Tier 2/Secondary Interventions Rachel Saladis Kim Miller Kathy Halley
Inclusion Activity Take turns talking. When someone is talking, the rest are silent. Full nonverbal attn After everyone has gone, the first person will summarize for large group. Start the starter (born the farthest away from Madison)
Maitre D’ Greet each other Share your response to question Close the conversation
Maitre D’ At each table, introduce your selves, answer the question and bid farewell. Question 1: What has been you schools greatest success with PBS? Question 2: What do you want to take from this training back to your school? Question 3: What are your hopes for this Tier 2 training?
Outcomes Become familiar with Secondary Systems Understand the elements of Check in Check out Create Check in Check out System Get research articles
Working Agreements Need Rachel or Karen to chart page 71 Ask for suggestions from large group. Ask for consensus –hands up “yah” hands up “nay”
Parking Lot
School-Wide Systems for Student Success: A Response to Intervention (RtI) Model Academic Systems Behavioral Systems Tier 3/Tertiary Interventions 1-5% Individual students Assessment-based High intensity 1-5% Tier 3/Tertiary Interventions Individual students Assessment-based Intense, durable procedures 6 or more office referrals /semester Tier 2/Secondary Interventions 5-15% Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response Small group interventions Some individualizing 5-15% Tier 2/Secondary Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response Small group interventions Some individualizing 2-5 office referral/semester Important point- hand out thinking about what you have in the academic tier two and what we have in behavioral tier two Family engagement at all three tiers (ex. Universal: parent volunteers using school reinforcer; Secondary: pushing teams to think about more than just consent but helping parents/families understand and be engaged in the intervention; Tertiary: Families need to be active member on the team School population (race, free/reduced lunch, urban/rural, large/small buildings) Regardless of student population the percentage breakdowns remain the same. Any behavior that is impacting more than 20% of the student body is a universal issue. Universal team/all students, Secondary team/small groups/generic problem solving team/Tertiary team/formed for individual student Tier 1/Universal Interventions 80-90% All students Preventive, proactive 80-90% Tier 1/Universal Interventions All settings, all students Preventive, proactive 0-1 office referral/semester Illinois PBIS Network, Revised May 15, 2008. Adapted from “What is school-wide PBS?” OSEP Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. Accessed at http://pbis.org/schoolwide.htm 8
Team Work Time Blank Triangle – focusing on the behavior side of the triangle What are the interventions currently in place in your school? List these. Star those that actively use data components.
SCHOOL-WIDE POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT Tertiary Prevention: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior 6 or more ODR/sem SCHOOL-WIDE POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT ~5% ~15% Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior 2-5 ODR/sem Primary Prevention: School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings 0-1 ODR/sem Layering on top instead of taking away any universal practices. Never taking away universal practices. ~80% of Students
Using Your Data Make the triangle numbers REAL! What is 80% of your student population What is 15% of your student population What is 5% of your student population A conversation about data
Full-size image - 6x larger This image may be subject to copyright. Website for this image behavioradvisor.com Full-size image - 6x larger This image may be subject to copyright. Size: 1862 × 1571 Type: 2.3MB JPG Who are these secodary kids??
Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports: A Response to Intervention (RtI) Model Tier 1/Universal School-Wide Assessment School-Wide Prevention Systems Behavior Referrals Attendance & Tardies Tier 2/ Secondary Tier 3/ Tertiary CICO Assessment Intervention Daily Progress Reports (CICO) Behavioral Pathways Data Pre and Post Data/Groups Student Groups CICO or Student groups /individual features, Brief FBAs Individual Progress Monitoring, Multi- Disciplinary Assessment and Analysis Complex individualized Interventions: CICO individual, Complex FBAs Team-Based Wraparounds Illinois PBIS Network, Revised October 2009 Adapted from T. Scott, 2004
What we know… Think about behavior charts used in your classroom. What worked well / what did not elbow share How this may look with a group of kids at secondary level School wide system
Video Morning check in Teacher response Afternoon check out What is the same and different from what we have been doing for individual kids
Student Recommended for CICO Check In Check Out (CICO) CICO is Implemented Parent Feedback Regular Teacher Afternoon Check-out Morning Check-in CICO Coordinator Summarizes Data For Decision Making Bi-weekly Meeting to Assess Student Progress Revise Program Exit Program 16
Check In/Check Out To identify students who require additional support and provide them with more frequent feedback on their behavior. Check in Check out can support students with the following concerns: attendance work completion organizational skills relationship building video
Logistics for Setting up a CICO program School-wide PBS in place School-wide expectations defined and taught Acknowledgement system operating Clear and consistent consequences for problem behavior Process for identifying a student who may be appropriate for CICO Student is not responding to Universal PBS expectations Student finds adult attention rewarding Student is NOT in crisis.
