The Big6: Information & Technology Skills Rob Darrow for Student Success
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 A Little About Me Clovis, CA – Central California 15 year old daughter Educator, 25 years (Grades K-8) LMT at intermediate school (7-8) that now has over 700 students carrying laptop computers to school Big6 user and trainer - 10 years Coordinator, Online high school and Teaching American History, EETT math grant History Day coach
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 A Little About You Big6 Intro Cards Name, grade level Read the phrase - Which Big6 step is this? At the end of this workshop today, I want to be able to…
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 My Thoughts In an information rich society, you need more trained professionals Students NEED trained teachers and professionals to guide them in how to use information – both print and digital More critical to have trained teachers guiding students in the use of information than ever before
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Goals for Today To understand the Big6. To identify ways that you can implement the Big6 tomorrow. To identify ways to implement the Big6 in your district.
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Info Lit Self Assessment Handout From Information Power – American Association of School Librarians
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Key Players to Meet the Need: Library Media Specialists “The mission of the library media program is to ensure that students and staff…are effective users of ideas and information. – Information Power, 1988
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Implementation Handouts: – Big6 Plan of Action – Implementation Ideas
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Why?
Workshop Outline Part I: Introduction to the Big6 Part II: Implementation Part III: Technology Use and the Big6
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Outline of the Workshop Part I: Introduction to the Big6 – Information Age Implications: for Teaching and Learning – Information Literacy: The Big6 – The Big6 and technology
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Why do this? To meet the needs of the teachers and students we teach…and guide them in acquiring the information literacy skills they need…at any time, from any where.
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Today, the amount of information in the world doubles every two years. In the year 2010, it is predicted that the amount of information will double every 72 hours. Background Statistics Information
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Today, a daily New York Times has more information in it than a person would come across in an entire lifetime in the 17th Century. David Lewis “Introduction to Dying for Information,” Background Statistics Information
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Background Statistics Internet The web is still doubling in size…every days (USA Today, 1996) – A new web page appears every 4 minutes According to a recent UCLA study (2000): – by 1997, 19 million Americans on Internet. – In the first quarter of 2000, more than five million Americans joined the online world – roughly 55,000 new users each day 2,289 new users each hour, or 38 new users each minute. –
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 An example… “Not now, Chrissy. Your father and I are in the middle of a PTA meeting.”
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Background Statistics Children and Internet Three-fourths of all U.S. kids ages 12 to 17 go online several times each week (17 million). Cyber Dialogue. July, 2001, Currently 88 million offspring ages 0-20 in U.S. Tapscott (1998). Growing Up Digital. More school-age children in the nation use computers at school than at home. – Newburger (2001). Home Computers and Internet Use in the United States: August U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Reports, August 2000.
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 National Ed Tech Plan 2004 Internet Use is growing the fastest among children, ages 2-5. (2002 UCLA Internet Report) 1999 NCES Report: – 72 percent of all first graders used a home computer on a weekly basis during the summer – 97 percent of kindergarteners had access to a computer at school or home
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 National Ed Tech Plan 2004 Teens spend more time online using the Internet than watching television. 94 percent of online teens use the Internet for school-related research.
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Digital kids and Analog Adults The world we live in… Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 High school students today: first generation to grow up on the Internet Students internalize technology use, while adults have to adopt it Children and Internet: The Facts
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 An example…
Big6 Trainer. 04/04
How many are suffering from “information overload” ? Challenges of the Information Age
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Information Overload Information Quality Everywhere! – work – school – play Challenges of the Information Age
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Information Problem #1:
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 “More new information has been produced in the last 30 years than in the previous 5,000.” (Source: Large, P., The Micro Revolution, Revisited, 1984) Information Overload
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Web Resources
Big6 Trainer. 04/
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Alta Vista: 454,150 hits 5 minutes on each = 37,000 hours Narrow to that appear to be right = hours. Total Potential time to spend: 635 days or almost 2 years!!! “Should children be immunized? Are immunizations safe?” Information Overload Example
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Computers today are one million times more powerful than 20 years ago.
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 In 20 years computers will be one million times more powerful than today!
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Causing Overload Moore’s Law: Computing power doubles every 18 months! In 18 months you get twice as much power and capacity for the same $$
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 The Solution to Coping With Overload? to speed things up? to pack in more and more content? to add more technology?
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Information Problem #2:
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Researchers (Rand) checked out 6 health Web sites and 12 sites dedicated to specific diseases. How frequently Web sites are complete and accurate: Breast cancer 63% Depression44% Obesity 37% Childhood asthma33% U.S. News & World Report, June 4, 2001 v130 i22 p10 Quality
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Quality The top legal advice person on turned out to be a 14 year old whose only legal training was from Court TV and cop shows. But – just as interesting, when he was finally “uncovered,” Advice on the Net: Michael Lewis, New York Times Magazine, July 2001; also Next (Norton, 2001) the demand for his advice still continued!
