CHANGING ROLES OF THE DIAGNOSTICIAN Consultants to being part of an Early Intervention Team
Assessment? “An RTI process does not replace the need for a comprehensive evaluation. A public agency must use a variety of data gathering tools and strategies even if an RTI process is used.” (IDEA regulations) Psychological processes are a key component of the LD definition.
What do we do? Assessment personnel identify patterns of cognitive strengths and weaknesses that impact particular areas of academic achievement Assessment personnel add information as to why a given student may not be responding to any given instruction.
What else? Assessment personnel provide information of specific learning style strengths and weaknesses needed for the development and implementation of individualized instruction
What is Integrated Model Framework (IMF) IMF is RTI combined with norm- referenced cognitive academic achievement and behavioral evaluations
Moving On……. Evaluation personnel will move beyond traditional ability achievement models of the past and focus on interpretation from a processing and RTI perspective
New and Expanded Roles Roles will be defined within the tier system and may overlap Roles may include: professional development trainings, administration, implementation, interpretation of universal screenings, CBM implementation and interpretation, collection, and interpretation of CBM, including goal setting and charting of probe results, and collaboration with teachers, administrative, and related personnel staff, and parents
Expanded Roles Assist in the selection of evidence based interventions and programs Contribute in decisions regarding effectiveness of selected interventions and programs Provide school on research-based instructional practices Participate in the monitoring of intervention implementation, execution of integrity checks Observations
Our Roles Continued Administration of norm-referenced cognitive and achievement testing As well as continuing three year re- evaluations, transfers, manifestations, and dismissals.
What Do We Need ? As evaluation personnel move into roles as consultants to the general education classroom, they will require training in the areas of executing and interpreting CBM data and other progress monitoring tools (Universal Screenings), intervention programs, and charting
EVALUATION PERSONNEL ROLES IN TIER I Collaborate in the development of RTI team procedures Provide Universal Screening Training Assist, coordinate, and supervise class-wide Universal Screenings Observe Students in the instructional environment in order to help identify appropriate intervention strategies, identify barriers to intervention, and assist in the collection of RTI data
Continued TIER I Assist in identifying students who are non-responsive to Tier I instruction Assist in identifying students in need of Tier II evidence-based interventions.
EVALUATION PERSONNEL ROLES IN TIER II Assist in the identification and implementation of Tier II evidenced-based interventions Provide integrity checks for Tier II interventions Assist in identifying students who are non- responsive to Tier II evidence-based interventions Collect observational data
Continued Tier II Assist in identifying students in need of Tier III evidence- based interventions Assist in the development of Tier III interventions
EVALUATION PERSONNEL ROLES IN TIER III Provide integrity checks for Tier III interventions Assist in identifying students who are non-responsive to Tier III evidence- based interventions Collect observational data Assist in identifying students in need of Tier III evidence-based interventions
Tier IV (Referral) Conduct observations data Conduct norm-referenced cognitive and achievement testing Write evaluation reports
Tier IV Continued Conduct consistent and ongoing consultation regarding RTI implementation issues with regard to all students needs Collaborate and obtain input from parents regarding RTI model Evaluate response data to use towards data-based decision making
Tier IV Continued Assist IEP committees in ensuring State Board of Education Rules and Regulations are followed