Katana Consulting | 1 Measuring Airport Noise March 2014 Kevin Terrell Katana Consulting.


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Presentation transcript:

Katana Consulting | 1 Measuring Airport Noise March 2014 Kevin Terrell Katana Consulting

Katana Consulting | 2 Agenda 1. Background and FAA outreach 2. The noise metric Day-Night-Level 3. Understanding alternative noise metrics 4. Applying alternative metrics at MSP 5. Summary and action plan

Katana Consulting | 3 1 | Under RNAV, SW Minneapolis and Edina would have had a 5x increase in noise and number of departures, with 23% of ~580 daily departures. 27 Xerxes Ave Penn Ave 2012 Departure 2012 Landing SOURCE: ightracker for Tuesday, July 10th am + 8 hourswww.macnoise.com/fl ightracker Runway 30L/R RNAV departure tracks Katana analysis Key road Proposed departure track RMT 50 th Street % % 4 1% 3 1% 70 12% 98 17% 98 17% # daily RNAV flights % of daily total % 30R 30L

Katana Consulting | 4 1 | For RNAV, FAA’s outreach will advise you that there is a Finding of No Significant Impact or “FONSI” relative to a noise limit of 65 dB DNL. SOURCE: FAA Airports Desk Reference, Chapter 17

Katana Consulting | 5 1 | The 65 dB line the FAA uses for a FONSI extends at most about 1.5 miles from the end of runways 30L and 30R. Xerxes Ave Penn Ave 50 th Street France Ave 30R 30L

Katana Consulting | 6 1 | Locally we use the 60 dB line to decide if the MAC must provide noise mitigation. The FAA does not heed that community guideline for a FONSI. Xerxes Ave Penn Ave 50 th Street France Ave 30R 30L

Katana Consulting | 7 Agenda 1. Background and FAA outreach 2. The noise metric Day-Night-Level 3. Understanding alternative noise metrics 4. Applying alternative metrics at MSP 5. Summary and action plan

Katana Consulting | 8 2 | DNL is the modeled logarithmic average of noise exposure over the course of a year, adjusted for our extra sensitivity to nighttime noise. SOURCE: Overview of Noise Metrics at DaytimeNighttime + 10 dB

Katana Consulting | 9 2 | However, noise experts recognize that DNL as a measurement is flawed. SOURCE: What’s In Your DNL?, Wyle Laboratories, 2006 Limited explanation “Reducing noise exposure to a single value of DNL does not convey to the public the extent of the impact upon them” Missing factorsNot representative “A DNL contour map does not tell residents how many times airplanes fly over them, at what time of day, what type of airplanes, or how those flights may interfere with activities, such as sleep and watching television” “If the number of aircraft noise events above the minimum threshold that an individual finds annoying increases, then the noise environment for that person has increased”

Katana Consulting | 10 2 | DNL does not account for real world perceptions of noise. SOURCE: Harris Miller Miller & Hanson “Basic Aircraft Terminology”

Katana Consulting | 11 2 | The application of DNL is based on 40 year old research showing 13% of the population is highly annoyed by 65 decibels of average noise. SOURCE: EC Position Paper on Dose Response 2002, Katana analysis 1972 Highly Annoyed % of People Annoyed by Aircraft Noise % Average Noise Exposure (dB)

Katana Consulting | 12 2 | Current research on plane noise indicates that a 55 dB contour line is a more appropriate place to draw that “FONSI” line. SOURCE: EC Position Paper on Dose Response 2002, Katana analysis 2002 Highly Annoyed % of People Annoyed by Aircraft Noise % Average Noise Exposure (dB) 1972 Highly Annoyed

Katana Consulting | 13 2 | Additional research indicates that average noise levels over 55 dB can have a noticeable impact on the reading skills of schoolchildren. SOURCE: European Environment Agency report No 11/2010

Katana Consulting | 14 Agenda 1. Background and FAA outreach 2. The noise metric Day-Night-Level 3. Understanding alternative noise metrics 4. Applying alternative metrics at MSP 5. Summary and action plan

Katana Consulting | 15 3 | California uses a more nuanced logarithmic measurement called CNEL that accounts for evening noise. L den is similar and is used in Europe. DaytimeEvening + 5 dB Nighttime + 10 dB MSP = ~ DNL decibels

