Evaluating the Impact of Integrating Viral Hepatitis Services for HIV and STD Prevention Moderator: Danni Lentine
Evaluation Methods Presenter: Danni Lentine, CDC Example from NYC (IDU Utilization) Presenter: Robin R. Hennessy, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Example from Denver (Viral Hepatitis Prevention Services at Denver Public Health) Presenter: Julie Subiadur, Denver Public Health
CDC/RTI Evaluation of Hepatitis Integration on HIV Prevention Background: Many similarities in risk behaviors for viral hepatitis, HIV, and STDs Existing service settings (e.g., STD clinics, HIV CTS, jails) are good venues to provide viral hepatitis services CDC, Division of Viral Hepatitis funded 18 demonstration projects in 2000 Evaluation includes CDC funded sites and sites that are not funded by CDC
Collaborators RTI International Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention, CDC Division of Viral Hepatitis, CDC National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors (NASTAD)
CDC/RTI Evaluation of Hepatitis Integration on HIV Prevention GOALS: 1. Measure the impact of adding viral hepatitis services (e.g., HAV and HBV immunization, HCV counseling and testing, and referrals) on HIV, STD, and hepatitis prevention 2. Identify “environmental” and programmatic factors that contribute to successful programs, and how common barriers have been addressed.
CDC/RTI Evaluation of Hepatitis Integration on HIV Prevention METHODS: Case studies to describe the experience of selected integration sites. Primarily qualitative, supplemented by quantitative data, and include a pre- and post-integration assessment. The “unit of analysis” is the facility
Hepatitis Integration Site Visits States Visited Health Department Viral Hepatitis Integration Project (VHIP) STD Clinics (11) Jail (4) HIV/CTS (7) Indian Health Service/ Substance Abuse (1) Alaska Hawaii Denver, CO San Francisco, CA San Diego, CA Texas Portland, OR Seattle, WA Florida New York, NY Puerto Rico Illinois
METHODS: Interviews with integration staff (e.g., administrative, direct service, data-related) Observe program operations and observe clinic sessions, and Analyze existing data (e.g., infection rates, testing rates and results, number of referrals and vaccinations, cost data) CDC/RTI Evaluation of Hepatitis Integration on HIV Prevention
METHODS: Year-by-year analysis of viral hepatitis HIV, and STD activities (e.g., clinic visits, vaccine doses administered, HIV tests, HIV positives identified, hepatitis C testing, etc) Semi-quantitative scale CDC/RTI Evaluation of Hepatitis Integration on HIV Prevention
Dissemination plans: Final report expected this summer Journal Publications Program examples and other guides