Why does CICO work? Improved structure Student is “set up for success” Increase in contingent feedback Program can be applied in all school locations Elevated acknowledgement for appropriate behavior Linking school and home support Program is organized to morph into a self-management system When you think about those 2-5 office referral students in your school =write a 3 reasons it would work Why connect to their work directly – set up for next section.
Remember who are our BFBA kids ( secondary kids) – entry rules/exit rules
Guiding Questions Data rules for entry
Logistics for Setting up a CICO program Daily CICO progress report card Same expectations for all Common schedule All staff taught rules for accepting, completing and returning the card. samples
Adapted from Crone, Horner & Hawken (2004) Points Possible: ______ Points Received: ______ % of Points: ______ Goal Achieved? Y N Daily Progress Report Name: __________________________ Date: ____________ Rating Scale: 3=Good day 2= Mixed day 1=Will try harder tomorrow GOALS: HR 1st 2nd 3rd 4th L 5th 6th BE RESPECTFUL BE RESPONSIBLE BE ON TIME Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent Signature(s) and Comments: _______________________________________________
Adapted from Crone, Horner & Hawken (2004) Daily Progress Report Adapted from Crone, Horner & Hawken (2004) Points Possible: ______ Points Received: ______ % of Points: ______ Goal Achieved? Y N Name: Date: Rating Scale: = Good day: 3 points = Mixed day: 2 points =Will try harder tomorrow: 1 point GOALS: Calendar Reading Spelling & Writing Math Lunch Centers respectful responsible safe Goals defined by our matrix…more structured prompts … Teacher comments: Parent Signature(s) and Comments:
Team Work Time Building a Daily Progress Report School Share
Building the Basic Cycles Morning Check-in Routine Teaching students when, where, how Teaching check-in coordinator Assess Acknowledge Set-up or Redirect Teacher Check-in/Check-out Routine Teach students when, where, how Teaching staff/faculty Set-up for success, positive momentum Evaluation Role play of when rip form…
Building the Basic Cycles Afternoon Check-out Routine Teach students when, where, how Teach CICO greeter data collection process, acknowledge success, encourage improvement. Consider self-recording system for older students Family Review Routine Teach family only to acknowledge success, sign Saras sheet
Check in Check out Staff Roll Out Work time
Student Recommended for CICO Check In Check Out (CICO) CICO is Implemented Parent Feedback Regular Teacher Afternoon Check-out Morning Check-in CICO Coordinator Summarizes Data For Decision Making Bi-weekly Meeting to Assess Student Progress Revise Program Exit Program 29
3-Tiered System of Support Necessary Conversations (Teams) Universal Team Secondary Systems Team Problem Solving Team Tertiary Systems Team Uses System data; determines overall intervention effectiveness Uses System data; determines overall intervention effectiveness Plans SW & Class-wide supports Standing team (SSIT); uses FBA/BIP process for one youth at a time CICO Universal Support Brief FBA/BIP Groups Complex FBA/BIP WRAP Group w. individual feature Brief FBA Sept. 1, 2009 30 30
Secondary Systems Planning Team Meeting Agenda Number of students participating in check in check out Number of students responding How do we support those not responding ( individualized features) Evaluate Check in Check out process New referrals Have audience review Reverse RFA briefly Add the Check in Check out self assessment 31
Tier 2/Tier 3 (Secondary/Tertiary) Interventions Tracking Tool School Name: __________________________________ School Total Pop:________ Interventions Check in/Check out (CICO) with individual features Behavior Pathway (Brief FBA/BIP) Students Participating Responding Students participating September October November December January February March April May Total for Year
Date ________ Student _______________Teacher___________________ HAWK Report Date ________ Student _______________Teacher___________________ 0 = Not Yet 1= Good 2= Excellent Be Safe Be Respectful Be Your Personal Best Teacher initials Keep hands, feet, and objects to self Use kind words and actions Follow directions Working in class Class 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 Recess Lunch 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 Total Points = Points Possible = 50 Today ______________% Goal ______________%
Check in check out individual features Who might these student be in your building? What would be the individual features. Design one Individualized Ch in Ch out at your table.
3-Tiered System of Support Necessary Conversations (Teams) Universal Team Secondary Systems Team Problem Solving Team Tertiary Systems Team CICO Universal Support Brief FBA/BIP Groups Complex FBA/BIP WRAP Group w. individual feature Brief FBA/BIP Sept. 1, 2009 35 35
Team Work Time Complete Model of Support specific to your school Include blank slide specific to your school – by who is participating at each team
Data Collection tool Sara
Common Road Blocks Finding the right person to be the consistent CI/CO greeter. Entering data Teacher willingness to participate Keeping it simple and consistent Kim will look into this for better slides
Team Work Time Guiding Questions 2-5 DO we want to use this??
CI/CO Action Planning Complete CI/CO Self Assessment *****Give yourselves permission to TAKE YOUR TIME and DO IT RIGHT!!!!!*****
Pilot Plan
Good Bye -Looking at the Agenda List what you have learned and feel ready to implement -What do you still need?