1.What do we want students to learn? 2.How will we know when students do learn? 3.How will we respond when students don’t learn? 4.How will we enrich and extend the learning of proficient students?
RTI is a systematic, timely and direct intervention to students who are struggling to grasp curriculum being taught in the classroom setting. RTI is a proactive approach instead of reactive approach in that it moves away from remediation and in to intervention.
In March 2011 approximately 88% of students at Nathan Hale H.S. were At- Risk of failing one or more of their classes. At-Risk is defined as a student having a D or an F in one or more classes. A majority of the 88% of At-Risk students had a number of zeros from missing assignments.
M/T/W/Th Flip Flop Friday 80 min. 8:45 – 10:05 Period 1/2Same 20 min.10:05 – 10:25DIRTSame 80 min.10:30 – 11:50Period 3/4Same 20 min. 11:55 – 12:15A LunchSame 80 min.12:20 – 1:40A Period 5/6Same 35 min. 11:55 – 12:30B Period 5/6Same 20 min. 12:35 – 12:55 B LunchSame 40 min.1:00 – 1:40B Period 5/6Same 80 min.11:55 – 1:15C Period 5/6Same 20 min.1:20 – 1:40C LunchSame 55 min.1:45 – 2:40RTI/N.A.T.E Teachers As Advisors 80 min.2:45 – 4:05Period 7/8Same One of the most important things we can do for RTI to be successful is to implement an uninterrupted time during the school day for academic intervention and enrichment.
The first three (3) weeks of school will be a time for students to establish their grades. This time will be used to introduce students to Nathan Hale expectations, to go over the Student and Family Guide to Success and to introduce the students to what RTI is and how it is going to work. On Friday, at the end of the third week (and every Friday thereafter) students will report to advisory instead of N.A.T.E. or Ranger Time to get an update on their grades and to find out their placement for the following week. Student in good standing will be given wristbands that they must wear in order to get into Ranger Time. Students who do not get a wrist band will be required to attend N.A.T.E. for enrichment N.A.T.E. will cycle weekly, therefore a student who is placed in N.A.T.E. on Friday must remain in N.A.T.E. until the following Friday even if they get their grades to a satisfactory level in the middle of the week.
Over the course of the last school year, Nathan Hale H.S. reduced number of at- risk students by 22 percentage points even though our enrollment went up by students.
A difference of 176 students
Tuesday-Friday Bell Schedule Period 1/2 8:20-9:40 Tutoring/ Break 9:40-10:00 80 Minutes + 20 Tutoring Period 3/4 10:05-11:25 Tutoring/ Break 11:25- 11:45 80 Minutes + 20 Tutoring Lunch A 11:50-12:10 Period 5/6 A 12:15- 1:30 Tutoring 1:30-1:50 75 Minutes + 20 Tutoring Period 5/6 B 11:50-12:20 12:45-1:30 Lunch B 12:20- 12:40 Tutoring 1:30-1:50 75 Minutes + 20 Tutoring Period 5/6 C 11:50-12:50 1:15-1:30 Lunch C 12:50-1:10 Tutoring 1:30-1:50 75 Minutes + 20 Tutoring Period 7/8 1:55-3:15 Tutoring/ DIRT 3:15- 3:35 80 Minutes + 20 Tutoring Monday Bell Schedule Period 1 8:20-9:05 45 Minutes Period 2 9:10-9:55 45 Minutes Period 3 10:00- 10:45 45 Minutes Period 4 10:50- 11:35 45 Minutes Lunch A 11:40- 12:00 Period 5A 12:05- 12:55 50 Minutes Period 5B 11:40- 12:05 12:30- 12:50 B Lunch 12:05- 12:25 45 Minutes Period 5C 11:40- 12:25 C Lunch 12:30- 12:50 45 Minutes Period 6 12:55-1:40 45 Minutes Co- curricular 1:45-2:25 40 Minutes Period 7 2:30-3:15 45 Minutes Period 8 3:20-4:05 45 Minutes
PODS – Points of Discussion Administrator Kansas Jayhawks Teacher Students 1200 Students 10 Admin./Counselors/Deans 120 Students each 5 teacher = 24 students per teacher.
1.What do we want students to learn? Identify Essential Standards ; Common Lessons; Common Formative/Summative Assessments 2.How will we know when students do learn? Examine Data 3.How will we respond when students don’t learn? Response to Intervention 4.How will we enrich and extend the learning of proficient students? Teacher collaboration; sharing of best practices; increase A.P. certified staff; increase A.P. course offerings/concurrent enrollment.