June 9, 2009Kentucky Sales Rep Pat Ryan1 Tier I: Screening & Group Interventions Study Island collects progress monitoring data reflected in real-time reports to quickly display achievement areas where students are falling behind. Study Island’s “Comparison Report”, extracted from the Individual Student Report, shows a student’s progressive performance against their class, their school grade level, and other Kentucky students in the same grade level. Study Island and Response to Intervention
June 9, 2009Kentucky Sales Rep Pat Ryan2
June 9, 2009Kentucky Sales Rep Pat Ryan3 Teachers can easily match instructional content to a student’s most adaptive learning mode. Students can accomplish work in electronic multiple choice or, one of 17 game formats or, printable worksheet or, classroom response system Tier II: Targeted Interventions Study Island and Response to Intervention
June 9, 2009Kentucky Sales Rep Pat Ryan4
June 9, 2009Kentucky Sales Rep Pat Ryan5 Teachers can assign work verbally in focused interaction or via electronic assignments. Use Study Island for small group instruction online or utilize the printable worksheet; both are designed to offer differentiated instruction for struggling students, while teachers provide regular, corrective feedback. Tier II: Targeted Interventions Study Island and Response to Intervention
June 9, 2009Kentucky Sales Rep Pat Ryan6 Study Island reporting tools allow teachers to narrow the focus on specific skill deficiencies. The Study Island Individual Student Report displays real-time data reflecting a student’s strengths and weaknesses. Tier III – Intensive Intervention Through More Frequent Progress Monitoring Study Island and Response to Intervention
June 9, 2009Kentucky Sales Rep Pat Ryan7 Teachers can easily pre-set report updates for recurring delivery to themselves, their administrators, or even a student’s parents. The Study Island Suggested Topics option categorizes a student’s work into priority tiers according to their weaknesses and strengths and allows teachers to efficiently develop a more targeted and individualized interventional instructional path. Tier III – Intensive Intervention Through More Frequent Progress Monitoring Study Island and Response to Intervention
June 9, 2009Kentucky Sales Rep Pat Ryan8
June 9, 2009Kentucky Sales Rep Pat Ryan9 The automatic, building block process allows students to gain proficiency at lower levels and work their way back up to their respective grade level. Teachers can also adjust passing goals or force students into alternative grade-level work, while blocking that student’s awareness of their assignment to lower grade level work. Study Island and Response to Intervention Tier III – Intensive Intervention Through More Frequent Progress Monitoring
June 9, 2009Kentucky Sales Rep Pat Ryan10 Features Remedial topic, also known as a Building Block Topic Lower difficulty level than the topic on which the student was working Can no longer attempt the original topic until the Building Block Topic is passed Passing this is represented by a white ribbon Student then must pass regular topic