The Middle Colonies I.Pennsylvania A. Swedish (sparsely settled), Dutch, Germans and English all establish colonies and claim the Delmarva area B. England gains control in the 1670s
– C. In 1681 Charles II grants land to William Penn 1. Named in the grant Pennsylvania (Penn’s Woods) 2. Main city is Philadelphia (City of Brotherly Love) 3. Penn is a Quaker
– D. Quakerism believes in freedom of religion, women’s rights and will be some of the first to oppose slavery – E. Philly’s openness and location on the Delaware River make it popular
II. New York – A. Claimed by the Dutch in 1609 as New Amsterdam (part of New Netherland) – B. As with Penn. It is taken by England in the 1670s
– C. New York keeps the Dutch idea that its main purpose is commerce 1. It makes it tolerant toward nationalities and religions 2. It becomes the nation’s busiest port and at points in its history the busiest port in the world