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 “More than 2/3 of teens said within the last year that they use the Internet as their major resource when doing a big project for school..." Lester, Will "High School Students Love Net for Research." Syracuse Post Standard, 8/21/01 (from AP ) Quality
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 In a study of 500 Web sites used by Colorado high school students to do research, only 27% of the sites were judged to be reliable for academic research! Ebersol, Samuel, “Uses and Gratifications of the Web among Students,” Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 6(1): September 2000,
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Quality and Students “51% students, ages 12-17, believe ‘most or all’ information on the Web can be trusted to be right.” UCLA Internet Study (2001) “71% of internet-connected students choose the Web over a visit to the library to complete school projects.” Pew Internet & American life study (2001)
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 The Solution? Don’t use technology or the Internet? Discourage Web Use? Filtering?
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Alternative Solutions Alternative Solutions process To focus on process as well as content – Information Literacy! – Discriminating users of information. – Learn essential information & technology skills! – The Big6!
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 “To be information literate, a person must be able to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information.” American Library Association (1989) Information Literacy
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Implementation: CONTEXT!! WARNING! Teaching information & technology skills out of context is hazardous to your students’ health.
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Information Skills in Context
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 1. Task Definition 2. Info Seeking Strategies 3. Location & Access 4. Use of Information 5. Synthesis 6. Evaluation Information & Technology Literacy The Big6 ™ Skills
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Big 6 –Going to the movies
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Levels of the Big6 “Simple yet complex.”
Big6 Trainer. 04/04
“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler.” - Albert Einstein
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 The Little 12 Skills The Super 3 The Big6 Skills Info Lit
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Big 6 Plan of Action Reminder: Big 6 Plan of Action
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 1. Task Definition 2. Info Seeking Strategies 3. Location & Access 4. Use of Information 5. Synthesis 6. Evaluation The Big6 ™ Skills
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Task Definition 1.1Define the problem 1.2 Identify the information needed Examples – add to plan of action
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Information Seeking Strategies 2.1 Determine all possible sources 2.2 Select the best sources Examples – add to plan of action
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Location & Access 3.1 Locate sources 3.2 Find information within sources Examples – add to plan of action
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Use of Information 4.1 Engage (read, hear, view) 4.2 Extract relevant information Examples? – Plagiarism and Copyright and quality!
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Synthesis 5.1 Organize 5.2 Present Examples? – Citing sources/bibliography
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Evaluation 6.1 Judge the result 6.2 Judge the process Examples – add to plan of action
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 The Super 3 Beginning - Plan You are the main character in a story: Middle - Do End - Review
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 1. Task Definition 2. Info Seeking Strategies 3. Location & Access 4. Use of Information 5. Synthesis 6. Evaluation The Big6 ™ Skills
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 The Big6 Examples - p. 36 School - selecting a book, assignment for class, homework, paper, project, report, taking a test, Life - selecting a movie, succeeding in sports, birthday gift Work - sales report, career choices, decision-making
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 The Big6 Practice Handbook p. 38, 40, 43
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Okay, but what about technology? Technology
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Technology Technology is the answer, of course Now, what was the question?
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Technology: Answer in Search of a Question
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 What’s All the Fuss?
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 What’s All the Fuss?
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 What’s All the Fuss?
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Technology – Out of Context (p. 57) Multimedia production (PowerPoint) ftp Programming Instant Messaging HTML Telnet Algorithms Video production Word processing Group discussion Use of operating systems Statistical analysis presentation Database management systems CAD/CAM Copy/paste Web page design Graphics Chat Web browsing Electronic indexes Web searching Online catalogs Electronic spreadsheets Upload/download Spell/grammar check Brainstorming software PDAs Inspiration Hyperstudio
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Word processing Group discussion Online catalogs Electronic indexes Web browsing Web searching Electronic spreadsheets Upload/download HTML Spell/grammar check Brainstorming software PDAs Video production Algorithms Instant Messaging Multimedia production (PowerPoint, Hyperstudio) ftp Chat Graphics Database management Inspiration Use of operating systems Web page design Copy/paste Statistical analysis presentation CAD/CAM Telnet Programming Better, But Still Out of Context
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Technology in Context! (p. 62) TASK DEFINITION , online discussions (listservs, newsgroups), chat, video conferencing, desktop conferencing, groupware, brainstorming software, Inspiration, instant messaging INFO SEEKING STRATEGIES online catalogs, info retrieval, electronic resources (CD- ROMs nets), WWW/net resources, Q&A services (AskERIC), online discussion groups (listservs) LOCATION & ACCESS online catalogs, electronic indexes, WWW browsers, search engines (Yahoo, Alta Vista, Lycos, WebCrawler), AskERIC,, telnet, ftp, USE OF INFORMATION upload/download, word processing, copy-paste, Inspiration, outliners, spreadsheets, databases (for analysis of data), statistical packages SYNTHESIS word processing, dtp, graphics, spreadsheets, data base systems, Inspiration, hypermedia, presentation software, down/up load, ftp, e-journals, listservs, newsgroups, Web page authoring (HTML) EVALUATION spell/grammar checkers, , online discussions (listservs, newsgroups), chat, desktop conferencing, groupware
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Technology & Education Information technology fundamentally affects every aspect of education— because learning & teaching are fundamentally information-based.
