1 Penn English and Chinese PropBanks Martha Palmer University of Pennsylvania with Olga Babko-Malaya, Nianwen Xue, and Ben Snyder April 14, 2005 Semantic Representation Meeting University of Maryland
2 Penn What is a PropBank? A PropBank is a corpus annotated with the predicate-argument structure of the verbs: English Propbank: 3/’04 LDCwww.cis.upenn.edu/~ace Kingsbury and Palmer 2002, Palmer, Gildea, Kingsbury, 2005 Wall Street Journal, 1M words, 120K+ predicate instances Brown, 14K predicate instances Chinese Propbank: Xue and Palmer 2003, Xue 2004 Xinhua (250K words – almost done), Sinorama (250K words – estimated 2007) Nominalized verbs for English = NomBank/NYU Chinese NomBank?
3 Penn Capturing “neutral” semantic roles Boyan broke [ Arg1 the LCD-projector.] break (agent(Boyan), patient(LCD-projector)) [Arg1 The windows] were broken by the hurricane. [Arg1 The vase] broke into pieces when it toppled over
4 Penn Frames File example: give < 4000 Frames for PropBank Roles: Arg0: giver Arg1: thing given Arg2: entity given to Example: double object The executives gave the chefs a standing ovation. Arg0: The executives REL: gave Arg2: the chefs Arg1: a standing ovation
5 Penn Frames File example: give w/ Thematic Role Labels Roles: Arg0: giver Arg1: thing given Arg2: entity given to Example: double object The executives gave the chefs a standing ovation. Arg0: Agent The executives REL: gave Arg2: Recipient the chefs Arg1: Theme a standing ovation VerbNet – based on Levin classes
6 Penn PropBank Exercise Ex. [He]-Arg1 Theme [will]-MOD [probably]-MOD be [extradited]-rel [to the U.S]-DIR [for trial under an extradition treaty President Virgilia Barco has revived]-PRP. He will probably be extradited to the U.S for trial under [an extradition treaty]-Arg1 Theme [President Virgilia Barco]-Arg0 Agent has [revived]-rel.
7 Penn A Chinese Treebank Sentence 国会 /Congress 最近 /recently 通过 /pass 了 /ASP 银行法 /banking law “The Congress passed the banking law recently.” (IP (NP-SBJ (NN 国会 /Congress)) (VP (ADVP (ADV 最近 /recently)) (VP (VV 通过 /pass) (AS 了 /ASP) (NP-OBJ (NN 银行法 /banking law)))))
8 Penn The Same Sentence, PropBanked 通过 (f2) (pass) arg0 argM arg1 国会 最近 银行 法 (law) (congress) (IP (NP-SBJ arg0 (NN 国会 )) (VP argM (ADVP (ADV 最近 )) (VP f2 (VV 通过 ) (AS 了 ) arg1 (NP-OBJ (NN 银行法 )))))
9 Penn Annotation procedure PTB II – Extract all sentences of a verb Create Frame File for that verb Paul Kingsbury (3400+ lemmas, 4700 framesets,120K predicates) 1 st pass: Automatic tagging Joseph Rosenzweig 2 nd pass: Double blind hand correction by verb Inter-annotator agreement 84% (87% Arg#’s) 3 rd pass: Adjudication Olga Babko-Malaya 4 th pass: Train automatic semantic role labellers Dan Gildea, Sameer Pradhan, Nianwen Xue, Szuting Yi, …. CoNLL-04 shared task, 2004, 2005, ….
10 Penn Propbank Kappa Statistics P(A)P(E)Kappa Role identify Role classify combined Role identification classifying tree nodes as argument vs. non-argument Role classification classifying arguments as Arg1 vs. Arg2 vs ArgM-LOC vs. etc… Kappa = P(A) - P(E) / 1 - P(E)
11 Penn Throughput Framing: approximately verbs/week Annotation: approximately 70 instances/hour Solomonization: approximately 100 instances per hour 100K words (last summer) ~4 months (hardly any new frame files) 4-6 part-time annotators (100hrs a week), half-time programmer, half-time project manager, half-time adjudicator, frame file creator
12 Penn Applications IE – slot filling Question Answering: What do lobsters like to eat? Answer is NOT people! Machine Translation Reconciling event descriptions across languages - See Parallel Prop II
13 Penn Word Senses in PropBank Orders to ignore word sense not feasible for 700+ verbs Mary left the room Mary left her daughter-in-law her pearls in her will Frameset leave.01 "move away from": Arg0: entity leaving Arg1: place left Frameset leave.02 "give": Arg0: giver Arg1: thing given Arg2: beneficiary How do these relate to traditional word senses in WordNet?
14 Penn Overlap between Senseval2 Groups and Framesets – 95% WN1 WN2 WN3 WN4 WN6 WN7 WN8 WN5 WN 9 WN10 WN11 WN12 WN13 WN 14 WN19 WN20 Frameset1 Frameset2 develop
15 Penn Sense Hierarchy (Palmer, et al, SNLU04 - NAACL04) PropBank Framesets – ITA >90% coarse grained distinctions 20 Senseval2 verbs w/ > 1 Frameset Maxent WSD system, 73.5% baseline, 90% accuracy Sense Groups (Senseval-2) - ITA 82% Intermediate level (includes Levin classes) – 69% WordNet – ITA 71% fine grained distinctions, 60.2% Tagging w/groups, ITA 89%,
16 Penn PropBank II – English/Chinese (100K) We still need relations between events and entities: Event ID’s with event coreference Selective sense tagging Tagging nominalizations w/ WordNet sense Grouped WN senses - selected verbs and nouns Nominal Coreference not names Clausal Discourse connectives – selected subset Level of representation that reconciles many surface differences between the languages
17 Penn Event IDs – Parallel Prop II (1) Aspectual verbs do not receive event IDs: 今年 /this year 中国 /China 继续 /continue 发挥 /play 其 /it 在 /at 支持 /support 外商 /foreign business 投资 /investment 企业 /enterprise 方面 /aspect 的 /DE 主 /main 渠道 /channel 作用 /role “This year, the Bank of China will continue to play the main role in supporting foreign- invested businesses.”
