The PBS & RtI Connection The PBS & RtI Connection Using Student Data to Make School-wide Decisions.


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Presentation transcript:

The PBS & RtI Connection The PBS & RtI Connection Using Student Data to Make School-wide Decisions

Presenters Mary Kealy, EdD –Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Services Elaine Layman, MS –Principal, John W. Tolbert, Jr. Elementary School Cathy Shwaery, MS –Behavior Support Coordinator Loudoun County Public Schools, Virginia

Loudoun County Public Schools Loudoun County Washington D.C.

PBS and RtI Growth 1 of 15 selected schools in Virginia

Session Overview Conceptual Framework Leadership Roles RTI-PBS Connection Using Data for Behavioral Decisions Using Data for Academic Decisions School-based Implementation Strategies Action Plan

School Improvement Frameworks: Cooperating Initiatives School-wide PBS –An approach to teaching children appropriate behavior and provide the supports necessary to sustain that behavior –A framework for systems to identify needs, develop strategies and evaluate practices to implement for success Response to Intervention –An approach to teaching children using highly effective strategies in increasing amounts of intensity –A strategic framework into which schools fit their existing instructional programs

PBS & RtI School-wide framework Team with admin. support Tiered approach Data-driven decisions Frequent monitoring Continuous team training Evidence-based interventions Curriculum based measurement Reading Specialist on team Academic instruction and interventions Core-strategic core academic interventions Records review & Office referrals Behavior Specialist on team Behavioral interventions and social skills training Continuum for recognizing positive and responding to negative behavior

Framework for School Improvement Efforts: Guiding Principles Promote evidence- based practices Support change at the systems level Develop local capacity to sustain effective practices SYSTEMS PRACTICES DATA OUTCOMES

Role of District Leaders Give “permission” for model Provide a vision for outcome-based service delivery Reinforce effective practices Expect accountability Provide tangible support for effort Policies Training Coaching Technology Funding

What Are the Desired Outcomes of a Successful District Plan? District Outcomes Led by General Education, Supported by Special Education Infrastructure for a 3-Tiered Model Problem-Solving Model Implemented with Integrity Effective Collection and Use of Data Decision Rules for Intervention Evaluation and Eligibility Determination Technology to Manage and Document Data-Based Decision Making Improved Academic and Behavior Outcomes for All Students Consumer Confidence and Satisfaction Source: Response to Intervention (RtI): Blueprints for Implementation at the State, District and Local Levels

School Leadership Role: PBS & RtI Role of the Principal Develops leadership team for problem-solving process Supports development of expectations Responsible for allocation of resources Facilitates priority setting and schedules Ensures follow-up and professional development Supports program evaluation Monitors staff support/climate

What Are the Desired Outcomes of a Successful School Plan? School Level Outcomes Support for individuals experiencing the change Professional development to provide the needed knowledge and skills Building level leadership (shared leadership) Efficient structures for ongoing data collection, analysis, and decision making Effective system of instruction to meet the needs of all students Improved achievement and outcomes for students Response to Intervention (RtI): Blueprints for Implementation at the State, District and Local Levels

Critical for Successful Implementation District-Level Leaders Building Leadership Team Data Coaches Trainers/Facilitators Teachers Parents Students

Academic SystemsBehavioral Systems 1-5% 5-10% 80-90% Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based High Intensity Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based Intense, durable procedures Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response Universal Screening All students Preventive, proactive Universal Interventions All settings, all students Preventive, proactive Designing School-Wide Systems for Student Success

Responsiveness to Intervention Academic + Social Behavior

RtI & PBS Application Examples EARLY READING/LITERACYSOCIAL BEHAVIOR TEAM General educator, special educator, reading specialist, Title I, school psychologist, etc. General educator, special educator, behavior specialist, Title I, school psychologist, etc. UNIVERSAL SCREENING Curriculum based measurementRecord review PROGRESS MONITORING Curriculum based measurement Office Discipline Referrals, suspensions, behavior incidents EFFECTIVE INTERVENTIONS 5-specific reading skills: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension Direct social skills instruction, positive reinforcement, active supervision, behavioral contracting, function-based support DECISION MAKING RULES Core, strategic, intensive tiersPrimary, secondary, tertiary tiers