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Implementation: CONTEXT!! WARNING! Teaching information & technology skills out of context is hazardous to your students’ health.
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Break Time
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 The Big6 Card Activity Acronym: TILUSE T T ask Definition I I nformation Seeking Strategies L L ocation and Access U U se of Information S S ynthesis E E valuation
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 The Big6: Non-Linear TD L&A UI ISS S S E E
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 The Big6: Not Linear TD L&A UI S S E E ISS E E L&A UI ISS S S S S S S
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 The Big6: Not Linear
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 REFLECTION POINT How would you explain the Big6?
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Explaining the Big6 Essential information skills. A model of the information problem-solving process. Simple…but not really. Widely applicable. Easy to implement. Powerful.
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 1. Context: real needs in real situations: School - curriculum, assignments - papers, reports, projects. Work…fun…life! 2. Context: technology within the information problem-solving process - the Big6. Context
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Practice: Technology in a Big6 Context Related Big6: synthesis Related electronic technologies: paint, draw, graphics, video and photo-editing Baseline technology: colored pencils
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Practice: Technology in a Big6 Context highlighting Related Big6: use of information Related electronic technologies: copy/paste, download, file transfer; highlight Baseline technology:
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Exercise: Technology in a Big6 Context Baseline technology: – magazines and books Related Big6: – information seeking strategies, – use of information Related electronic technologies: – full-text electronic resources, CD-ROMs, WWW sites, databases
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Baseline technology: – pen and paper Related Big6: – synthesis – use of information Related electronic technologies: – word processing, desktop publishing, multimedia, presentation software, web page authoring Exercise: Technology in a Big6 Context
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Exercise: Technology in a Big6 Context Baseline technology: – face-to-face meeting Related Big6: – TILUSE Related electronic technologies: – , listservs, video conferencing, discussion boards, chat
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Section Summary Use of the Big6 Effective users of information (information literacy) Better jobs
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Outline of the Workshop Part II: Implementation
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Implementation: CONTEXT!! WARNING! Teaching information & technology skills out of context is hazardous to your students’ health.
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Big6 Template (handout) – Choose a curriculum unit context (grade, subject, assignment) – Put in Big6 format – Sketch out a lesson Share your ideas Micro Planning – Plan One!
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 View your existing units and lessons in relation to the Big6. Explain assignments from a Big6 perspective. Offer specific Big6 lessons (tied to curriculum) classroom teachers, library & information specialists and technology teachers. Micro Planning - Guidelines
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Handbook p. 105 – Senior Project Micro Planning – Evaluation
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Fighting Plagiarism Create a culture that promotes “citing in context.” – Have students learn to cite at an early age. – Model citing in teachers’ work. – Show “bad” examples – exaggerate plagiarism. – Have students cite all sources all the time. – Do not accept work without citing. – Expect citing in class discussions as well.
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 “Big Juicies” p. 106 Important units in the curriculum: have a longer duration reach many students involve a report, project, or product use multiple resources involve a range of teaching methods
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Macro Planning – p. 149, 167 Librarian/Curriculum Resource Job Curriculum Map Can include assessment
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Curriculum Curriculum - Big6 Integration Big6 Integrated Program
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Context: the process information problem solving - the Big6 Context: technology in context technology within the process Context: curriculum real needs in real situations assignments: papers, reports, projects skills x unit matrix Implementation p. 146
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Opportunity
Summary Information-rich and complex world. Information & technology literacy – essential skills for the information age. The Big6 – powerful approach to information literacy – can implement immediately. Technology – gains meaning if learned and used in a Big6 context. Fully integrates with the classroom: 1+1=1.
Big6 Trainer. 04/04
Before Lunch Thought "There are two fundamental equalizers in life: the Internet and education." -John Chambers, CEO, Cisco Systems, 1999
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Outline of the Workshop Part III: Use of World Wide Web – Search the Web WebQuest (Information Seeking Strategies) – Big6 Correlated Web Site Exploration
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Big6 Web Work Search the Web WebQuest – Information Seeking Strategy Identify Big6 Correlated Web sites you can use – Location and Access Share with Group – Synthesis
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Big6 Turbo Tools New Software Library Machines
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 District Implementation “Implementation Ideas” What needs to happen? How do you want to do this?
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Big6 Workshop Evaluation Evaluation Time
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Implementation: CONTEXT!! WARNING! Teaching information & technology skills out of context is hazardous to your students’ health.
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Opportunity
Think Big(6)! This is really important!!! Think Big(6)! This is really important!!! Call to Action
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 Rob Darrow Big6 Trainer
Big6 Trainer. 04/04 All Big6 resources available from: Linworth