RTI Team Procedures Iredell-Statesville Schools
Goals RTI Team Make-up, Goals and Responsibilities RTI Team Make-up, Goals and Responsibilities Overview of Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III Forms and How They Flow Into the Referral Process Overview of Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III Forms and How They Flow Into the Referral Process Overview of the RTI Forms Overview of the RTI Forms Progress Monitoring Resources Progress Monitoring Resources Utilizing AIMSWEB and READING 3D Utilizing AIMSWEB and READING 3D Provide Research Based Intervention Resources Provide Research Based Intervention Resources Procedures for Parent Referrals Procedures for Parent Referrals
Inform parents and teachers of concern. Inform parents and teachers of concern. Establish communication between parents and teachers. Establish communication between parents and teachers. Attempt initial resolution of problems. Attempt initial resolution of problems.
RTI is the replacement for Pre-Referral Process Created in 1985 in response to eligibility criteria for Special Education Created in 1985 in response to eligibility criteria for Special Education The law requires that schools demonstrate the student’s difficulties are not due to issues such as sensory impairment, ESL issues, environmental issues, or a lack of instruction The law requires that schools demonstrate the student’s difficulties are not due to issues such as sensory impairment, ESL issues, environmental issues, or a lack of instruction The law requires that schools demonstrate valid attempts to solve the existing problem through regular education strategies and interventions The law requires that schools demonstrate valid attempts to solve the existing problem through regular education strategies and interventions
RTI Coordinator Responsibilities Arrange School Wide Training on the RTI Process Arrange School Wide Training on the RTI Process Facilitate access to RTI forms Facilitate access to RTI forms Check RtI Tier I, Tier II, and III forms for required information Check RtI Tier I, Tier II, and III forms for required information Facilitate Parental Notification Facilitate Parental Notification Facilitate completion of observations, vision, hearing, and speech/language screenings Facilitate completion of observations, vision, hearing, and speech/language screenings Schedule and facilitate RTI Tier III meetings in a timely manner Schedule and facilitate RTI Tier III meetings in a timely manner Facilitate data collection and recording Facilitate data collection and recording
RTI Coordinator Responsibilities Deliver completed forms to Program Specialist if referred to Special Education Deliver completed forms to Program Specialist if referred to Special Education File forms in Cumulative File if not referred to Special Education File forms in Cumulative File if not referred to Special Education
Tier I - Core Interventions provided in Core classroom during Core instructional time. Interventions provided in Core classroom during Core instructional time. Within the 90/60 minute block. Within the 90/60 minute block. Interventions that are preventive and proactive. Interventions that are preventive and proactive. Extra support - differentiation Extra support - differentiation
Standard Treatment Core instruction Core instruction Re-teach Re-teach Remediation Remediation Differentiated Instruction Differentiated Instruction HYIS HYIS
Tier II Additional instruction beyond regular Core class instruction. Additional instruction beyond regular Core class instruction. Small groups Small groups Instruction based on student need as a result of continuous progress monitoring. Instruction based on student need as a result of continuous progress monitoring. Progress monitoring 1 – 2 times per month (minimum). This is student driven may need to be more frequent. Progress monitoring 1 – 2 times per month (minimum). This is student driven may need to be more frequent.
Tier II FCRR intervention strategies FCRR intervention strategies Corrective Reading Corrective Reading Reading Mastery Reading Mastery Read 180 Read 180 VMath VMath Interventions not included on district suggested list must be approved by school based team with appropriate documentation detailing research/evidence-based Interventions not included on district suggested list must be approved by school based team with appropriate documentation detailing research/evidence-based
Tier III Intensive Interventions Intensive Interventions Academic and/or behavioral interventions characterized by increased length, frequency, and duration of implementation for students who struggle significantly. Academic and/or behavioral interventions characterized by increased length, frequency, and duration of implementation for students who struggle significantly. Begin screenings that may be needed for referral for special education. Begin screenings that may be needed for referral for special education.
Tier III CR Plus CR Plus HillRAP HillRAP Trans Math Trans Math District provided academic and behavioral research based interventions (I3 website & EC Psychologist Website) District provided academic and behavioral research based interventions (I3 website & EC Psychologist Website) Interventions not included on district list must be approved by school based intervention team with appropriate documentation that the intervention is research/evidence based. Interventions not included on district list must be approved by school based intervention team with appropriate documentation that the intervention is research/evidence based.
Tier III Process A teacher does not place a student in the Tier III process, the student’s data brings him/her to the Tier III Process. A teacher does not place a student in the Tier III process, the student’s data brings him/her to the Tier III Process.
