Mandra RTI Project Resolution of approved but undisbursed amount
Brief History Association for India’s Development ( RTI 1 efforts in Purulia District of West Bengal Sanitizing BPL lists NREGA 2 Job Cards, Wage payment delays Pensions for widows, senior Public Distribution System Corruption in Public Infrastructure Projects Increasing awareness about RTI Self sufficiency among public in filing RTI applications Using key human resources like students, self help groups, youth clubs, etc Public meetings and camps Peaceful Agitations and Protests 1 Right to Information Act 2 National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
Funding History Association for India’s Development ( Proposed Budget = Rs. 584,800 1 Approved by Boston = Rs. 476,000 1 Allocated budget for the year was $10,000 1 Disbursed amount = Rs. 300,000 1 CRF # 3485 Outstanding amount = Rs. 176,000 withheld pending a site visit Rajarshi has completed a site visit report was presented on 11 September Minutes from 2011 May 22
VOTE Association for India’s Development ( AID Boston votes to send the remaining amount of Rs. 176,000 towards the Mandra RTI Project. Yes: No: Abstainees: Observers: