A C OMMON F RAMEWORK FOR 21 ST C ENTURY E MPLOYABILITY S KILLS October 14, 2014 National Career Pathways Network The work reported herein by RTI International was supported by the U.S. Department of Education, award number EDVAE10O0102
Overview Why do employability skills matter? Employability Skills Framework – Website overview – Assessment selection tool – Recently added features Discussion: How can the Framework be used to better integrate employability skills into programs of study?
Why Do Employability Skills Matter?
What Are Employability Skills? One of three sets of skills critical to workplace success Often described as skills that won’t get you hired, but can help keep you from getting fired.
Types of Employability Skills Applied Knowledge – Integration of academic and technical skills Effective Relationships – Interpersonal skills and personal qualities that enable individuals to interact with others Workplace Skills – Analytic and organizational skills and understanding required to perform work tasks
Employability Skills Framework Website Demonstration:
What Is the Employability Skills Framework Website? One-stop resource for information on employability skills for instructors, administrators, employers, students, and more – Purpose: support the instruction and assessment of employability skills – Definition: general skills that are necessary for success in the labor market at all employment levels and in all industry sectors
Site Content Interactive skills framework Crosswalk with academic and technical skills Criteria and tool for selecting an assessment Innovative examples of employability skills instruction Audience-based landing pages
Discussion Topic
Using Employability Skills How can the Framework be used to better integrate employability skills into programs of study? What opportunities do you see? What challenges do you face? What supports will you need?
Get Involved!
Get Involved Join our community and share employability skills examples and resources See announcements from OCTAE at PCRN: Share the Employability Skills Framework and its resources with your colleagues
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