10/16/2008 Gerald D. Nunn, Ph.D., NCSP2
4/23/2010 TIA and RTI4 Best PracticeTIARTIBrand X Validated by Student Success Indicators? Yes Maybe Implemented with Practical Instruction and Intervention Methods in Mind? Yes Maybe Developed from Authentic Experience in Classrooms? Yes Maybe Supported by Research Evidence, Scientifically-Based? Yes Maybe Grounded in Sound Theory Consistent with Empirical Validation by Educators? Yes Maybe Training Methods are Pragmatic, Relevant, and Aligned with Teacher and Student Needs? Yes Maybe TIA RTI
10/16/2008 Gerald D. Nunn, Ph.D., NCSP 5 TIA
I dentify D efine E xplore A ct on I-Plan L ook at Results Systematic Problem Solving (IDEAL) Multi-Method & Multi-Source Assessment (ICEL-RIOT) Use of Evidence-Based Interventions I-Plan Fidelity and Integrity Progress Monitoring of Results Data-Based Decision-Making
4/23/2010 TIA and RTI7 Educators reported Improved student outcomes. Staff report better collaboration on interventions. Teacher Efficacy for Positive Outcomes Increased Students Academics & Behavior Improved (Reading SD) ICEL-RIOT Assessment Improved “Clairity” of learning process Staff increased “ownership” and accountability for student success.
4/23/2010 TIA and RTI8 ICEL-RIOT MatrixReviewInterviewObserveTest Instruction Curriculum Environment Learner Characteristics
4/23/2010 TIA and RTI9