18 Penn Event IDs – Parallel Prop II (2) Nominalized verbs do: He will probably be extradited to the US for trial. done as part of sense-tagging (all 7 WN senses for “trial” are events.) 随着 /with 中国 /China 经济 /economy 的 /DE 不断 /continued 发展 /development… “With the continued development of China’s economy…” The same events may be described by verbs in English and nouns in Chinese, or vice versa. Event IDs help to abstract away from POS tag
19 Penn Event reference – Parallel Prop II Pronouns (overt or covert) that refer to events: [This] is gonna be a word of mouth kind of thing. 这些 /these 成果 /achivements 被 /BEI 企业 /enterprise 用 /apply (e15) 到 /to 生产 /production 上 /on 点石成金 /spin gold from straw , *pro*-e15 大大 /greatly 提高 /improve 了 /le 中 国 /China 镍 /nickel 工业 /industry 的 /DE 生产 /production 水 平 /level 。 “These achievements have been applied (e15) to production by enterprises to spin gold from straw, which-e15 greatly improved the production level of China’s nickel industry.” Prerequisites: pronoun classification free trace annotation
20 Penn Chinese PB II : Sense tagging Much lower polysemy than English Avg of 3.5 (Chinese) vs (English) Dang, Chia, Chiou, Palmer, COLING-02 More than 2 Framesets 62/4865 (250K) Ch vs. 294/3635 (1M) English Mapping Grouped English senses to Chinese (English tagging - 93 verbs/168 nouns, instances) Selected 12 polysemous English words (7 verbs/5 nouns) For 9 (6 verbs/3 nouns), grouped English senses map to unique Chinese translation sets (synonyms)
21 Penn Mapping of Grouped Sense Tags to Chinese increase 提高 / ti2gao1 lift, elevate, orient upwards 仰 / yang3 Collect, levy 募集 / mu4ji2 筹措 / chou2cuo4 筹... / chou2… invoke, elicit, set off 提 / ti4 raise – translations by group
22 Penn Discourse connectives: The Penn Discourse TreeBank WSJ corpus (~1M words, ~2400 texts) Miltsakaki, Prasad, Joshi and Webber, LREC-04, NAACL-04 Frontiers Prasad, Miltsakaki, Joshi and Webber ACL-04 Discourse Annotation Chinese: 10 explicit discourse connectives that include subordination conjunctions, coordinate conjunctions, and discourse adverbials. Argument determination, sense disambiguation [arg1 学校 /school 不 /not 教 /teach 理财 /finance management] , [conn 结果 /as a result] [arg2 报章 /newspaper 上 /on 的 /DE 各 /all 种 /kind 专栏 /column 就 /then 成为 /become 信息 /information 的 /DE 主要 /main 来源 /source] 。 “The school does not teach finance management. As a result, the different kinds of columns become the main source of information.”
23 Penn Summary of English PropBanks Olga Babko-Malaya, Ben Snyder GenreWordsFrames Files Frameset Tags ReleasedProp2 Wall Street Journal* (Penn TreeBank II) 1000K< March, 04 English Translation of Chinese TreeBank * 100K<1500Dec, 04Aug, 05 Xinhua News DOD funding 250K< Dec, 04Dec, 05 (100K) Sinorama NSF-ITR funding 150K< 4000July, 05 Sinorama, English corpus NSF-ITR funding 250K<2000Dec, 06 *DOD funding
24 Penn Annotation of free traces Free traces – traces which are not linked to an antecedent in PropBank Arbitrary Legislation to lift the debt ceiling is ensnarled in the fight over [*]–ARB cutting capital-gains taxes Event The department proposed requiring (e4) stronger roofs for light trucks and minivans, [*]-e4 beginning with 1992 models Imperative All right, [*]-IMP shoot. 1K instances of free traces in a 100K corpus
25 Penn Classification of pronouns 'referring' [John Smith] arrived yesterday. [He] said that... ‘bound' [Many companies] raised [their] payouts by more than 10% ‘event‘ [This] is gonna be a word of mouth kind of thing. ‘generic' I like [books]. [They] make me smile.
26 Penn Mapping of Grouped Sense Tags to Chinese Zhejiang| 浙江 zhe4jiang1 will| 将 jiang1 raise| 提高 ti2gao1 the level| 水平 shui3ping2 of| 的 de opening up| 开放 kai1fang4 to| 对 dui4 the outside world| 外 wai4. (浙江将提高对外开放的水平。) I| 我 wo3 raised| 仰 yang3 my| 我的 wo3de head| 头 tou2 in expectation| 期望 qi1wang4. (我仰头望去。) …, raising| 筹措 chou2cuo4 funds| 资金 zi1jin1 of| 的 de 15 billion|150 亿 yi1ban3wu3shi2yi4 yuan| 元 yuan2 (… 筹措资金 150 亿元。 ) The meeting| 会议 hui4yi4 passed| 通过 tong1guo4 the “decision regarding motions”| 议案 yi4an4 raised| 提 ti4 by 32 NPC| 人大 ren2da4 representatives| 代表 dai4biao3 (会议通过了 32 名人大代表所提的议案。)