task Definition 2. Info Seeking Strategies 3. Location & Access 4. Use of Information 5. Synthesis 6. Evaluation Information & Technology Literacy The Big6 ™ Skills
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 The Big6: Non-Linear TD L&A UI ISS S S E E
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 The Big6: Not Linear TD L&A UI S S E E ISS E E L&A UI ISS S S S S S S
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 The Big6: Not Linear
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 Curriculum Curriculum - Big6 Integration Big6 Integrated Program
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 Big6 Practice – Big6 Handbook Pages: 42, 43, 44 Pages: 42, 43, 44
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 The Super 3 Research Song By Michelle Rosen and Debra Halabis (Sung to the tune of B-I-N-G-O) When I need to do research, I have three steps to help me. Plan, Do and Review, It’s called the Super3™.
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 1. Task Definition 2. Info Seeking Strategies 3. Location & Access 4. Use of Information 5. Synthesis 6. Evaluation Information & Technology Literacy The Big6 ™ Skills
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 Okay, but what about technology? Technology and the Big6 (p. 57)
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 Alternative Solutions Alternative Solutions process To focus on process as well as content – Information Literacy! – Discriminating users of information. – Learn essential information & technology skills! – The Big6!
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 Implementation: CONTEXT!! WARNING! Teaching information & technology skills out of context is hazardous to your students’ health.
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 Technology – Out of Context (p. 57) Multimedia production (PowerPoint) ftp Programming Instant Messaging HTML Telnet Algorithms Video production Word processing Group discussion Use of operating systems Statistical analysis presentation Database management systems CAD/CAM Copy/paste Web page design Graphics Chat Web browsing Electronic indexes Web searching Online catalogs Electronic spreadsheets Upload/download Spell/grammar check Brainstorming software PDAs Inspiration Hyperstudio
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 Word processing Group discussion Online catalogs Electronic indexes Web browsing Web searching Electronic spreadsheets Upload/download HTML Spell/grammar check Brainstorming software PDAs Video production Algorithms Instant Messaging Multimedia production (PowerPoint, Hyperstudio) ftp Chat Graphics Database management Inspiration Use of operating systems Web page design Copy/paste Statistical analysis presentation CAD/CAM Telnet Programming Better, But Still Out of Context
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 Technology in Context! (p. 62) TASK DEFINITION , online discussions (listservs, newsgroups), chat, video conferencing, desktop conferencing, groupware, brainstorming software, Inspiration, instant messaging INFO SEEKING STRATEGIES online catalogs, info retrieval, electronic resources (CD- ROMs nets), WWW/net resources, Q&A services (AskERIC), online discussion groups (listservs) LOCATION & ACCESS online catalogs, electronic indexes, WWW browsers, search engines (Yahoo, Alta Vista, Lycos, WebCrawler), AskERIC,, telnet, ftp, USE OF INFORMATION upload/download, word processing, copy-paste, Inspiration, outliners, spreadsheets, databases (for analysis of data), statistical packages SYNTHESIS word processing, dtp, graphics, spreadsheets, data base systems, Inspiration, hypermedia, presentation software, down/up load, ftp, e-journals, listservs, newsgroups, Web page authoring (HTML) EVALUATION spell/grammar checkers, , online discussions (listservs, newsgroups), chat, desktop conferencing, groupware
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 The Bottom Line Use of the Big6 Effective users of information (information literacy) Better jobs
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 BREAK
What I want to gain from this workshop How to incorporate it in second grade Continuity across grade levels for teaching study skills Learn more about integration into my computer class To better coordinate the 5th and 6th grade writing programs. User friendly tools for KIDS/focus on KIDS and THEIR desire for the research What else?
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 Group Big6 Lesson Note: A Big6 lesson usually focuses on one or two stages of the Big6 – E.g. Science research project Develop a Big6 Lesson
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 Work Time Identify one lesson/unit. Create the “implementation” plan. Handbook, p. 58, 59 Handbook, p. 74, 75, 76 Complete page 77
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 Sharing Time
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 What I want to gain from this workshop How to incorporate it in second grade Continuity across grade levels for teaching study skills Learn more about integration into my computer class To better coordinate the 5th and 6th grade writing programs. User friendly tools for KIDS/focus on KIDS and THEIR desire for the research What else?
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 Schoolwide Implementation “Implementation Ideas” – Curriculum Map p Buckley Curriculum Maps/Big6 Integration
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 Integration with Library Handbook p. 212 Linda Pazera Examples and Suggestions
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 Buckley School Implementation Plan What is the plan? Short/Long Term Goals Complete p. 190 Planning time Calendar/Implementation Plan Homework? (p. 178) Parents? (p. 179)
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 The Buckley School Implementation Plan Short term goals Long term goals Timeline Who responsible?
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 Resources for Implementation One another Your school library Big6 Handbook Workshop Website – Big6 Website Rob (via or in person)
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 Summary Information-rich and complex world. Information & technology literacy – essential skills for the information age. The Big6 – powerful approach to information literacy – can implement immediately. Technology – gains meaning if learned and used in a Big6 context. Fully integrates with the classroom: 1+1=1.
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 Implementation: CONTEXT!! WARNING! Teaching information & technology skills out of context is hazardous to your students’ health.
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 Final Thoughts "There are two fundamental equalizers in life: the Internet and education." -John Chambers, CEO, Cisco Systems, 1999
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 Rob Darrow Big6 Trainer
Big6 Trainer. 03/10 All Big6 resources available from: Linworth