© 2003, Decision Coaches Inc.
Decision Coaches has developed a unique consulting approach that enables true team collaboration and buy-in. Our approach combines a skilled decision “coach”, a proven methodology, and a proprietary software tool, AliahTHINK!™ v4.0, to consolidate the knowledge of the team and provide actionable results. Decision Coaches has optimized this approach to provide our customers with: Winning Bids Winning Products Winning Strategies Decision Coaches, Inc. has a twelve year history of helping clients such as IBM, Boeing, and ADP make better strategic decisions. Who is Decision Coaches?
© 2003, Decision Coaches Inc. Harnessing the Team’s Knowledge 3 -The data then populates common business frameworks that lead to swift optimal decisions made collaboratively by your team. Actions become clear along with organizational buy-in and understanding. 1 -A Decision Coach shepards a group through value driven criteria that generate a picture of the situation at hand. 2 -The group then makes small judgments that when aggregated reveal critical success factors and the essence of the situation.
© 2003, Decision Coaches Inc. Notable History In 1996 Boeing and Northrop Grumman used the approach to win the $5B Wedgetail program. The approach was so powerful Boeing elected to utilize the technique under an exclusive arrangement for 3 years. “When the meeting is over everyone is in agreement. You have reached consensus for the the decision. After two days we have a team.” “The action items that you need to do in order to win will surface through the process.” Bob Roe, Boeing Corporation Since then the approach has been improved and refined in working with the likes of BAE Systems, EG&G, ManTech, Veridian, and Northrop Grumman. “Produced out of the box thinking leading to innovative product development while reaching group consensus.” Lex Allen, EG&G Recent engagements have been exclusively IT and services Additionally, IBM deployed a variant of this approach worldwide in support of new product development
© 2003, Decision Coaches Inc. Decision Coaches’ Offering Overview Strategic Thinking Process Capture Plan Process Idea Commercialization Process Direction Setting Resource Allocation Execution Plans
© 2003, Decision Coaches Inc. Capture Plan Process Overview P-Win P-Lose Probability of Win = 65% Opportunity Screening Win Strategy
© 2003, Decision Coaches Inc. Opportunity Screening Select Your Segment Targets Market segments are prioritized based on the combined fit with segment needs and an organization’s mission. These axis are defined by multiple criteria of varying importance. The criteria and their weights are defined through a group collaborative process that ensures: Fit with Organization’s Mission Fit with Segment Needs Prioritized Segment Needs Prioritized Mission Criteria 1.The resulting criteria are specific to your business. 2.The prioritization reflects your specific situation at any given time.
© 2003, Decision Coaches Inc. Opportunity Screening Parlay Your Segment Focus Against Multiple Programs Fit with Segment Needs Fit with Organization’s Mission Fit with Opportunity Needs Fit with Organization’s Mission Segments Segment B Programs This approach prioritizes segments as well as specific opportunities to pursue. In the optimal scenario, the customer selects a segment and builds a plan that is leveraged across multiple programs instead of building a compelling story uniquely for each bid one at a time. Segment B
© 2003, Decision Coaches Inc. Two Day Capture Plan Process Event Goal – in two days a capture team including partners if appropriate, can: –Determine the Buying Criteria and starting position with the Customer –Generate a base Pwin (Probability of Winning) –Generate initiatives to increase Pwin Day 1 Outputs: –Determine the relative importance of the customer’s buying criteria –Determine the team’s position against these criteria and against the competition – gaps. –Understand the balance of gaps that are advantages and the gaps that are weaknesses. Day 2 Outputs –Prioritize the Market Drivers –Generate a Justified Pwin –Identify Initiatives to Increase Pwin –Assign Task Responsibility
© 2003, Decision Coaches Inc. Day 1 - Source Selection Factors & Requirements Customer Analysis - Relative Importance This graphic displays the team’s view of the relative importance of the customer’s needs. Each criterion is defined in a detailed way as shown at the bottom for the first criterion on the list.
© 2003, Decision Coaches Inc. Day 1 - How Well Positioned Are You? Customer Analysis Results In this case, “your organization” is equal to or ahead of the competition in all but one criterion. This is typical of incumbents.
© 2003, Decision Coaches Inc. Adding in the criteria weights reveals little difference between the contractors. “Cost” levels the playing field despite having an advantage in 7 of the 8 criteria. Bidding requires identifying initiatives to increase Pwin. Your Organization.57 Competition.51 Day 1 - How Well Positioned Are You Really? Customer Analysis Results
© 2003, Decision Coaches Inc. Day 2 - Capture Plan Analysis Identify the Market Drivers What is really driving each of the market players?
© 2003, Decision Coaches Inc. Day 2 - Generating the Potential Pwin Coach: “What action will the customer take based on the Cost driver?” “… the customer will insist on a contract clause that limit overruns to a maximum of 5%…” “How does that make you feel about winning this business?” P lose P win 67%33% “What can you do to mitigate this situation?” “…introduce an achievement metric that allows overruns consistent with overachievement…” “How do you now feel about winning this business relative to cost?” P lose P win50%
© 2003, Decision Coaches Inc. The rigorous analysis of market players and drivers credibly quantifies Pwin. Day 2 - Capture Plan Analysis What is your overall probability of win?
© 2003, Decision Coaches Inc. Day 2 - Path to the Maximum Pwin Base Pwin Maximum Pwin 57% 71% Contribution to Initiatives Increasing Pwin Responsibility Initiative 1 6 Points John Initiative 2 4 Points Mary Initiative 3 3 Points Chuck Initiative 4 1 Point Bill By identifying what the potential initiatives can do to increase Pwin, the team now possesses a clear path to maximize the probability of winning
© 2003, Decision Coaches Inc. Capture Planning Results Because: The strategy and actions were derived from the team’s collective and comprehensive knowledge. No more – we should have known better. The team made judgment calls and predicted scenario dynamics. Consequently, black team and red team reviews become non-events. The basis of the strategy is well understood by all allowing the customer interfaces and the ultimate proposal to reinforce the same themes which infuses power, credibility, and confidence to the case. The team members galvanize around the result minimizing confusion during execution. Next Steps: Consider us for your next portfolio or pipeline prioritization, bid/no- bid decision, or must win. You’ll be impressed. Remarkable success Rate
© 2003, Decision Coaches Inc. Contacting Decision Coaches, Inc. Steve Leonard, VP of Marketing & Sales Decision Coaches, Inc Penn Avenue Pittsburgh, PA (412) Or