Tier III Process: Prior to Meeting 1 Obtain copy of RtI Tier I/Tier II paperwork and check for completeness. Make sure there are TWO documented parent contacts with dates. Obtain copy of RtI Tier I/Tier II paperwork and check for completeness. Make sure there are TWO documented parent contacts with dates. Parental Notification of Screening is sent (keep copy and record date on Tier III Form). Parental Notification of Screening is sent (keep copy and record date on Tier III Form).
Screening Process Social/Developmental History Social/Developmental History Speech/language Screening Speech/language Screening Vision, hearing, and health screening Vision, hearing, and health screening Academic Observation Academic Observation Functional Observation Functional Observation Program Specialist Referral Checklist Program Specialist Referral Checklist
RTI Process Tier III RTI Process Tier III If Tier I vision screening is current within 6 months, record on Tier III form. If not, request new vision screening from school nurse using Vision Screening form If Tier I vision screening is current within 6 months, record on Tier III form. If not, request new vision screening from school nurse using Vision Screening form Record results on Tier III form. Record results on Tier III form.
Tier III Process Request school Speech Therapist to complete hearing and speech language screening using the Iredell Statesville Speech Screening Information form. Request school Speech Therapist to complete hearing and speech language screening using the Iredell Statesville Speech Screening Information form. Record on Tier III form Record on Tier III form
RTI Tier III Process Obtain third party Academic AND Functional Observations: Obtain third party Academic AND Functional Observations: Academic: Observation in the classroom during instruction in the academic/behavioral area of concern Academic: Observation in the classroom during instruction in the academic/behavioral area of concern Functional: Observation in a noninstructional setting focusing on the student’s ability to interact appropriately with others, conform to conventions, follow school procedures, etc. Functional: Observation in a noninstructional setting focusing on the student’s ability to interact appropriately with others, conform to conventions, follow school procedures, etc.
Tier III Team Meeting 1 Review Existing Data Review Existing Data Attendance Attendance ESL ESL Previous Evaluations Previous Evaluations Relevant Social and Environmental Factors Relevant Social and Environmental Factors Sensory Issues Sensory Issues Medical Information Medical Information Strategies utilized during Tier I and Tier II Strategies utilized during Tier I and Tier II
Tier III Meeting 1 Record specific Academic/Behavioral Area(s) of Concern (skill deficits) Record specific Academic/Behavioral Area(s) of Concern (skill deficits) Determine and record what data will be used to supply baseline and measure progress, must be consistent over the course of the process Determine and record what data will be used to supply baseline and measure progress, must be consistent over the course of the process If baseline data exists, assist teacher in recording this on Progress Monitoring Chart for the student along with class average for each data point If baseline data exists, assist teacher in recording this on Progress Monitoring Chart for the student along with class average for each data point If baseline data needs to be collected, such as in a behavioral referral, assist teacher in determining how to collect this data and plan to reconvene to discuss interventions after data is collected If baseline data needs to be collected, such as in a behavioral referral, assist teacher in determining how to collect this data and plan to reconvene to discuss interventions after data is collected Record the current level of functioning in the area(s) of concern Record the current level of functioning in the area(s) of concern Intervention and Progress Monitoring Chart for each area of concern Intervention and Progress Monitoring Chart for each area of concern
Tier III Meeting 1 Determine appropriate Research Based Intervention(s) to be implemented for each area of concern Determine appropriate Research Based Intervention(s) to be implemented for each area of concern
Research Based Interventions “…have been shown through one or more valid research studies to help a student improve academic, behavioral/emotional or functional skills. The interventions used prior to determining eligibility for special education and related services must be designed to address the skills deficiency of the particular individual student.” (Public Schools of North Carolina)
Research Based Interventions Are NOT: Are NOT: Preferential Seating Preferential Seating Praise and Attention Praise and Attention Parent Contacts Parent Contacts Doing MORE of the same Doing MORE of the same Shortened Assignments Shortened Assignments Stress Ball Stress Ball
Research Based Interventions Targeted assistance based on Progress Monitoring Administered by the classroom teacher, specialized teacher, or external interventionist Administered by the classroom teacher, specialized teacher, or external interventionist Provides additional instruction and can be individual, small group, and/or technology assisted Provides additional instruction and can be individual, small group, and/or technology assisted
Intervention Challenges When? Finding Time When? Finding Time Different implementation models at Elementary, Middle, and High School Different implementation models at Elementary, Middle, and High School Must involve creativity and flexibility Must involve creativity and flexibility Necessary to develop school intervention resource bank Necessary to develop school intervention resource bank Insure intervention fidelity Insure intervention fidelity
