Response to Intervention RtI RtI is an instructional approach focused on the prevention of learning difficulties Agenda Overview of RtI From SST to RtI.


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Presentation transcript:

Response to Intervention RtI RtI is an instructional approach focused on the prevention of learning difficulties Agenda Overview of RtI From SST to RtI Exceed RtI Exceed What is it? How will we use it?

W HAT IS R T I? Response to intervention integrates assessment and intervention within a multi-level prevention system to maximize student achievement and to reduce behavioral problems. With RTI, schools use data to: Identify students at risk for poor learning outcomes Monitor student progress Provide evidence-based interventions and adjust the intensity and nature of those interventions depending on a student’s responsiveness - National Center for Response to Intervention

W HY R T I? No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and 2004 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) both: Focus on prevention Fund intervention for at-risk students Use assessment to drive instruction Provide instruction for K–3 students, including K–12 special education Provide common curriculum for all students An opportunity to reduce special ed referrals and see how many students we could reach without special ed referrals


W HAT D OES E ACH T IER I NVOLVE ? Tier I: Core classroom instruction that all students receive, assessment of student progress three times per- Units of Inquiry, Envision Math, benchmark assessments, FOSS, Estrellita/Bien Dicho, Grammar book (French) year, and ongoing professional development Tier II: Intervention (additional instruction) and frequent progress monitoring (e.g., every 2 weeks) that struggling learners receive Tier III: More intensive intervention and frequent progress monitoring that students with extreme learning difficulties receive when not making adequate progress in Tier 1 and 2

What RtI IS?What RtI is NOT? A way to provide strong instruction for ALL students A structured way to provide intervention within the classroom A process for monitoring student progress A team effort A way to ensure that all kids get the interventions they need to be successful. A way to get kids in Special Education The responsibility on 1 teacher A replacement for good core instruction

T IER 1- C OMMON EXPERIENCES FOR STUDENTS Units of Inquiry Envision Math Benchmark assessments FOSS Estrellita/Bien Dicho & Grammar book (French) year SBRC and common body of evidence Middle School- Common grading policies by content area K-5 Common homework

T IER 2 I NTERVENTIONS Power hour Interventions provided by the classroom teacher Learning Upgrade/ MS Advisory Small group double dosing- Supported by resource staff What happens when Tier 2 interventions don’t work?

W HAT DID THE DATA SHOW ? Results from Pilot Power Hour and Overall CST results: English Learners reached their targets! School wide, students in all other grades improved between 5% to 12% on the CST But our 4 th grade Power Hour English Language Learners averaged a tremendous improvement of 21.7%! Reclassification data: ’07 10 RFEP students ‘o8 15 RFEP students ’ RFEP students ‘ RFEP students That’s an improvement of 145% over 2 years!

T IER 2- M ONITORING STUDENTS What methods and programs to use How do we monitor student progress Teachers select and plan for target students Monitoring sheets are submitted 4 times a year Benchmarks assessments 3 times a year English learner progress monitoring Parent contact Lunch time detention/ teacherease assignment monitoring

S HOULD INTERVENTIONS BE PROVIDED IN STUDENTS ’ FIRST LANGUAGE, SECOND LANGUAGE OR BOTH ? Tara Fortune and Mandy Menke: Struggling Learners & Language Immersion Education Provides an overview of the research and suggests that: Consider the needs of each learner More English doesn’t equal better results BUT less Spanish will affect the development of strong Spanish skills Spanish speakers initially will benefit from Spanish interventions- monitor and add English interventions

F ROM SST TO R T I E XCEED What’s the same? Students that are at-risk will continue to be monitored and supported Interventions by classroom teacher and resource staff RtI meetings will still be scheduled by the counselor What’s different? SST meeting will now be called RtI meetings Interventions will be documented in Exceed prior to an RtI meeting Interventions will need to be data driven and documented