Certain Access Behavioral RTI Chris Chris Weber Education
The Four C’s of RTI Collective responsibility Concentrated instruction Convergent assessment Certain access
Certain Access Certain access is a systematic process that guarantees every student receives the time and support needed to learn at high levels. Essential question: How do we get every student there?
Certain Access Effective interventions Systematic response
Three Critical Teams – Chapter 3 Teacher Teams School Leadership Team School Intervention Team
A Systematic Response Must … Identify Determine Monitor Revise Extend … regardless of the teacher.
Student Identification Universal screeningIdentify students who will need intensive help before they start to fail. Common assessment data Staff recommendation
Staff Recommendation At least every three weeks Every teacher
Determine Tier 1 to Tier 2 Who knows the student?
Schoolwide Guided Interventions Teacher-Team Guided Interventions Tier1 2 Tier 3
Teacher Teams Collective responsibility for essentials Concentrating and delivering instruction Converging evidence through common formative assessments Primary responsibility for ensuring access to the extra time and support
Select and unwrap essential student learning outcomes and develop a unit assessment plan. Analyze assessment and identify students in need of interventions. Introduce learning targets. Begin instruction. Analyze formative assessment results, provide interventions, and continue core instruction. Cycle of RTI p. 102
Schoolwide Guided Interventions Teacher-Team Guided Interventions Tier1 2 Tier 3 Teacher TeamLeadership Team
Schoolwide Leadership Teams Serve as guiding coalition for all continuous improvement practices –Consensus for collective responsibility –Lead universal screening efforts –Ensure all students are receiving time & support Allocate fiscal, temporal, personnel, and material resources Lead schoolwide behavioral RTI
Schoolwide Responsibilities Essential standardsEffort Attendance Behavior English Language Teacher Team Responsibilities
Monitor There is no RTI unless we frequently check to ensure that students are “responding.” Foundational skills Essential outcomes Behaviors CBMs CFAs CICO
Schoowide Guided Interventions Teacher-Team Guided Interventions Tier1 Tier 3 2
Identify Universal screening
Can we predict which students are at extreme risk of failing before we begin core instruction? What would the predictors be? Universal Screening
Oral Language Reading Writing Number sense English language Attendance Behavior
Tier 3 Schoolwide Responsibilities Writing Reading Number sense English language Effort Attendance Behavior
An Intervention Team Different Experiences, Expertise, and Perspective Principal Counselor Psychologist Speech therapist Special educators English language development specialist Reading specialist Librarian Community resource officer Nurse
Meet frequently. Pre-scheduled dates Document efficiently. Diagnose causes; determine solutions. An Intervention Team
Tier 2 to Tier 3 Increase intensity: Frequency & duration Specificity & targeted Ratio Professional development
Extend What if Tiers 1, 2, and 3 don’t work? Are our actions justified?
Tier 1 Viable, clearly defined curriculum Common assessments Differentiation Content, process, product, environment
Tier 1 Review standards, skills, & desired outcomes Prioritize outcomes Unpack, unwrap, deconstruct… …and GET TO DEEPLY KNOW the highest priority outcomes
Tier 1 Map the standards With time for assessment, instruction, preteaching, reteaching, collaboration, application, … Craft common assessments Plan for differentiated instruction
Tier 1 Deliver differentiated instruction Administer and analyze common assessments Identify effective instructional strategies Refine practices based on evidence
Tier 2 Can we predict that some students will need more time… …to master prioritized Tier 1 content… …in BOTH behavior and academics? Can we predict that some students will need an alternative approach… …to master prioritized Tier 1 content?
Tier 2 That’s Tier 2… more time… …alternative approaches… …to master prioritized Tier 1 content
Tier 2 “Buffer” time within the year and/or within the day More homogeneous groupings Time for intervention and enrichment Time to provide academic and behavioral supports
Tier 3 Can we predict… … that some students will have significant deficits in foundational prerequisite skills… …in BOTH behavior and academics… …and that in the absence of immediate, intensive supports, …they will fail to access essential outcomes, fall further behind, and become increasingly frustrated?
Tier 3 That’s Tier 3… …immediate, intensive, diagnostically- driven, and targeted supports… …to ameliorate significant deficits in foundational skills
Tier 3 Temporarily, in place of other important content, and creatively scheduled. When students would otherwise be working independently Alternating what students miss Adjusted to match needs and revised until the student is adequately responding to intervention.
What is the greatest “behavior” area of need at your site?
To change student behaviors Chang adult behaviors Behavior occurs everywhere, at all times requiring consistent, collaborative approaches Explicitly model the behaviors That staff want to see from students Better staff-student relationships = Better student behaviors Engaging, well-designed lessons within well-organized, predictable environments = Better student behavior
The leadership, guidance, and active involvement of the principal and schoolwide team What gets measured, gets done…evidence PLCs RTI Predictable and proactive
RTI 1.Collectively, proactively respond when students are not responding to instruction and intervention 2.Commit to schoolwide Behavioral RTI 3.Screen Collaboratively prepare for Tier 1 and 2 4. Prepare Tier 3 and Tier 1 for students
Behavior Manual Screen and support Proactive Tier 1 behavioral content Expectations Tier 1 behavioral instruction Teach Tier 1 behavioral assessment Evidence Tier 1 behavioral reinforcement Feedback Tier 2 assessment Diagnose Tier 2 strategies Interventions Tier 3 Functional Behavioral Analysis (FBA) Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)
Screen and Support Tier 1 differentiation Tier 3 interventions Formal behavior screeners SRSS SIBSS Behavior screening template
Tier 1 Behavioral Content Social and academic behaviors 21 st century skills College and career readiness skills Learning and life strategies Self-regulation Executive functioning Sample school topics
Tier 1 Behavioral Instruction Schoolwide instruction Tier 1 differentiated Behavioral instruction within academics Morning meetings Consistent classroom management, routines, procedures, and expectations
Tier 1 Behavior Assessment Evidence gathering Behavior documentation forms Walk-through protocols
Tier 1 Behavioral Reinforcement Acknowledging the positive Corrections and pre-corrections De-escalating
Tier 2 Assessment General diagnostic interview Specific diagnostic interviews Monitoring and mentoring through CICO
Tier 2 Strategies Target behavior(s) Re-teach Specify pre-corrections Specify de-escalations Target strategies Teach student strategies Support staff
Tier 3 Formal Functional Behavior Analysis (FBA) Formal Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)
Leadership Present Proactive Positive Measure Monitor Communicate Follow-through Support
Thank You! Chris Chris Weber Education To schedule professional development at your site, contact Solution Tree at