RTI Tier III Meeting 1: Development of Interventions for Cycle 1 Record intervention to be used under “Intervention Cycle 1” on page 3 of Tier III form Record intervention to be used under “Intervention Cycle 1” on page 3 of Tier III form Team signs page 4 Team signs page 4 Record Date of Next Meeting to Review Progress on page 4 of Tier III form. Must be a minimum of three weeks Record Date of Next Meeting to Review Progress on page 4 of Tier III form. Must be a minimum of three weeks During the First Cycle of Intervention, the referring teacher records student data and class average data on Progress Monitoring Chart During the First Cycle of Intervention, the referring teacher records student data and class average data on Progress Monitoring Chart
Progress Monitoring Scientifically based practice used to assess student performance and evaluate effectiveness of instruction over time Scientifically based practice used to assess student performance and evaluate effectiveness of instruction over time Current level of performance is determined (baseline) Current level of performance is determined (baseline) Academic performance is measured on a regular basis (weekly) and is compared to expected rates of learning (class average) Academic performance is measured on a regular basis (weekly) and is compared to expected rates of learning (class average) Interventions are adjusted to meet individual learning needs Interventions are adjusted to meet individual learning needs
Tier III Meeting 2: Review of Intervention Cycle 1 and Development of Interventions for Cycle 2 Review effectiveness of Cycle 1 Intervention and record results on Tier III form under “Results of Intervention Cycle 1” Review effectiveness of Cycle 1 Intervention and record results on Tier III form under “Results of Intervention Cycle 1” Next Step Decisions: Next Step Decisions: Continue current intervention if succeeding Continue current intervention if succeeding Stop Tier III (document reason for decision and file in cum file) Stop Tier III (document reason for decision and file in cum file) Develop new intervention for Cycle 2 and record on Tier III form under “Intervention Cycle 2” Develop new intervention for Cycle 2 and record on Tier III form under “Intervention Cycle 2”
Tier III Meeting 2: Review of Intervention Cycle 1 and Development of Interventions for Cycle 2 Team signs under “Review of Cycle 1 Interventions and Development of Cycle 2 Interventions” on page 3 Team signs under “Review of Cycle 1 Interventions and Development of Cycle 2 Interventions” on page 3 Set date for next review meeting (a minimum of 3 weeks) Set date for next review meeting (a minimum of 3 weeks) During the second cycle of intervention, the referring teacher records student data and class average data on Progress Monitoring Chart During the second cycle of intervention, the referring teacher records student data and class average data on Progress Monitoring Chart
Tier III Meeting 3: Review of Intervention Cycle 2 and Determination of Need for Additional Action Review effectiveness of Cycle 2 intervention and record results on Tier III form under “Results of Intervention Cycle 2” Review effectiveness of Cycle 2 intervention and record results on Tier III form under “Results of Intervention Cycle 2”
Tier III Meeting 3: Review of Intervention Cycle 2 and Determination of Need for Additional Action Record overall outcomes under Section 4 on Review of Tier III Plan. (Tier IIIB) Record overall outcomes under Section 4 on Review of Tier III Plan. (Tier IIIB)
Tier III Meeting 3: Review of Intervention Cycle 2 and Determination of Need for Additional Action Team Decision Team Decision Continue current interventions Continue current interventions Modify interventions and continue Tier III Process Modify interventions and continue Tier III Process Recommend for evaluation to IEP Committee OR reevaluation if current EC student Recommend for evaluation to IEP Committee OR reevaluation if current EC student Stop Tier III process Stop Tier III process Other Other Obtain Signatures
Following the Final Tier III Meeting RTI Coordinator delivers all paperwork to EC Program Specialist signing off on date of delivery RTI Coordinator delivers all paperwork to EC Program Specialist signing off on date of delivery EC Program Specialist reviews process for completeness of forms and appropriateness of interventions EC Program Specialist reviews process for completeness of forms and appropriateness of interventions
Following the Final Assistance Team Meeting If incomplete, EC Program Specialist returns forms to the RTI Coordinator signed and dated with reasons for corrective action needed If incomplete, EC Program Specialist returns forms to the RTI Coordinator signed and dated with reasons for corrective action needed RTI Coordinator returns forms to EC Program Specialist following corrective action RTI Coordinator returns forms to EC Program Specialist following corrective action EC Program Specialist again reviews process for completeness of forms and appropriateness of interventions EC Program Specialist again reviews process for completeness of forms and appropriateness of interventions
Following the Final Tier III Meeting EC Program Specialist signs and records date Tier III forms are accepted as complete EC Program Specialist signs and records date Tier III forms are accepted as complete EC Program Specialist signs and records date delivered to the IEP team facilitator EC Program Specialist signs and records date delivered to the IEP team facilitator Date of delivery is Referral to EC date and begins the 90 day timeline Date of delivery is Referral to EC date and begins the 90 day timeline
Speech Language Referrals Issues involving articulation, voice, and fluency, as well as a combination of language plus one of the above issues, are referred directly to the Speech/Language Pathologist. Issues involving articulation, voice, and fluency, as well as a combination of language plus one of the above issues, are referred directly to the Speech/Language Pathologist. Students with language issues ONLY must go through Tier I/ Tier II. Students with language issues ONLY must go through Tier I/ Tier II. Contact your school speech/language therapist who will assist with intervention and data collection suggestions. Contact your school speech/language therapist who will assist with intervention and data collection suggestions.
