Multi-Tier System of Support (MTSS)
Objective: By the end of this session, I will demonstrate my understanding of the MTSS system by describing the components and explaining how to implement them.
Self-Reflection What does quality Tier 1 instruction look like?
Tier I Interventions O Alternate seating in own space O Alternate modes of completing assignments O More structured routine O Organize materials daily
Tier I Interventions O Engage student O Explain assignment O Frequent eye contact O Model appropriate language
Tier I Interventions O Frequent home contact O Have student repeat directions back O Helping students with homework O Help student start assignment
Tier I Interventions O Teach conflict resolution skills, coping skills, and organizational skills O Touch base with student O Speak in calm and neutral tone O Redirection
Tier I Interventions O Break down directions O Small group instruction O Task analysis of lesson plan O Academic contracts O Behavioral contracts/plans
What is MTSS? A multi-tiered framework designed to maximize achievement for all students Focuses on outcomes through the systematic gathering of data to guide educational decisions Educational process which benefits all students, not just a system to categorize and refer students for Exceptional Education testing and qualification
Core Principles: We can effectively teach all children Intervene early Use a multi-tiered model of service delivery Use a problem-solving method to make decisions within a multi-tiered model Use research-based, scientifically validated interventions and instruction
Core Principles: Monitor student progress to inform instruction Use data to make decisions Use assessment in screening, diagnosis, and progress monitoring
What’s my Role? MTSS Team Member Responsibilities Campus Administration Case Manager Intervention Teacher Parents MTSS Campus Meeting Process & Organization
Referral Process Flow Chart
Next Steps
Reflection Explain the value of MTSS in a 12 word summary.