Date 23.08.2006 to on.  The Right to Information Act received the assent of the President of India on 15th June, 2005 and was published in the Extra.


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Presentation transcript:

Date to on

 The Right to Information Act received the assent of the President of India on 15th June, 2005 and was published in the Extra Ordinary Gazette of India on 21st June,  Sections like 4(1), 5(1)) (2) 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 24 and 28 came into force at once. The remaining provisions of this Act came into force on the one hundred and twentieth day of its enactment. That is to say that all the provisions of the Act are fully operational from 12th October, Karnataka Information Commission

The Right to information Act 2005 mandates annual reports to be submitted by the Central and State Information Commissions [Section 25(1),(3) & (4)]. The key provisions in the Act in this regard are :  the number of requests made to each public authority;  the number of decisions where applicants were not entitled to access to the documents pursuant to the requests, the provisions of this Act under which these decisions were made and the number of times such provisions were invoked;  the number of appeals referred to the Central Information Commission or State Information Commission; as the case may be, for review, the nature of the appeals and the outcome of the appeals ; …continued Karnataka Information Commission

 the amount of charges collected by each public authority under the Act;  any facts which indicate an effort by the public authorities to administer and implement the spirit and intention of this Act;  particulars of any disciplinary action taken against any officer in respect of the administration of this Act;  Recommendations for reform, including “recommendations in respect of particular public authorities, for the development, improvement, modernization, reform or amendment to this Act or other legislation or common law or any other matter relevant for operationalizing the right to access information Karnataka Information Commission

 Publication and tabling a copy of report of State Information Commission before each House of the State Legislature:  Section 25(4) requires that the State Government as soon as practicable after the end of each year, may place the Annual Report of the Commission before each house of the State Legislature. Karnataka Information Commission

 Under the ‘CAPACITY BUILDING for Access to Information project which is a joint initiative of the Department for Personnel and Training (DOPT), Government of India and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the DOPT has selected the Centre for Good Governance, Hyderabad and Yashwantrao Chavan Academy of Development Administration (YASHADA),Pune as the National Implementing Agency for the project. At the State level, the concerned State Administrative Training Institute will act as State Implementing Agency. Karnataka Information Commission

 Soon after the RTI Act became operational the Karnataka Information Commission wrote to the Principal Secretaries / Secretaries of various departments on requesting them to collect & compile required information for preparation of annual report and make it available to the Commission. Further it was also requested that the required information in respect of quarter October – December 2005 may be furnished by Karnataka Information Commission

 Again the Commission wrote to all the Principal Secretaries / Secretaries on enclosing model templates in which PIOs and appellate authorities may send reports to the public authorities as also a templates in which the public authorities may submit information to the department. The Commission received some sporadic responses from few field offices but no consolidated report was received from any department. Karnataka Information Commission

Formats for reporting : Karnataka Information Commission R.T.I. Act FORM –I Yearly report by SPIO to Public Authority. From Name, Designation and address of SPIO Tel No. To Name, Designation and address of Public Authority For the year of (from to ) I-A] No. of requests received and charges collected during the year. No. of requests pending at the beginning of the year No. of requests received during the year DirectlyThrough PostThrough APIOsThrough other public authorities Total no. of requests received during the year Of the total requests, no.of requests from BPL* citizens Amount of charges collected during the year on requests. (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f) (=b+c+d+e) (g)(h) *Below Poverty Line

Formats for reporting : Karnataka Information Commission R.T.I. Act FORM –I Yearly report by SPIO to Public Authority. From Name, Designation and address of SPIO Tel No. To Name, Designation and address of Public Authority For the year of (from to ) I-A] No. of requests received and charges collected during the year. No. of requests pending at the beginning of the year No. of requests received during the year DirectlyThrough PostThrough APIOs Through other public authorities Total no. of requests received during the year Of the total requests, no.of requests from BPL* citizens Amount of charges collected during the year on requests. (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f) (=b+c+d+e) (g)(h) *Below Poverty Line

Formats for reporting : Karnataka Information Commission I-B] No. of requests disposed off during the year. Total No. of requests for disposal up to the end of the year No. of requests disposed off during the yearNo. of request pending at the end of the year Within time limitAfter the time limitTotal (i) (=a+f) (j)(k)(l) (j+k) (m) (i-l) I-C] No. of requests where applicants were denied access to information along with relevant section of RTI Act, 2005 No. of cases in which access to information was denied (whether in full or part) under RTI Act, section no..: 8(1)(a)8(1)(b)8(1)(c)8(1)(d)8(1)(e)8(1)(f)8(1)(g)8(1)(h)8(1)(i)8(1)(j)911Any other (give details) Total nopqrstuvwxyzzA I-D] Suggestions if any (on removal of difficulties or on any other matter for operationalizing the right to access information). Place: Date: Signature of the SPIO

Formats for reporting : Karnataka Information Commission RTI Act – 2005 FORM-II- Yearly report by Appellate Authority to Public Authority. From Name, Designation and address of Appellate Authority Tel No. To Name, Designation and address of Public Authority For the year of..... …. 200….(from to ) II-A] No.of appeals under consideration and charges collected. *Below Poverty line. No.of pending appeals at the beginning of the yearNo. of appeals received during this yearOf the total received, no. of appeals from BPL* *citizens Total No. of appeals for disposal upto the end of the year (=a+d) Amount of charges collected during the year on appeals Through APIODirectlyTotal (=b+c) (a)(b)(c)(d)e)(f)(g)

Formats for reporting : Karnataka Information Commission II-B] No. of appeals disposed off No. of Appeals disposed offAppeals pending at the end of the year (=f-j) Within the limitAfter time limitTotal (f+g) (h)(i)(j)(k) II-C] No. of appeals where orders of SPIO denying access to information were upheld. No. of cases in which access to information was denied and orders of SPIO were upheld (whether in full or part) under RTI Act, section No..: 8(1)(a ) 8(1)(b ) 8(1)(c ) 8(1)(d ) 8(1)(e ) 8(1)(f ) 8(1)(g ) 8(1)(h ) 8(1)(i ) 8(1)(j ) 91 Any other (give details ) Total lmnopqrstuvwxy II-D] Suggestions if any (on removal of difficulties or on any other matter for operationalizing the right to access information. Place: Date: Signature of the Appellate Authority

RTI Act, 2005 FORM-III - Yearly Report by Public Authority to Department From Name, Designation and address of Public Authority Tel No. To Name, Designation and name of the Secretary/Principal Secretary of the Department Tel.No. For the year ….from to ) III-A] Disposal of requests. Total No. of PIOs under the Public Authority No. of PIOs who have reporte d No. of PIOs who have not reported No. of requests for disposal (pending at the beginning of the year plus Nos. received during the year) No.of requests disposed off during the year No. of requests pending at the end of the year. Amount of charges collected during the year on requests within the time limit during the year No. of requests disposed After the time limit. Total abcdefg (=e=f) h (=d-g) i III-B] No. of requests where applicants were denied access to information whether in full or part along with relevant section of RTI Act, No. of cases in which access to information was denied (whether in full or part) under RTI Act section No..: 8(1)(a)8(1)(b)8(1)(c)8(1)(d)8(1)(e)8(1)(f)8(1)(g)8(1)(h)8(1)(i)8(1)(j)91 Other s (give details) Total jklmnopqrstuvw

III-C] No. of Appeals disposed off No. of Appellate Authoritie s under the Public Authority No. of Appellate Authoritie s who have reported No. of Appellate Authorities who have not reported Total No. of appeals for disposal (pending at the beginning of the year plus Nos. received during the year No. of appeals dispose d off within time limit No. of appeals disposed off after time limit. TotalNo. of appeals pending at the end of the year (=d-g) Amount of charges collected during the year on appeals. (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g) (=e+f) (h)(i) III-D] No. of appeals where orders of SPIO denying access to information were upheld. No. of cases in which access to information was denied (whether in full or part) under section: 8(1)(a)8(1)(b)8(1)(c)8(1)(d)8(1)(e)8(1)(f)8(1)(g)8(1)(h)8(1)(i)8(1)(j)91 Any other (give details) Total jklmnopqrstuvw III-D] Suggestions if any (on removal of difficulties or on any other matter for operationalizing the right to access information. Place: Date: Signature of the Public Authority Formats for reporting : Karnataka Information Commission

