PURSUIT and G/T Response to Intervention (RtI)
Shifting our Thinking Wisconsin’s Comprehensive Integrated Gifted Programming Model The basis for the PURSUIT model of G/T education Please note the support functions along the slide. These have always been provided and will continue to be provided in the new version of the program.
G/T Response to Intervention (RtI) StrugglersGifted
PURSUIT Model and 3 Tier RtI Model
Identification G/T identification in our district is being revised to align with Response to Intervention (RtI). Some new data/measures will be used, and some data we currently have will be used, e.g. MAP scores. Initial aptitude testing has been completed, and we’re awaiting results. Students’ parents will be notified that their child has been identified. Notification should occur in February. Students identified this year will continue to be identified next year. Identification will be on-going. New students will be identified as new information becomes available. Provisions for identified students will be adjusted as new information becomes available.
Tier 1: High Quality Universal Instruction Lauren Croix will take the lead on this (K-12): “Little d” differentiation: in-class, every day Lauren will help teachers with: How to use pre-assessments to identify students who need more challenge within my classroom How to manage a differentiated classroom How to differentiate homework How to construct tiered assignments How to use questioning to differentiate classroom experiences for children. Robin will assist in this as needed.
Tier 2: Gifted kids who need opportunities beyond the classroom Lauren will serve K-5. Robin will serve “Big D” differentiation and service to students Lauren and Robin will divide this responsibility by grade levels: “Big D” differentiation: Working with teachers on planning and implementing “Big D” differentiation for upper Tier 2 and Tier 3 students in a subject, e.g. compacting, small group provisions, etc. Service to Students: We will devote at least one day per week to meeting with gifted students during intervention/enrichment periods (K-8) and Flex Time at the high school. K-8 will feature work with the Junior Great Books program. The emphasis this year will be on ELA: reading, writing, thinking, analyzing, etc.
Tier 3: The most highly gifted and the underserved Robin will take the lead on this (K-12). Robin will work with teachers, parents and students on students whose needs exceed even what the Tier 2 provisions provide. This will also include any student who is exhibiting more potential than test scores show or who isn’t working up to his/her potential. This may be a G/T student at any Tier.
As New Information Becomes Available All programming options have not been identified yet. We are focusing on G/T RtI this year, which means reading and math. ELA will be the focus for direct service this year. However, we are supporting differentiation across the board. We hope to have future parent meetings to share additional information once we have it.