What Do I Do When Someone Hands Me a Parent Referral?
Parent Referral Discuss the process with the parent. Make sure the parent understands what they are asking for. Discuss the process with the parent. Make sure the parent understands what they are asking for. Ask the parent what handicapping condition he/she feels their student has. Ask the parent what handicapping condition he/she feels their student has. The referral must be in writing. If the parent is unable to put the request in writing, we are obligated to assist him/her. The referral must be in writing. If the parent is unable to put the request in writing, we are obligated to assist him/her. However, do not ignore verbal requests!*** However, do not ignore verbal requests!***
Parent Referral Teacher Referral: 90 day timeline begins the day the RTI paperwork is delivered to the IEP Team Teacher Referral: 90 day timeline begins the day the RTI paperwork is delivered to the IEP Team Parent Referral: 90 day timeline begins the day the parent makes a written request for an evaluation to determine eligibility for EC services Parent Referral: 90 day timeline begins the day the parent makes a written request for an evaluation to determine eligibility for EC services
Parent Referral Contrary to Popular Belief: Contrary to Popular Belief: A parent referral does NOT make the process easier, in fact, it becomes more complicated A parent referral does NOT make the process easier, in fact, it becomes more complicated A parent referral does NOT remove ANY of the required components necessary to determine eligibility for Exceptional Children’s services A parent referral does NOT remove ANY of the required components necessary to determine eligibility for Exceptional Children’s services
Parent Referral A parent referral DOES create a necessity to perform various processes (Tier I, Tier II and III process, interventions, evaluation) simultaneously in order to meet the 90 day timeline A parent referral DOES create a necessity to perform various processes (Tier I, Tier II and III process, interventions, evaluation) simultaneously in order to meet the 90 day timeline
Parent Referral **MAKE SURE ALL TEACHERS KNOW TO GIVE PARENT REQUESTS TO THE RTI COORDINATOR IMMEDIATELY** When you receive a parent referral, immediately send the “Parental Notification of Screening” When you receive a parent referral, immediately send the “Parental Notification of Screening” Notify EVERYONE: Notify EVERYONE: School Administrator School Administrator EC Program Specialist EC Program Specialist EC IEP Team Facilitator EC IEP Team Facilitator School Psychologist School Psychologist Current Teacher Current Teacher
Parent Referral Determine what information exists and what needs to be collected Determine what information exists and what needs to be collected Is the student currently receiving services in Tier I or Tier II? If not, the regular teacher will need to begin this process immediately by completing the information on page 1 of the Tier I paperwork. The regular teacher will then immediately proceed with the Tier II process. Is the student currently receiving services in Tier I or Tier II? If not, the regular teacher will need to begin this process immediately by completing the information on page 1 of the Tier I paperwork. The regular teacher will then immediately proceed with the Tier II process. What screenings are needed (vision, hearing, etc?) What screenings are needed (vision, hearing, etc?) Arrange for screenings and observations to be completed Arrange for screenings and observations to be completed
ParentReferral Schedule first Tier III meeting in conjunction with the IEP Team Facilitator. The first Tier III meeting will also be the EC referral meeting (IEP Team Facilitator will invite parent using EC invitation form) Schedule first Tier III meeting in conjunction with the IEP Team Facilitator. The first Tier III meeting will also be the EC referral meeting (IEP Team Facilitator will invite parent using EC invitation form) Parent is formally invited and encouraged to attend Parent is formally invited and encouraged to attend Meeting should be held within 2 weeks of request receipt Meeting should be held within 2 weeks of request receipt Utilize student background data sheet. Utilize student background data sheet.
Parent Referral At this point the process runs the same as a teacher referral. At this point the process runs the same as a teacher referral. Consult with Program Specialist to insure that interventions and progress monitoring processes are appropriate. Consult with Program Specialist to insure that interventions and progress monitoring processes are appropriate. At the completion of the Tier III process, the final meeting will also occur concurrently with the EC eligibility determination meeting. At the completion of the Tier III process, the final meeting will also occur concurrently with the EC eligibility determination meeting.