Response to Intervention SCI Coach Academy
The Complete Child
Task Card- Whole Child Activity Task Card 1. Look at all of the pieces in your envelope and create a unique child. 2. Divide your team to focus on an individual icon/body part. 3. Utilize your ‘specialist’ lens to establish each body part/icon as it pertains to the RtI process. 4. What key people on your campus play a role in the development of your child? 5. Use the index cards to document key people on campus that contribute to the success of the child and how can each part help or hinder academic progress or social behavior? 6. Use the butcher paper to assemble your child with the corresponding index cards. 7. Be ready to present your completed child to the group.
Gallery Walk Make observations about the differences in each child. Use a Post-It note to give each group some feedback.
RtI Review
Video Let’s identify the process watch?v=04- fDELnReE&feature=youtube _gdata_player watch?v=04- fDELnReE&feature=youtube _gdata_player
Activity 1 Flowchart Kagan Structure- Timed Pair Share
RtI Documentation
Activity #2
Task Card Look at all the cards and shapes in your envelope. Each of these pieces fits in one or more of the RtI tiers. Have a discussion with your team about the appropriate tier for each structure, assessment, and resource. Some pieces may be included in more than one tier.
Math CSCOPE 1-5% 5-10% 80-90% I-STATION (4-5) MSTAR Interventions on Project Share TMSDS (3-12) Circle Manual (PreK) Number Worlds (PreK) Exploring Math MacMillan Differentiated Lessons Interventionist Ignite (3-8) United Streaming (K-12) MacMillan (K-5) Number World (PreK) Imagine It (PreK) Building Blocks (PreK) Millie’s Math House (PreK) School Readiness Kit (PreK) CSCOPE/Eduphoria Unit Assessments (K-12) CSCOPE Performance Indicators (K-12) Guided Math (K-5) TMSDS Project Share Mathematics Readers Core Math Program and Interventions All Students Universal Screening Effective with Majority of Students Differentiated Instruction Targeted Group Interventions Supplemental Math Program Additional Instructional Time Some Students (at-risk) Targeted Interventions Aligned with Tier 1 Instruction Progress Monitoring Intensive and Individualized Interventions Different Core Math Program Assessment-Based o Diagnostic Assessment o Progress Monitoring High Intensity Longer Duration Number Worlds TCM MacMillan Math Assessment Exploring Math Assessments MacMillan Math Assessment Exploring Math Assessments
Reading Lexia Wilson- DRD TPRI/Tejas Lee Intervention iStation CSCOPE Intensive Intervention Targeted Interventions Universal Screener iStation 1-5% 5-10% 80-90% Destination Reading (PreK-12 FCRR (K-5) iStation (K-5) TPRI/Tejas Lee IGUA (PreK-3) Circle Manual (PreK) ELL Scholastic Leveled Library Scholastic Leveled Library United Streaming (K-12) CSCOPE Moving Into English (K-5) Time for Kids Kits (K-5) MacMillan (K-5) Frog Street Live (PreK) Circle manual (PreK) Bailey’s Book House (PreK) Imagine It (PreK) School Readiness Kit – (PreK) CSCOPE Performance Indicators (K-12) DRA Progress Monitoring iStation Progress Monitoring iStation Core Reading Program and Interventions All Students Universal Screening Effective with Majority of Students Differentiated Instruction Targeted Group Interventions Supplemental Reading Program Additional Instructional Time Some Students (at-risk) Targeted Interventions Aligned with Tier 1 Instruction Progress Monitoring Targeted Group Interventions Supplemental Reading Program Additional Instructional Time Some Students (at-risk) Targeted Interventions Aligned with Tier 1 Instruction Progress Monitoring DRA
Lunch 45 Minutes
Make and Take
We will be splitting up into groups- 1. K-2 Reading 2. K-2 Math Reading Math Each group will focus on finding interventions for their corresponding subject, grade, and reading component/NCTM standards Task Card
Example K-2 Reading Team members will find interventions for each reading component using-FCRR, TPRI Intervention Guide or iStation. Look closely to find the best intervention for your RtI toolbox.
Comprehension FCRR 3.26 FCRR 5.5 Fluency TPRI Guide p.25 Race to the Top TPRI Guide p.32 Reader’s Theatre Phonemic Awareness FCRR K.2 Rhyme Time iStation activity 8 Phonics iStation activity 12 FCRR 3.23 Vocabulary FCRR K.2 Rhyme Time iStation activity 8
Scenarios Presented by Ms. Chacon, Principal of Hueco Elementary
Thank You