Rti and FLEx (Fun Learning Experiences) Okaw Valley Elementary Bethany, Illinois okawvalley.org/elem
Who We Are Okaw Valley CUSD 302 is a consolidated rural district in central Illinois, encompassing the towns of Bethany and Findlay. The elementary school is located in Bethany.
The district racial/ethnic background is 98% White, 1% Hispanic and 1% Multiracial/Ethnic. 23% of our students are considered low-income, and 0.5% limited English proficient. Our district attendance rate is 94%, 1.9% truancy rate, and 13.1% mobility rate.
Okaw Valley Elementary School Eleven classroom teachers, 6 specialists, 4 support staff, 3 aides 179 students; 100 male, 79 female Pre-kindergarten (Sp Ed) – Gr. 3
How We Got Started Data analysis from school report cards, standardized testing, local assessment, and state statistics indicated a need for improvement in several academic areas. Data also concluded the system of building assessment and instruction used did not deliver enough specialized instruction to students who were struggling in the five core areas of reading.
Infrastructure/Development : Received the IL ASPIRE Grant CORE/PS Team established and participated in Personnel Development Integrated DIBELS of all students 3x/yr Began individual student problem solving based on teacher referral Collected, used, reviewed, and submitted data for decision making purposes
PS Team met regularly to develop interventions for targeted and intensive levels, and collected and used data for decision making purposes Enlisted school volunteers as a resource for intervention Secured supplies and materials that help maintain the Illinois ASPIRE implementation
Beginning Roadblocks Develop consensus among staff Beliefs Survey Align Professional Development Efforts to ASPIRE, RtI and PS Initiatives Integrate RtI/PS Language and Concepts into the School Improvement Plan
What Is Important Scientific, research-based instruction is delivered by highly qualified personnel Problem-solving method is used to make decisions based on a range of student needs Data is used to guide instructional decisions Professional development and coaching are provided to guarantee effective instruction Frequent and consistent parent-staff communication Progress data sent frequently to parents
Plan Development o Use Universal Screening Data and PM data to guide decisions o Grade Level meetings focused around data and how core instruction needs to be changed for some students o Inform parents, families and community about RtI and the PS process
Next Steps Fun Learning Experiences, or FLEx 30 minutes daily for all students with all staff members involved Grouped by level Small groups for tiered instruction Fluid grouping
FLEx Groups Enrichment Groups for EACH Grade Level Kindergarten High Risk First Grade LNF Some Risk, PSF Established, NWF Low Risk First Grade LNF Some Risk, NWF Some Risk, PSF Emerging K-3 NWF Emerging, ORF Some Risk Grade 2 Retell/Comprehension Grade 2/3 NWF deficit, ORF Some Risk Grade 2/3 ORF High Risk
FLEx: First Grade teacher works with a small group of tier 2 and 3 Kindergarten students.
Use available resources and space in your building for maximizing instruction.
Parent Volunteer works with a small group of students during FLEx time. Teacher works with other students in the same setting.
Students who make benchmark and above enjoy studies and activities during daily FLEx time, too.
Small group instruction at each grade level for tiers 2 and 3.
Title I teacher Mrs. Rowe works with tiered students on nonsense word fluency.
School Librarian working with Tier 2 students.
Kindergarten teacher works with Second and Third Grade students on NWF.
What We’ve Learned School-wide Universal Screening 3 times per year is essential Use data to drive decisions; review data & make decisions based on results Schedule regular grade level and problem solving meetings Flexible scheduling of small groups and creative use of staff resources is a critical component of reading intervention Intervention protocol: What works? Integrity? Be specific in goal writing: Who, What, When, Where & How?
What is Ahead/Scaling-Up Implement interventions with integrity Institute standardized protocols for movement from Tier I to II to III support Focus on academic and behavior proficiency for all students Enhance teacher use of available resources and scientific based programs Improve use of data from Universal Screening and Progress Monitoring Increase Parent involvement in the problem solving process Review School Improvement Plans and how they align with RtI and PS Conduct District meetings to facilitate development of district RtI Implementation plans through School Improvement Plan, SIP, days Establish a communication between other grade level buildings in the district to support RtI Implementation at the District and School Levels
Helpful Info Get teachers “on board” with the implementation of differentiated instruction Develop an atmosphere of staff collaboration Establish and maintain integrity of the intervention(s) Keep meetings focused and timely Group students for FLEx according to Data
Thank you Further information: Beth Sawyer, Building Based Coach at Okaw Valley Paula Clark, Regional Coordinator, I-ASPIRE Okaw Valley Elementary School 319 N. Washington St Bethany, IL Phone: