TARANGO (Training Assistance and Rural Advancement Non Government Organization)
Established: 1989 Mission: To contribute to the establishment of a just and poverty free society by organizing and training the most disadvantaged women through its highly committed and skill workers. Main Program: Women entrepreneurship development Village savings and loan association Gender and human right promotion Leadership training. Income generating and micro finance activity
Working areas: Dhaka, Barishal, Dinajpur, Gopalgonj, Faridpur, Tangail, Lalmonirhat, Borguna, Cox’s Bazar and Bandarban We export: Germany, Spain, Italy, Britain, India and few other countries. Our beneficiary: At least women are directly involved with us
Establishing a Fair Trade Handicraft Business for Indigenous Communities in Bandarban Nov 2011 – Oct 2014
Tarango is an NGO Goal of the Project Contributing towards sustainable livelihood improvement of 750 extreme poor households indigenous community of Bandarban through crafts based skill development, production and Market linking – Based on the motto of fair trade handicraft business. Goal of the Project
Project Location/Working area DistrictUpazilaUnionNr of Village/Para BandarbanRowangchariR/Chari Sador20 Alikhyong14 Nowapatang17 Taracha20 71
Who will benefited? Main target Beneficiary Secondary target Beneficiary Skilled practitioners - mostly senior citizens holding traditional craft skills and product knowledge - Extremely poor families - Indigenous (70% Women) - Differently able people - Women-headed families
CraftsNo of Beneficiary Hand Loom100 Waist Loom150 Sewing50 Bamboo Craft150 Wood Craft150 Natural Craft Craft Based Household Beneficiary
Criteria of HH Beneficiary Essential CriteriaCodeSupplementary CriteriaCode Household income is less than Tk. 2,000 /month. 90Food consumption less than 3 meals daily for year round 7 No access to Financial networks/MFl 13Household includes disable or economically inactive member 21 Productive assets value less than Tk. 1,000/- 123Child labour dependent household 44 The household members are in occupation day labourer OR Currently cultivating less than 10 decimal of land Jum land only) 26 &121 No fixed assets (furniture, TV, solar system, radio etc) 52 Interested and Skilled or experienced in indigenous handicraft 178Widow/ divorced/separated and abandoned women as head of household 63 Do not receive government safety nets & Only one income earner in the household 70 & 84
Understanding of Indigenous Crafts and Artisan Skill Improved 100 types of market oriented new craft developed and promoted Project Output 30 craft based group formed and Artisan skills developed. Production Equipments, raw materials and sapling distributed and income increased.
Collection of indigenous handicrafts of 200 items. Interaction and sharing with indigenous skilled artisans on collection, promotion and preservation of indigenous handicrafts. Understanding of Indigenous Crafts and Artisan Skill Improved 100 types of market oriented new craft developed and promoted Establishment of Crafts Emporium Market Oriented Diversified Product Development. Promotional activities of crafts/handicrafts.
Craft based Group Formed Artisan skill developed Baseline Survey and formation of craft based group. Craft-based cluster group formation: Develop beneficiary database information:. Organize orientation and experience sharing meetings with 750 beneficiaries. Capacity building of project beneficiary.
Production equipments, raw materials, agriculture inputs, sapling, distributed and income increased Set up of Training cum Production Unit, Sale Centre and Museum. Distribution of equipment, raw materials and sapling to the beneficiary. Distribution of seedlings/saplings and agricultural IGA inputs. Savings Mechanism for beneficiary.
Graduation Process Identify and select 750 beneficiary Enhance craftsmen skill through training and capacity building. Investment on Equipment and Raw Material Produce qualitative products and marketing. Establish Crafts Emporium for promotion * Profit sharing and saving mechanism. Provide design, quality support for marketable products Establish their market linkage with international fair trade buyers. Start own operation with the support of Group Representatives and TARANGO
Why it is Innovative ? It is innovative, because: Fair Trade Introduce an alternative and standards-based trading Practice of the indigenous handicraft business. Revival of endangered indigenous crafts Research and documentation, community mobilization, skills transfer and development, and product development Establish Craft Emporium Sales outlet (including for export), training cum product development unit and small craft museum
A way to Sustainability Skilled artisan will continue to produce the market-oriented products in their homes. Craft emporium will play an important supportive role - (Skill training, product development, sales and promotion) Initial investment supports used as craft Business development continuously. Support plantation and promote awareness of environmental issues and global warming, and use of eco-friendly materials Skilled Producer Production Facilities Fair-trade Business Operation MARKET
In the process of project progression,,, Completed inception period in March 2012: -Baseline survey -Primary selection -Verification and approval by shiree team -Completed CMS1 -Traditional craft collection in process. -Beneficiary orientation in process.
Our experiences … lesson ….. learning The project staff should be oriented well to work with extreme poor project and communities. Languages barrier. Traditional mentality of indigenous communities; Criteria of extremely poor is extremely exceptional for hilly areas Hard to reach communication delay implementing process. Craftsmen are merely interested on a limited number of handicrafts.
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