RTI Act Form-IV – Yearly Report by Department to Karnataka Information Commission From Name, Designation and address of the Secretary/Principal Secretary of the Department To Karnataka Information Commission, Bangalore. For the year of ( IV-A] Report by Department Name of the public authori-ty No. of PIOs under the Public Authority No.of requests for disposal (pending at the beginning of the year plus nos. received during the year) Of the total,requests from BPL citizens Amount of charges collect- ed On requests during the year Total No.of requests disposed off Of the total dispos- ed off, No.of requests disposed off after time limit No.of requests pending at the end of the year (=4-7) Re- marks Who have report- ed Who have nor repor t-ed Formats for reporting : Karnataka Information Commission

IV-B] No. of requests where access to information was denied (whether in full or part) with relevant section of RTI Act, 2005 No. of cases in which access to information was denied (whether in full or part) under RTI Act, 2005 section no. : 8(1)(a)8(1)( b) 8(1)( c) 8(1)( d) 8(1)( e) 8(1)( f) 8(1)( g) 8(1)( h) 8(1)( i) 8(1)( j) 911Any other (give de- tails) Total IV-C] Report by Department – Appeals No.of Appellate Authorities (AAs) No.AAs who have reported No. of AAs who have not reported No.of appeals for disposal (pending at the beginning of the year plus received during the year end No.of appeals dispos- ed of within time limit No.of appeals disposed off after time limit No.of appeals pending at the end of the year Amount of charges collected on appeals during the year Re- mark s Formats for reporting : Karnataka Information Commission

IV-D] No. of appeals where orders of PIO denying access to information were upheld with relevant section of RTI Act, No. of cases in which access to information was denied (whether in full or part) under RTI Act, section no..: 8(1)(a)8(1)(b)8(1)(c)8(1)(d)8(1)(e)8(1)(f)8(1)(g)8(1)(h)8(1)(i)8(1)(j)911Any other (give de- tails) Total IV-E] Classification of applications No.of applicat- ions received directly No.of applicat- ions received through post No.of applicat- ions received through APIOs No.of applicat-ions received through other PIOs Total No.of applications for consider- ation during the year No.of BPL applicat- ions No. of applications disposed off during the year No.of applications under RTI Act pending at the end of the year Formats for reporting : Karnataka Information Commission

IV-F] Classifications of appeals No.of appeals received directly No.of appeals received through APIOs Total No of appeals for consideration during the year. No.of appeals from BPL citizens received during the year No.of appeals disposed off during the year. No.of appeals under RTI Act pending at the end of the year IV-G] Suggestions if any (on removal of difficulties or on any other matter for operationalizing the right to access information) Place: Signature of the Secretary/ Date: Principal Secretary Formats for reporting : Karnataka Information Commission

 Under capacity building for access to information the Center for Good Governance, Hyderabad and the Yashwantrao Chavan Academy of Development Administration, Pune, prepared a guide for preparation of the annual reports which contains suggested formats for reporting by SPIOs to the First appellate authorities, appellate authorities to the departments, and departments to the Commission. These formats are slightly different from the formats designed by the Commission.  However the Commission thought that any changes at this stage may create confusion. Therefore it is suggested that for this year the formats suggested by the Commission may be adopted for reporting. From next year onwards the formats designed by the center for good governance may be considered for reporting.  The formats suggested by the Commission have been designed for collecting information every month. These would need minor modifications for yearly reporting. Karnataka Information Commission

 Section 25 (1) of the Act states that the State Information Commission, as soon as practicable after the end of each year, prepare a report on the implementation of the provision of the this Act during that year and forward a copy thereof to the appropriate government.  The Commission has so far considered financial year as the reference year for preparation of the Annual Report. However there has been very little progress in getting the information from concerned departments. A suggestion has been received to shift the reference year. Since the Act came into force from 12 th October 2005, implementation of the Act may be taken as having commenced from 12 th October 2005 and as such the reference year could be October-September. Karnataka Information Commission