Katana Consulting | 16 3 | Many countries use the 55 dB CNEL contour to restrict uses due to health concerns, and all of Europe is required to show the 55 dB contour. SOURCE: Methods of Assessment of Airport Noise, NJS Burton, London South Bank University 55 dB contour lines required55 dB limit on noise

Katana Consulting | 17 3 | N70 is an easy to understand measurement developed in Australia. It is calculated using the same noise model that the FAA uses for DNL. SOURCE: Expanding Ways to Describe and Assess Aircraft Noise, Department of Transport and Regional Services, Australia

Katana Consulting | 18 3 | These additional noise measures are already approved by FAA. SOURCE: FAA Airports Desk Reference, Chapter 17

Katana Consulting | 19 3 | Summary of noise measures DNL Flawed, logarithmic measurement + 65 dB DNL line for noise studies is based on 40 year old research CNEL, etcN70 Updated & slightly better logarithmic measurement + 55 dB contour line is required in EU and used by some to limit impact A simple, linear measurement = How many times a day can I not hear you because of a plane?

Katana Consulting | 20 Agenda 1. Background and FAA outreach 2. The noise metric Day-Night-Level 3. Understanding alternative noise metrics 4. Applying alternative metrics at MSP 5. Summary and action plan

Katana Consulting | 21 4 | Recall that the FAA uses the 65 dB contour as the area to analyze for a FONSI. Xerxes Ave Penn Ave 50 th Street France Ave SOURCE:

Katana Consulting | 22 4 | Other countries use the 55 dB contour. Here, that extends to Penn Ave, beyond Lake Harriet and encompasses thousands of additional people. Xerxes Ave Penn Ave 50 th Street France Ave SOURCE: MAC PBN Overview map, Katana analysis

Katana Consulting | 23 4 | Beyond Lake Harriet, departing flights from medium aircraft typically exceed 70 decibels, and would be counted as part of the N70 metric. SOURCE: Altitude

Katana Consulting | 24 4 | With RNAV the N70 map to the northwest of MSP would likely blanket Minneapolis, Richfield & Edina with 100+ count tracks & the contour extends. Xerxes Ave Penn Ave France Ave th Street 2 1 N N Key road Number of daily flights greater than 70 dB (N70) SOURCE: Katana analysis; 55 dB line is estimated based on current RMT data 55 dB DNL

Katana Consulting | 25 4 | Arrivals would continue over the lakes, as is the case today. Xerxes Ave Penn Ave France Ave th Street 2 1 Number of daily flights greater than 70 dB (N70) SOURCE: Katana analysis, 55 dB line is estimated based on current RMT data N N Key road 55 dB DNL Arrival path

Katana Consulting | 26 E G I J K L N P Q V 4 | The 55 dB CNEL contour and N70 would affect 19 more schools than the FAA addresses today, including 1/3 of Minneapolis’ total public enrollment U F M B C H D S T O R 2 Local schools A.Lake Nokomis B.Our Lady of Peace C.Hale Community D.Roosevelt High E.Windom F.Annunciation G.Ramsey H.Field Community I.Washburn High J.Kenny K.Anthony L.Armatage M.Carondelet N.Lake Harriet Upper O.Southwest High P.Carondelet Q.Lake Harriet Lower R.Barton Open S.Pilgrim Lutheran T.Lake Country U.Burroughs V.Academy of Holy Angels 55 dB CNEL, est. 65 dB DNL 29 RMT N70, 100+ SOURCE: MAC PBN Overview, Katana + community analysis; 55 dB CNEL based on 2011 RMT data 8 A

Katana Consulting | 27 Agenda 1. Background and FAA outreach 2. The noise metric Day-Night-Level 3. Understanding alternative noise metrics 4. Applying alternative metrics at MSP 5. Summary and action plan

Katana Consulting | 28 5 | Summary Outdated metrics The FAA’s FONSI is based on an outdated metric and a 40 year old understanding of the impact of noise New metrics availableWe just need to ask There are more current, more accurate and easier to understand ways to express the impact of noise on our community This is OUR community – not the FAA’s Those new metrics are available to us – we just need to demand action from our representatives

Katana Consulting | 29 Contact: Kevin Terrell Board Member, Lynnhurst Neighborhood Association (Minneapolis) Co-Founder, MSP FairSkies For further information Visit for a more complete and narrated version of this and other presentations