Henrico County Public Schools RtI Model
What is RtI? Basis for RtI—IDEIA 2004 Provides high quality instruction/intervention matched to student needs Offers a comprehensive multi-tiered intervention strategy Enables early identification and intervention Targets students at academic or behavioral risk
Multiple-Tiered Model of Service Delivery to Identified Students Tier I (80-85%)—high quality classroom instruction Tier II (10-15%)—in addition to classroom instruction, small group instruction – 90 minutes per week Tier III (5-10%)—intensive small group instruction—120 minutes per week
Tiered Levels of Instruction
HCPS Response To Intervention Model Intervention Model vs. Problem Solving Model Advantages Quality control, small group instruction based on similar areas of concern High degree of fidelity Efficient use of resource allocations Larger numbers—tier intervention
What does RtI look like on the elementary school level? Interventionists- Previous Prime Teachers- Intervention Station, Making Connections, Moving with Math Ongoing Planning/Data Input/Progress Monitoring Technology access
What does RtI look like on the secondary school level? Reading—grades 6-9—Achieve 3000 and Empower/Teen Biz Math—grades 6-9—Carnegie Learning Interventionists—identified classroom teachers May require additional courses
Behavioral Strategies – Problem Solving Model Tier I – School-wide discipline, staff and student training Tier II – Targeted groups, student coaching/mentoring, Check in –Check out, Student Action Plan Tier III – FBA/BIP, Data Driven, Possible referral to Sp. Ed.
Contacts rmmiller@henrico.k12.va.us rtexton@henrico.k12.va.us Current Pilots - 11 Elementary, 3 Middle Contacts rmmiller@henrico.k12.va.us rtexton@henrico.k12.va.us HCPS RtI Website: http://blogs.henrico.k12.va.us/rti/ Three Year Implementation Pilot Schools 2011-2012 Monitor and Adjust