Universal Targeted Intensive All Some Few RtI & PBS Continuum of Support for ALL

Plan to operationalize RtI and PBS at Tolbert Elementary School The Problem Solving Model Combined with PBS Using a 4-Tiered Intervention System

Level I Consultation Between Teachers-Parents Level II Consultation With Other Resources Intensity of Problem Amount of Resources Needed to Solve Problem Level III Consultation with the Problem Solving Action Team Level IV IEP Consideration Define the problem Develop a Plan Implement Plan Evaluate RtI Problem Solving Approach

Overall Plan for Tolbert Reading and PBS Interventions Universal Screening – PALS and DRA Power Up Time – Tiered Instruction time allocation in schedule at all grades Introduction to Strategic Intervention Introduction to Curriculum Based Measures and Data Collection Tier 2 – PBS Interventions; Use of data to early identify students for Check-In Check- Out system

Professional Development for RtI August RtI Model and Processes Collaborative Teaching RtI combined with PBS First Quarter Power-Up Enrichment/Independent Activities Identification of students using Universal Screening Second Quarter Use of Power-Up to provide Tier II research based intervention Use of CBM as probes for data collection Third Quarter Plotting of collected data to determine whether progress is being made Model use of Team meeting to determine next intervention Implement use of Team meeting to analyze data

At Staff Meeting: How the RtI Model & PBS Can Help Us The RTI/PS Model meets requirements of the law (NCLB and IDEIA). The RTI/PS Model doesn’t wait until children fail. The RTI/PS Model is an “all children” initiative – every child gets help. The RTI/PS Model is a way to address disproportionality. The RTI/PS Model is a way to increase AYP.

How Did We Trouble Shoot? Individual long range goals broken into manageable steps for staff Parallel planning to avoid overlapping changes Monitoring by administrators to evaluate ease of implementation

~80% of Students ~15% ~5% CONTINUUM of SWPBS & RtI SECONDARY PREVENTION Check in/out Targeted social skills instruction TERTIARY PREVENTION Function-based support Special Education PRIMARY PREVENTION Teach SW expectations Effective instruction Activity 1.Identify existing practices at your school or in your school district by tier. 2.Specify needed programs or interventions for each tier at your school or in your district.


Incidents by Students Using Data for Behavioral Decisions

Incidents by Location, Time of Day, Problem Behavior

Primary to Precise Primary Statements –Too many referrals –September has more suspensions than last year –Gang behavior is increasing –The cafeteria is out of control –Student disrespect is out of control Precision Statements –There are more ODRs (Office Discipline Referrals) for aggression on the playground than last year, and these are most likely to occur during first recess, with a large number of students, and the aggression is related to getting access to the new playground equipment.

Making Precision Statements Define the Problem What Where When Who Why What other information is needed? Define the Solution Prevention Teaching Reward Corrective Consequences Monitoring

Using Data for Academic Decisions Universal Screening Power-up Sessions Curriculum-based Measurements, Probes, Plotting Continue, Intensify or Discontinue Intervention

What will it take to sustain implementation with fidelity? Prevention Continuum of Evidence-based Behavioral Interventions Systems Capacity for Accurate & Sustainable Implementation

Managing Complex Change VisionSkills IncentivesResources Action Plans CHANGE ++ ++

VisionSkills IncentivesResources Action Plans CONFUSION Managing Complex Change

VisionSkills IncentivesResources Action Plans ANXIETY Managing Complex Change

VisionSkills IncentivesResources Action Plans SLOW CHANGE Managing Complex Change

VisionSkills IncentivesResources Action Plans FRUSTRATION Managing Complex Change

VisionSkills IncentivesResources Action Plans FALSE STARTS Managing Complex Change

Action Plan for PBS & RtI Implementation at the District or School Level Implementation in Local School District School Site Leadership Coordination/Collaboration Training & Professional Development Visibility, Funding, & Political Support Evaluation

Summary & Thoughts  What squares with my thinking? ○ What is circling in my mind? ∆ What 3 points will I take away from this presentation?


Resources George Sugai, Co-Director, Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports g/responsivenesshttp:// g/responsiveness